Extremes of discrete boron content distribution as indicators of sedimentation hydrodynamics

UDK: 553.98:556.3
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-14-18
Key words: boron content, multimodality of statistical distribution, processes intensity, lithological-facial analysis, paleohydrodynamics, paleosalinity, golden proportion, well logging
Authors: I.A. Melnik (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk), N.M. Nedolivko (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk)

The aim of the study is to illustrate the correspondence of the extremes of the unified polymodal distribution of the relative boron content to different sedimentation conditions associated with paleosalinity and the dynamic properties of water. The article presents conditions of formation of discrete, polymodal distribution of intensities of transformation processes of open geographic systems, on the basis of which the states of boron accumulation processes are determined.  Discreteness of forms of distribution of intensity of the process is caused by its resolved states, and invariance of forms - by the law of harmonious influence connected with the ‘golden proportion’. It is empirically confirmed that the extremes of the unified multimodal statistical distribution of boron content relative to clay content correspond to different sedimentation conditions associated not only with the paleosalinity of water, but also with its active or passive dynamics. On the example of the lithological and facies analysis of sand beds of hydrocarbon deposits, the possibility of identifying zones with different water dynamics under the condition of known or constant paleosalinity in the studied area is illustrated. It was found that the relative boron content and patterns of its distribution in sediments and facies complexes formed in the coastal-marine band, taking into account paleosalinity, are determined by the hydrodynamic regime of the sedimentation environment: the increase of water activity contributes to the accumulation of boron in the system, the decrease of activity - reduction of its concentration. In turn, when interpreting the results of overlaying the lateral distribution of the relative boron content on the facies map, it is necessary to consider the direction of movement of saline waters, in comparison with which the boron content determines the quality of changes towards a decrease or increase in the dynamic activity of water.


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