Determining traps of lithological type of BU15 formation within Vostochno-Messoyakhskiy license area based on lithofacies analysis

Authors: E.A. Potapova, L.A. Dubrovina (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

Key words: Vostochno-Messoyakhskiy license area, geological structure, facies analysis, traps of lithological type.

The article introduces the results of geology and geophysics data integral analysis based on determination of depositional environment. The work objective is to build an actual lithofacies model. The model resulted from conducted research serves as a basis for reserves and resources estimation within the studied formation as well as for effective placement of exploration wells. Based on facies division of reservoirs, presumed traps of lithological type are determined and shaling lines between wells with different WOC level are justified.

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