New direction of associated petroleum gas utilization

UDK: 622.276.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-10-94-97
Key words: associated petroleum gas, flare combustion, pyrolysis
Authors: V.S. Vovk (Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.M. Zaichenko (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, RF, Moscow), A.U. Krylova (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, RF, Moscow)

The methods of utilization of associated petroleum gas (such as injection into treservoir, generation of electric energy, chemical processing) are considered. It was noted that injection into the reservoir does not allow to utilize associated gas, but only delays the problem for a while. Energy generation is justified in cases where the sources of electricity are necessary to ensure the operation of the oil fields. Chemical processing of associated gas is the most promising method for its utilization. Chemical processing methods such as fractionation followed by refinement of products, production of methanol and / or synthetic oil are considered. It is concluded that associated gas processing of can be implemented using closed technological cycles with the production of synthetic oil. The most promising method is conversion of associated gas into hydrocarbon products enriched with aromatic compounds. This method is preferable over the Fischer – Tropsch synthesis, since the ‘aromatic’ synthetic oil is easily mixed with crude oil, and can be transported by pipeline. Thermal decomposition technology to produce hydrogen and ‘pyrocarbon’ can also be included in the general of associated petroleum gas processing cycle. Pyrocarbon is a compact commodity product that does not require special storage and transportation conditions. Hydrogen is used to produce electricity.


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