About the mechanism of below hydrocarbons inflows

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-9-15-17
Key words: mechanics, inflow, hydrostatic pressure, litostatic pressure, hydrocarbons, methane, domain
Authors: E.V. Lozin (RN-BashNIPIneft, LLC, RF, Ufa)

In article demonstrate scheme of mechanism to form domains with different energy potential in upper mantle and earthly crust. This mechanism proposed by T. Gold (USA). According present mechanism the inflow of hydrocarbons exist below to earthly crust based on following established phenomena: 1) large spread hydrocarbons in Solar System; 2) origin of hydrocarbons according Fischer – Tropsch process; 3) stable hydrocarbons against thermal dissociation under high temperature and presser; 4) deep-seated origin of methane, which plays a role of a solvent to hydrocarbons include heavy ones. The scheme of formation domains as objects with interconnection crack porous divided impermeable zones occurs in regions with slight concentration of hydrocarbons. Only in this case, methane moving upward, capturing scattered helium (and argon) along the way and saturated with volatile components under conditions of static equilibrium in the rocks, is able to create a pressure in the upper part of the forming lower domain that exceeds the lithostatic (geostatic) pressure. When the ultimate strength of rocks is exceeded, a short-term rupture of their continuity and "overflow" of fluids through the impermeable zone into the upper domain with hydrostatic pressure and subsequent “sealing” of the lower domain occur. The described mechanism determines the stepwise character of the curve of the change in gyrostatic pressure with depth with its periodic transition to the curve of geostatic pressure.

The real geology of modern oil and gas bearing areas causes different interpretations of the proposed mechanism. Of these, the most relevant is the assumption that this mechanism allows to expect the formation of the next domain in discovered oil and gas bearing areas, where there are all hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and other conditions for this.


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