Technology for multi-stage washing of the bottom sediment of tanks using various types of chemical reagents

UDK: 622.692.23.004.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-109-115
Key words: cleaning, chemical washing, tank, solvents, cleaning solutions, wax deposits, bottom sediment
Authors: T.I. Bezymyannikov (The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), R.M. Karimov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), R.R. Tashbulatov (The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), B.N. Mastobaev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), O.A. Makarenko (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article is devoted to the issues of cleaning tanks from bottom sediment. To improve the efficiency of cleaning, a new technology has been proposed based on the combined use of various types of reagents and washing solutions in combination with low-cost methods of physical and mechanical action. To assess the mutual influence and compatibility of reagents of various types, a set of laboratory studies was carried out, including the testing of demulsifiers, water-soluble and oil-soluble surfactants together with hydrocarbon solvents. For the selection and testing of chemicals, the composition and properties of bottom sediment samples and their initial commercial oils, taken from the same storage facilities, were also studied. The results of the performed analysis of oils and their deposits showed significant differences in the composition and consistency of wax, depending to a greater extent on the places and conditions of operation of the reservoirs, and not on the composition of the original oils. In order to develop a universal technology for chemical washing, regardless of the water content and consistency of bottom sediments, at the initial stage of research, an assessment was made of the effectiveness of demulsifiers used in field gathering systems, which showed their low efficiency even when heated. Acceptable results of separation of emulsified water particles were achieved only after centrifugation and only for some samples of wax even without their treatment with reagents. Subsequent studies performed on the effectiveness of hydrocarbon solvents also showed a decrease in detergency and reactivity on sediment samples pre-treated with dispersants. A similar negative effect was shown by tests of oil-soluble surfactants, which, on the one hand, cleaned the walls of vessels from wax particles, and, on the other hand, reduced its reactivity with respect to hydrocarbon solvents. The best results, both in terms of general detergent ability of paraffin wax and in compatibility with hydrocarbon solvents, were shown by cleaning solutions based on water-soluble surfactants, which are more affordable both from an economic point of view and from the complexity of application. Based on the results of the research, the optimal sequence for the use of various types of reagents was determined in combination with low-cost methods of physical and chemical effects available at the stations, and eliminating the risks of incompatibility of the jointly used chemicals that complicate the washing process.


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