Peculiarities of structure and formation of oil reservoirs in carbonate rocks of Tournaisian stage of the Republic of Tatarstan

Authors: E.A. Korolev, V.P. Morozov, A.N. Kolchugin (Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technology, Kazan Federal University, RF, Kazan)

As a result of comprehensive research of limestone Tournaisian stage, the authors identified two major structural and genetic types of carbonate rocks with different petrophysical properties. The most productive limestone is packstone from Kizelovsky horizon. They have high porosity and permeability. Wackestone of Cherepetsky horizon are low-productivity reservoirs. Analysis of carbonate rocks Tournaisian stage showed that the major geological factors, that determined the anisotropy of petrophysical properties of limestone, are the conditions of sedimentation and fluid dynamics of the sedimentary basin. The results of research voids of limestones can reasonably choose the scheme of exploration oil reservoirs of the Tournaisian stage.

Key words: Tournaisian stage, oil reservoirs, limestone, genesis.


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