Carbon capture, use and storage pilot project on the example of Salym group of fields

UDK: 622.691.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-12-64-69
Key words: carbon dioxide, sequestration technologies, safe disposal, geological formations, transport of carbon dioxide, economic effect
Authors: D.I. Zhigulina (Gazpromneft STC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), M.Yu. Prudskiy (Gazpromneft STC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), B.V. Malyshev (Gazpromneft STC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.Yu. Klimov (Gazpromneft STC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.V. Liutkov (Salym Petroleum Development LLC, RF, Moscow), A.N. Litra (Salym Petroleum Development LLC, RF, Moscow), I.N. Rudnov (Independent Advisory Services LLS, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Cheriavco (Independent Advisory Services LLS, RF, Tyumen)

Regardless of the current geopolitical situation, the leaders of the oil and gas industry do not remove the principles and approaches for implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) from the agenda and, in this regard, the development of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Use and Storage) is defined as a promising technology for reduce carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to the achievement of global climate goals. The main goal of the current study was a design a pilot project CCUS using the example of Salym Petroleum Development LLC. During the process the screening of sources and technologies for capturing carbon dioxide, the selection and justification of geological objects for storage, the calculation of the volume and operation mode of storage facilities on simulation models were carried out. The possibility of engaging third-party industrial carbon dioxide emitters was considered. As part of the project, the world experience in the field of carbon dioxide utilization was considered, including an analysis of the relevant world scientific and technical literature. Based on the results of the work, six possible scenarios were considered with different phasing of the project in terms of time and stages of putting objects into operation. The estimation of economic effect was made, the criteria for the project value formation were developed, and the main factors affecting the environmental safety of the project were identified. As a result, it is important to highlight that the decision on the further project development largely depends on external economic incentives, government subsidies and the imposition of a price on emissions above the established quotas, as well as progress in the field of import substitution of equipment for carbon dioxide capture technologies.


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