December 2016 ![]() |
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The oil and gas companies |
V.V. Yakovlev, M.M. Khasanov (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), D.O. Prokofiev, A.V. Shushkov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Technological development in Upstream Division of Gazprom Neft PJSC DOI: In order to enhance technology management model and planning, Gazprom Neft PJSC formulated technological strategy. This strategy focuses our efforts in taking a step further from ‘Smart buyer’ approach to ‘Strategic goal-setter’ that significantly influences industry’s technological development through partnerships. The company focuses now on fast search, adaptation and adoption of new technologies that are of priority to the company. To gain that, it is necessary to realize our technological challenges in order to expand resource portfolio access and maximize invested assets. The efforts are based on the fundamental principles that enable upstream technological planning. Technological strategy as itself is a critical component of Technology Management System which covers the entire technological chain, from a search phase, selection, testing and up to the full scale roll out. To achieve the target effects of the technological portfolio it is vital to develop and configure the supporting processes, which are critical when transit to the "Intelligent customer" approach. Today, about 80% of the project portfolio is carried out through the purchase and adaptation of technological solutions of high readiness level. Knowledge and partnership management is the key processes to maximize the effects of technological project implementation. The development and implementation of these tools lead to flexibility in the formation and updating of the technological portfolio according to the changing external environment. Login or register before ordering |
D.A. Sugaipov, A.V. Bilinchuk R.H. Tuktarov, I.L. Sandler (Gazpromneft-Razvitie LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.R. Sarvarov (Messoyahaneftegas JSC, RF, Tyumen) Messoyakha Project: the unique technologies to develop the northernmost oilfield reserves in Russia DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Economy, management, law |
Ðàçâèòèå ïîäõîäîâ êîìïëåêñíîãî ãåîìåõàíè÷åñêîãî ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ â ÏÀÎ «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü» Development of integrated geomechanical modeling in Gazprom Neft PJSC DOI: This article presents results of the development of integrated geomechanical modeling technology by means of the example of projects realized in Gazprom Neft. Current technological development along with transition to new sophisticated objects, require solutions which are based on multidisciplinary approaches to assessment of production uncertainty. Geomechanical modeling integrates geological data, data of geophysical surveys, seismic data in order to meet challenges at each stage of field life. As examples of successful implementation of Company’s geomechanical projects are Palyanovskoye, Novoportovskoye, Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye, Tsarichanskoye, Vyingayakhinskoye, Zapadno-Salyimskoye oilfields. In particular, techniques of geomechanical modeling for conditions of the field Palyanovskoye have enabled to estimate drilling mud density, necessary for maintenance of well bore stability. Three-dimensional geomechanical models has enabled to define an arrangement of conducted faults leading to catastrophic absorption on the field Tsarichanskoye. Taking into account a data acquisition from drilling the results of modeling have led to reduce the time of well construction and increase the economic indicators of the project. Considering textural anisotropy and zones of abnormally high reservoir pressure enabled to optimize zones of initiation of hydraulic fracture and to avoid water breakthrough from overlying or underlying layers for the Vyngayakhinsky field. The fields of reorientation of tension predicted by geomechanical model for the field West Salym near tectonic violations and adjustment of an arrangement of hydraulic fracture enabled to estimate geometry and the direction of growth of the fracture, with the maximum scope of a productive interval. The article presents that results of detailed geomechanical modeling enable to predict behavior of specific geological systems and optimize technological parameters. As a result, it is achieved a maximization of positive economic effect from specific wells operations and the field in general. Accumulated experience and the executed projects of Gazprom Neft show that geomechanical modeling is a necessary tool enabled to reduce costs at all stages of the field production. The geomechanical model constructed under a specific objective can reduce risks when drilling and conducting a trajectory of a well, to estimate potentially perspective zones for drilling and for stimulation, to solve problems of borehole stability. Along with related subjects, the tool enables to predict in more detail the behavior of rock formationReferences 1. Lukin S.V., Esipov S.V., Zhukov V.V. et al., Borehole stability prediction to avoid drilling failures (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, no. 6, pp. 70–73. 2. Marino S., Volokitin Ya., Khabarov A. et al., Integrated approach to hydraulic fracturing of Achimov formation in Western Siberia (In Russ.), SPE 136072-RU, 2010. 3. Fjaer E., Holt R.M., Horsrud P. et al., Petroleum related rock mechanics, Elsevier Publications, 2008, 515 p. 4. Ovcharenko Yu.V., Lukin S.V., Tatur O.A., Kalinin O.Yu., Kolesnikov D.S., Esipov S.V., Zhukov V.V., Demin V.Yu., Volokitin Ya., Sednev A., Podberezhnyy M., Experience in 3D geomechanical modeling, based on one of the West Siberia oilfield (In Russ.), SPE 182031, 2016. Login or register before ordering |
M.M. Khasanov, D.A. Sugaipov, A.V. Mikheev (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.A. Ulyashenko (Gazpromneft – Razvitie, RF, Saint-Petersburg), I.V. Yanina, L.A. Pashkevich (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Parametrical cost model OPEX DOI: This article is about developing operational costs model. It is possible to use operational cost model on the different stages of project with differing degrees of uncertainty and risks. Strong correlation of capital and operational cost models gives opportunity to make comprehensive cost assessment with high degree of detalization. Methodology analysis shows substantial deficit of multivariable evaluation of operational costs at the concept stage. There is no special software of operational cost evaluation in the market, which takes into account special aspects of oil and gas industry. Current methodology and cost tools can be characterized as labor-intensive process or inadequate level of accuracy. Thus Gazpromneft develops operational cost model with methodological recommendation and structured database of cost and technical parameters. Today Gazprom Neft develops unique approaches and tools in the industry. New methods and tools give opportunity to make cost estimation with high level of detalization. Implemented operational cost model in close cooperation of the capital cost model allows comprehensive assessment of the technical and technological solutions during concept design. In order to carry out cost model in the relevant condition, there is necessary to achieve a high level of automation. For this reason, Gazprom Neft decided to implement cost model on special IT platform. For now the future product framework has already selected. It will be web-application with cloud storage. This solution allows working with this software in online access. References 1. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Ushmaev O.S. et al., Development of cost engineering in Gazprom Neft JSC (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 14–16. 2. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Zhagrin A.V. et al., Improvement of CAPEX estimation accuracy during early project stages (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 12, pp. 22–27. 3. Ismagilov R.R., Maksimov Yu.V., Ushmaev O.S. et al., Integrated model for complex management of reservoir engineering and field construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 12, pp. 71–73. 4. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Maksimov Yu.V. et al., Cost engineering in Gazprom Neft PJSC: current situation and future development (In Russ.),
Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 30–33. Login or register before ordering |
I.F. Rustamov, A.O. Sobolev, G.V. Sozonenko Ph.D. (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Peterburg), Yu.V. Maksimov, S.V. Tretyakov, S.I. Semenov, A.A. Karachev, A.N. Khomitskiy (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg and Tyumen) Developing software prototype for well cost estimation and its ability DOI: In this article shown a workflow for developing own prototype of software program for well cost estimation at stages “Evaluation” and “Selection” of oil project in Gazprom Neft PJSC. According to the concept of prototype software development it was divided two basic parts in well cost estimations, they are technical and cost estimation. In technical part of prototype are included model of physical indicators calculation, database of general and typical technical designs and database of actual drilled wells on company’s assets. Software prototype provides different options of calculation depending on volume and quality of initial data for the possibility of its use on different project stages. Software prototype was developed based on VBA in Excel and technical specification for programming. In close collaboration of software developer and technical specialists modules was developed and programmed which are allow to predict physical volumes of well construction. Cost estimation part includes cooperation with cost database and algorithm of service rates determination. As a result estimation is formed with well cost forecast based on determined and specific parameters in technical modules. Today it is tracked ability to use this algorithm in brownfields for business planning of current activities for one to five years. Using a developed tool ‘limit in well cost’ was calculated. The modeled result shown that actual minimum cost of well is higher than ‘limit in well cos’. References 1. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Maksimov Yu.V. et al., Cost engineering in Gazprom Neft PJSC: current situation and future development (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 30–33. 2. Pogadaev S.V., Sobolev A.O., Karsakov V.A. et al., Technical Limit: a way to improve drilling efficiency (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 28–29. 3. Bond D.F. et al., Applying technical limit methodology for step change in understanding and performance, SPE 51181, 1998. 4. Shreuder J.C., Sharpe P.J., Drilling the limit* - A key to reduce well costs,
SPE 57258, 1999. Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Evnikeeva, I.V. Kuzmenkova, S.A. Yalygin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg Development of resource planning approach in engineering projects of oil and gas industry DOI: This article covers the problem of identification of labor cost norms for implementation of engineering projects in oil and gas industry in the modern world. Complex approach to implementation of such projects requires systematic planning of labor, time and financial resources and lies at the intersection of two knowledge areas: Economics and HR. Such multifunctional interaction results in a new approach to resource planning which enables flexibility both in projects implementation and evaluation of their efficiency. This article describes theoretical aspects of labor costs planning and monitoring and proposes a stage-by-stage approach to labor norms calculation for each type of work. This approach is based on regression analysis which enables retrieval of average labor norms based on actual statistics from previous projects and considers external factors that impact labor costs as well as soft skills of personnel involved in project work. This approach not only enables appropriate workforce planning and anticipation of professional qualification of the company personnel but also allows proper prioritization of project activities and distribution of workload between project team members which in its turn results in reduction of costs and time. The authors of this article see further development in introduction of performance management system that could be calculated for each team member as well as for the entire company, provided that the planned labor norms and actual execution time data are available. This approach to resource planning is explained based on an actual labor norms calculation at one of the engineering projects implemented in Gazpromneft NTC LLC.
References 1. Bushuev V.V., Energetika Rossii (Energy of Russia), Part 3: Mirovaya energetika i Rossiya (Global energy and Russia), Moscow: Energiya Publ., 2014, 415 p. 2. Malygin E.O., Nikul'chev E.V., Sovershenstvovanie protsessa upravleniya proektirovaniem razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Improving the design management process of oil field development), Moscow: Publ. of VGNA Minfina Rossii, 2011, 147 p. 3. Buyanova M.O., Gusov K.N., Zakharov M.L. et al., Kommentariy k Kodeksu zakonov o trude Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Commentary on the Labour Code of the Russian Federation), Moscow: Prospekt Publ., 2000, pp. 113–118 s. 4. Bogdanov V.V., Upravlenie proektami. Korporativnaya sistema – shag za shagom (Project management. Corporate system - step by step), Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber Publ., 2012, 35 p. 5. Chetverikov V.V., Gordievskikh V.V., Gromakov E.I. et al., Integrated project management system of scientific and technical centre in Oil Company “Rosneft” (In Russ.), Izvestiya Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta = Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2007, V. 311, no. 5, pp. 40-46. 6. Beshelev S.D., Gurvich F.G., Ekspertnye otsenki (Expert assessment), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1973, 161 p. 7. RD-39-0148070-210-87, Normativy trudozatrat na sostavlenie tekhnologicheskikh skhem, proektov razrabotki i tekhniko-ekonomicheskikh obosnovaniy koeffitsienta izvlecheniya nefti (Norms of working hour for compilation of technological schemes, project development and feasibility studies for oil recovery factor). 8. Wheelan Ch., Naked Statistics: Stripping the dread from the data, W.W. Norton
Publ., 2003, 320 p. Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
A.A. Vashkevich (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), K.V.Strizhnev, S.I. Chekmarev (Gazpromneft-Angara LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), D.E. Zagranovskaya, A.S. Bochkov, V.V. Zhukov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), Yu.L. Zuikova, N.F. Skopenko (RosGeofizika CJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Experience of integration of potential field methods and surface geochemistry in the context of exploration planning within underexplored areas of the Bazhenov formation DOI:
References 1. Patent no. 2428723 RF, Method of searching for hydrocarbon deposits in bituminous argillaceous deposits, Inventors: Korobov A.D., Korobova L.A. 2. Alekseev A.D., Antonenko A.A., Zhukov V.V., Strizhnev K.V., The differentiated approach of the reserves estimation for source rock formations (In Russ.), SPE 182074, 2016. 3. Patent no. 2596181 RF, Method of searching for hydrocarbon deposits in non-conventional reservoir rocks of Bazhenov group, Inventors: Vashkevich A.A., Strizhnev K.V., Zagranovskaya D.E., Zhukov V.V. 4. Strizhnev K.V, Zagranovskaya D.E., Zhukov V.V., Selection of promising oil and gas bearing area formations for unconventional reservoirs Bazhenov Suite (In Russ.), Nedropol'zovanie XXI vek, 2015, no. 1, pp. 46 - 51. 5. Slepak Z.M., Gravirazvedka v neftyanoy geologii (Gravity prospecting in
petroleum geology), Kazan': Publ. of KSU, 2005, 224 p. According to the authors, one of the important processes that have made their contribution to the formation of secondary porosity in the Bazhenov rocks are the epigenesis processes. Keeping in mind that these processes are related to the development of high reservoir properties of productive rocks, their importance for the prediction of promising areas where free oil may occur is significant. Unconventional reservoirs with mobile hydrocarbons are confined to weakened zones of the sedimentary mantle where oil generation is caused by conditioned heating related to certain hydrothermal-metasomatic processes in the basement rocks and structural features of the sedimentary mantle while boundaries of non-structural traps are defined by decompression zones. The exploration methods that can be used in a license block should be in accordance with the amount of geologic information available and determine target parameters for further more detailed and expensive explorations such as high-resolution 3D seismics and exploratory drilling.
The paper analyses the relevance of the obtained exploration results as well as the applicability of high-precision geophysical methods, such as detailed gravimetric and magnetic surveying and areal geochemical surveying, to identify unconventional and non-structural traps. The reason for integrating potential field data with seismic data is determined by the fact that information obtained by each of these methods has its specific characteristics. Anomalies of potential fields related to magnetic and density properties of rocks reflect, first of all, their composition and superimposed processes (tectonic impacts, hydrothermal-metasomatic changes, etc.) which allows obtaining data on physical characteristics of the geological environment in addition to seismic data that are crucial, mainly, to study structural features. Second, gravitational and magnetic fields anomalies are caused, primarily, by high-angle boundaries while the seismic method, in contrast, is focused on tracking low-angle boundaries. It means that these two methods may complement each other helping identify subvertical tectonic and subhorizontal lithological and stratigraphic boundaries. Login or register before ordering |
A.N. Sitnikov, A.V. Butorin, G.M. Timoshenko, A.M. Vashevnik (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Application of Value of Information approach to seismic data for decreasing well drilling risks DOI: Nowadays oil industry is often faced with the following question: which development strategy is preferable? The matter is that the best development scenario is important both in the initial and the development final stages of the hydrocarbons field. The most important criteria while choosing the development scenario is the process of maximizing the profit by raising the NPV value. This estimation parameter can be determined in terms of Value of Information approach (VOI). The authors carry out the usage of VOI approach in various seismic scenarios included all steps which are field survey, processing and interpretation in order to reduce risks and uncertainties. The new seismic data leads to changes in uncertainty distribution, key parameters and thus in NPV distribution. Consequently the new data can change the investment decision. Generally the project risks are closely connected with the lack of precise information about the geologic genesis, which creates the range of uncertainty and consequently leads to increasing the “dry hole” drilling risks and its expenditures. Conducting the seismic survey helps to decrease the standard deviation in forecasting parameter (to narrow of the forecast deviation). As a result knowingly non-commercial wells can be expelled from the project and thus can lead to the profit maximization and the development program correction. Economic rationalization due to cutting the non-commercial wells drilling allows to obtain the benefit and to form the VOI of the event. The operations called successful in case of VOI values are higher than its expenditures. Otherwise, the benefit is implicit and the operation has no practical usage. The article shows the main approaches of VOI calculation using reserves deviation and optimization of the development scenarios based on the real data.References 1. Kim J., How could you possibly predict the value of 3D seismic before you shoot it, SPE 56446-MS, 1999. 2. Levyant V.B., Ampilov Yu.P., Glogovskiy V.M. et al., Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po ispol'zovaniyu dannykh seysmorazvedki (2D, 3D) dlya podscheta zapasov nefti i gaza (Guidelines for using seismic data (2D, 3D) for calculating oil and gas reserves), Moscow: Publ. of Central Geophysical Expedition, 2006, 40 p. Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
A.N. Sitnikov, A.A. Pustovskikh, A.S. Margarit, E.V. Belonogov, R.Z. Zulkarniev, A.Yu. Korovin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Methodology of drilling targets selection under geological uncertainty DOI: An engineer is often faced with uncertainty in the value of parameters required for engineering calculations on the basis of which the decision must be made. In the company "Gazprom Neft" a project is being implemented to improve the efficiency of business planning, including planning drilling of new wells. During the project a tool has been developed which calculates potential production characteristics of planned well and allows a probabilistic assessment of potential indicators, taking into account the geological uncertainties. Probabilistic assessment is based on the Monte Carlo method with a set of geological and physical uncertain characteristics of a reservoir. To choose the most optimum variant of an asset development several algorithms are offered, each satisfying the pursued goals: maintenance of the level determining parameter, pessimistic case, minimizing loss of benefits and choices based on EMV. On the basis of proposing probabilistic assessment approach the parameter with the higher uncertainty is identified and possible methods of decreasing the uncertainties by conducting the necessary investigation. Also it carried out the description of the algorithm makes it possible to assess the economic feasibility of an offered research. On the basis of the proposed approaches and algorithms calculating tool is implemented that extend the functionality of the instrument of ranking reservoir drilling targets. A list of ranking reservoir drilling targets over the current assets of the company is formed including the medium-term plan for drilling. Highlighting a key uncertainty for each target drill has a greater impact on the economic viability of a project. A set of geological prospecting works is formed to minimize a key uncertainty.References 1. Bilinchuk A.V., Sitnikov A.N., Asmandiyarov R.N. et al., The geological well drilling rating as the basis for the comprehensive asset development planning (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 10–12. 2. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Khasanov M.M., Bakhtizin R.N., Modelirovanie protsessov neftegazodobychi. Nelineynost', neravnovesnost', neopredelennost' (Modelling of oil and gas production processes. Nonlinearity, disequilibrium, uncertainty), Moscow-Izhevsk: Publ. of Institute of Computer Science, 2004, 368 p. 3. Shatrov S.V., Probabilistic evaluation of oil and gas exploration assets (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 4, pp. 13–17. 4. Shatrov S.V., Probabilistic estimation of oil resource of block 12 in Iraq (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 4, pp. 86–89. 5. Rose P.R., Risk analysis and management of petroleum exploration ventures, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2001, V. 12. 6. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Matematicheskaya teoriya eksperimenta v dobyche nefti i gaza (The mathematical theory of the experiment in the oil and gas production), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1977. 7. Hirasaki G.J., Properties of log-normal permeability distribution for stratified reservoirs, SPE 13416-MS, 1984. 8. Collins R.E., Jordan J.K., Porosity and permeability distribution of sedimentary rocks, SPE 212-MS, 1961. Login or register before ordering |
M.M. Khasanov, V.V. Zhukov, Yu.V. Ovcharenko, T.N. Timofeeva, S.V. Lukin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) A geomechanical approach to minimising sanding risk DOI: The problem of sand production has existed for oil field development is often the cause of failures in the downhole equipment and leads to a decrease in productivity. The growth of soft sand zone is the root of sand production problem. Wells drilling and operation leadleads to a change in the stress state of rock. Near wellbore strains can cause the collapse of the wellbore walls under certain conditions, it leads to remove of sand from the well. In this paper we describe the geomechanical modeling algorithm for wellbore stability analysis and completion selection for soft sedimentary rocks. Algorithm consists of few stages: 1D geomechanical modeling; its application to minimizing risk of drilling fishbones; calculation of depression for cost-effective rate and minimizing sanding. 1D wellbore stability model gives a first approximation of the stresses. The next step is the finite element modeling for calculation near wellbore stress state. This paper proposes an integrated approach to sand control. The algorithm includes wellbore stability analysis for drilling horizontal and fishbone wells, 3D geomechanical modelling for near wellbore zone. The proposed algorithm allows determining the critical depression in order to reduce the volume of sand carried out of the well. We consider the geomechanical modeling for wells Vostochno- Messoyakhskoye oil field. A horizontal well in Vostochno- Messoyakhskoye oil field was drilled with a multilateral fishbone shape. Geomechanical modelling was used to determine the stable intervals for cutoffs sidetracks. Based on a complex analysis of the proposed program for the well output mode to achieve maximum period of well operation. A geomechanical approach includes research of elastic-strength properties, diagnostic fracture injection test, caliper and images of the wellbore before and after the fracturing, the finite element modeling of near wellbore space. Its application allows controlling sand production at formations with similar geological conditions. References 1. Bassey A., Dosunmu A., Otutu F. et al., Borehole stability management using the New Mudweight Window concept; A case study of well KTY 02, KTY 03 and KTY 04, SPE 184279-MS. 2. Xinpu Sh., Case studies on 3-Dimentional numerical prediction of critical pressure drawdown for wells in weak formations, ARMA 11–177, 2011, 1–8 p. 3. Eshiet K., Sheing Y., Influence of rock failure behaviour on predictions in sand production problems, Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, V. 70(3), pp. 1339–1365. 4. Fjaer E., Holt R.M., Horsrud P. et al., Petroleum related rock mechanics, Hugary: Elsevier, 2008, 515 p. 5. Rahmati H., Jafarpour M., Azadbakht S. et al., Review of sand production prediction models, Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2013, No 10, pp. 1–17. 6. Geilikman M.B., Dusseault M.B., Fluid rate enchacement from massive sand production in heavy-oil reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,
1997, April, pp. 5–18. Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
D.Yu. Bazhenov,A.A. Artamonov, A.N. Shorohov (Gazpromneft - Yamal LLC, RF, Tyumen),I.V. Perevozkin, A.A. Ridel, A.A. Kolesnikova, D.A. Listoykin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Integration of the results of well test analysis and production log tests studies on the example of an oil-gas-condensate field of Gazprom Neft PJSC DOI: Major oil reserves of considered oil-gas-condensate field are concentrated in the oil rim of Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits. The classic approach to the development of this type of oil reserves is drilling long horizontal wells, in view of the need to create a small depression in the producing wells. At the same time, as a rule, the development of oil rims complicated breakthroughs "languages" of gas from the gas caps and water from the aquifer. Under these conditions, to obtain information about the formation, monitoring and control of development is extremely actual and complicated problem at the same time. Among the methods of obtaining such information there are well test analysis and production log tests for wells. Prolonged well-bore storage effect (due to the length of the horizontal sections of 1000m and over) at the trunk holding covers well testing flow regimes, allowing reliable determination of important parameters, such as producing part of the horizontal trunk, the mechanical skin factor and vertical permeability (anisotropy of the formation). The most reliably determined parameters are integral horizontal permeability and skin factor. The paper suggests the algorithm of estimation a range of uncertainty interaction parameters determined by well testing with a low degree of reliability. And also shows how the integration of well test analysis and production log tests studies can largely narrow down the range to evaluate the correctness of decisions on the choice of optimal approaches to the development of the object and technical fluids.References 1. Deeva T.A., Kamartdinov M.R., Kulagina T.E., Mangazeev P.V., Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin: analiz i interpretatsiya dannykh (Hydrodynamic studies of wells: the analysis and interpretation of data), Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2009, 242 p. 2. Earlougher R.C. Jr., Advances in well test analysis, SPE Monograph Series, SPE, Richardson, TX., 1977. 3. Kolesnikova A.A., Kremenetskiy M.I., Ipatov A.I. et al., Field-geophysical research of horizontal wells in low unstable inflow. Problems and solutions (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, no. 8, pp. 84–88. 4. Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I., Gulyaev D.N. et al., Expanding milling and reaming tools elements spontaneous twist -off cause analysis (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 9, pp. 68–72. 5. Valiullin R.A., Yarullin R.K., Peculiarities of geophysical research in running horizontal wells (In Russ.), Vestnik Akademii nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan, 2014, V. 19, no. 1, pp. 21–28. Login or register before ordering |
A.N. Sitnikov, A.A. Pustovskikh, E.V. Belonogov, D.A. Samolovov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), N.S. Kubochkin (Tyumen State University, RF, Tyumen) Methodology for determination of low-permeability reservoirs optimal development by wells with multi-stage fracturing DOI: The purpose of this work is to identify the reservoir parameters at which efficiency of the line development system using horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing with waterflooding is lower that efficiency of the depletion drive development. This is related to drilling out reserves difficult to recover both in the new assets and in the edge areas of the old fields. In the last 10 years, the trend for impairment of reservoir characteristics has resulted in rapid development of horizontal well construction processes with multiple hydraulic fractures and their massive use for building development systems in the fields of Russian Federation. Physical phenomenon providing depletion’s advantages in comparison with waterflooding is time delay of production response to waterflooding increasing when coefficient of pressure conductivity decreasing, decreasing field pressure response per unit injected volume when total compressibility of system increasing. Analytical technical-and-economical model is developed in order to identifying the factors influencing on depletion and waterflooding economic efficiency. As follows from the analysis there are two factors: dimensionless well cost and relation of movable oil saturation to product of total compressibility of system and drawdown. Multivariate calculation data is summarized in the form of chart. Also numerical model which takes into account optimization of flow back duration is constructed. Numerical model is constructed for the purpose of improving permeability threshold value estimation derived from analytical model. As a result of analytical model analysis depletion’s advantages in comparison with waterflooding increase when oil net pay, oil mobility, total compressibility of system, total well cost is increased, net-back oil price is decreased and when abnormally high reservoir pressure is presented.
References 1. Khasanov M.M., Ushmaev O.S., Nekhaev S.A., Karamutdinova D.M., The optimal parameters for oil field development (In Russ.), SPE 162089, 2012. 2. Belonogov E.V., Pustovskikh A.A., Samolovov D.A., Methodology for determination of low-permeability reservoirs optimal development plan (In Russ.), SPE 182041, 2016. 3. Prats M., Camacho-Velazquez R., Rodriguez F., One-dimensional linear flow with constant terminal pressures, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1999, V. 38, no. 13, pp. 1–6. 4. Khasanov M.M., Krasnov V.A., Korotovskikh V.A., Determination of the optimal period of oil wells operation (In Russ.), Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy vestnik OAO “NK “Rosneft'”, 2007, no. 5, pp. 19–21. 5. Sitnikov A.N., Pustovskikh A.A., Roshchektaev A.P., Andzhukaev Ts.V., Amethod to determine optimal switching time to injection mode for field development system(In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 3, pp. 84–87. Login or register before ordering |
D.A. Sugaipov, M.M. Khasanov (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), D.Yu. Bazhenov, S.S. Devyatyarov (Gazpromneft Yamal, RF, Saint-Petersburg – Tyumen), O.S. Ushmaev, I.V. Perevozkin, M.V.Fedorov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg – Tyumen) Integrated approach to oil rim development in terms of Novoportovskoye field DOI: Oil rim reservoirs are the main assets for new oil production regions. The oil rim development is associated with significant challenges. Among these are the primary methods of reservoir penetration, long-term development under solution gas, gas cap and drive support, decision of effective gas usage (associated and gas-cap). The paper is concerned with basic elements of integrated development concept of Novoportovskoye field, which was involved in the development in 2016. This paper presents current development trends and prospects of experience replicating for other development projects with oil rims. The world experience analysis revealed that 50-70% of oil rim reserves are recovered by primary methods. The main criterion of primary oil recovery efficiency is the ratio between well productivity and well cost. On the other hand the project success depends on accepted development strategy, especially the gas injection duration for pressure maintenance and beginning gas transportation for selling. The one of the effective approaches of project management is an integrated modelling, which includes the calculation of the reservoir, wells and surface infrastructure models simultaneously. References 1. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Ushmaev O.S. et al., Development of cost engineering in Gazprom Neft JSC (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 14–16. 2. Khasanov M.M., Ushmaev O.S., Samolovov D.A. et al., A method to determine optimum well spacing for oil rims gas-oil zones (In Russ.), SPE 166898-MS, 2013. 3. Khasanov M.M., Ushmaev O.S., Samolovov D.A. et al., Estimation of cost effective oil thickness of oil rims developed with horizontal wells (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 44–47. 4. Govzich A.N., Bilinchuk A.V., Fayzullin I.G., Horizontal well multi-stage fracturing -Gazprom neft JSC experience (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil
Industry, 2012, no. 12, pp. 59-61. Login or register before ordering |
M.M. Khasanov (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), O.Yu. Golovneva (New York University, Tandon School of Engineering, USA, New York) Unsteady-state performance prediction for fractured vertical wells DOI: Broad application of hydraulic fracturing techniques in oil industry since the 1950s led to the emergence of a large number of studies devoted to both production forecast methods and reservoir performance evaluation techniques to interpret the results of various well testing procedures. It is remarkable that analytical investigations devoted to the postfracturing analysis are focused primarily on the early-time unsteady flow regime, while for the production forecast it is commonly used the approximation of steady-state or pseudosteady-state flow models. The focus in oil engineering has recently turned towards unconventional reserves. Unsteady-state flow plays crucial role for reservoirs with low-mobility oil by making a major contribution to the cumulative oil production. With the appearance of the available computational techniques, the emphasis has shifted to the numerical simulation of flows, and the search for analytic approximations gone by the wayside. A number of articles is devoted to discussing the critical issues associated with numerical simulations. Among others, it should be noted that the large-scale grid cannot adequately simulate transient flow regime of the fluids with low mobility owing to the fact that the cell size is much larger than the characteristic scale of the variations of physical parameters, particularly pressure. Changing the sizes of cells, including local refinement, always results in time-consuming model and adversely affect the convergence of the numerical scheme. The study presents an approach to the analytical modeling of the production rate of the fractured vertical well during the unsteady flow regime. Asymptotic Laplace space solution based on trilinear flow model is developed to describe the flow at early times. The authors propose an asymptotic solution, which describes the flow rate towards vertical fracture under the assumption of an infinite reservoir, using the desuperposition concept to couple the trilinear and pseudoradial flow solutions. Verification of the proposed model was carried out by comparison with the solution given by the finite-difference hydrodynamic commercial simulator. The model allows for quick and accurate assessment of the hydraulically fractured well production, avoiding errors associated with the convergence of numerical methods at the early times, as well as significantly reducing the time of calculation.References 1. Dyes A.B., Kemp C.E., Caudle B.H., Effect of fractures on sweep-out pattern, Petroleum transactions, AIME, 1958, V. 213, pp. 245–249. 2. Gringarten A.C., Ramey H.J.Jr., The use of source and Green’s functions in solving unsteady flow problems in reservoirs, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 1973, V. 13, no. 5, pp. 285–296, SPE 3818-PA. 3. Gringarten A.C., Ramey H.J.Jr., Raghavan R., Unsteady-state pressure distributions created by a well with a single infinite-conductivity vertical fracture, Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, 1974, V. 14, no. 4, pp. 347–360, SPE 4051-PA. 4. Lee S.-T., Brockenbrough J.R., A new approximate analytic solution for finiteconductivity vertical fractures, SPE Formation Evaluation, 1986, V. 1, no. 1, pp. 75–88, SPE 12013-PA. 5. Azari M., Wooden W.O., Coble L.E., A complete set of Laplace transforms for finite-conductivity vertical fractures under bilinear and trilinear flows, SPE 20556, 1990. 6. Ozkan E., Raghavan R., New solutions for well-test-analysis problems: Part 1: Analytical considerations, SPE 18615-PA, 1991. 7. Ozkan E., Raghavan R., New solutions for well-test-analysis problems: Part 2: Computational considerations and applications, SPE 18616-PA, 1991. 8. Lefevre D., Pellissier G., Sabathier J.C., A new reservoir simulation system for a better reservoir management, SPE 25604, 1993. 9. Elahmady M., Wattenberger R.A., Coarse scale simulation in tight gas reservoirs, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 2006, V. 45, no. 12, pp. 67–71. 10. Durlofsky L.J., Upscaling and gridding of fine scale geological models for flow simulation, Proceedings of 8th International Forum on Reservoir Simulation Iles Borromees, 2005, V. 2024. 11. Burgoyne M.W., Little A.L., From high perm oil to tight gas - A practical approach to model hydraulically fractured well performance in coarse grid reservoir simulators, SPE-156610, 2012. 12. Van Everdingen A.F., Hurst W., The application of the Laplace transformation to flow problems in reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1949, V. 1, no. 12, pp. 305–324. 13. Ibrahim M.H., Wattenbarger R.A., Rate dependence of transient linear flow in tight gas wells, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 2006, V. 45, no. 10. 13. Blasingame T.A., Poe B.D. Jr., Semianalytic solutions for a well with a single finite-conductivity vertical fracture, SPE 26424, 1993. 14. Brown M., Ozkan E., Raghavan R., Kazemi H., Practical solutions for pressure- transient responses of fractured horizontal wells in unconventional shale reservoirs, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 2011, V. 14, no. 6 Login or register before ordering |
A.I. Ipatov, I.M. Kremenetsky, I.S. Kaeshkov, A.V. Buyanov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Horizontal well production monitoring with distributed temperature sensor DOI: The authors sum up Gazprom Neft field experience in the area of long-term distributed temperature sensor (DTS) studies in horizontal wells. First steps in information capacity analysis were made on vertical multilayer well studies. Obtained results approved thermosimulator calculations and allowed to determine future conditions of representative studies in horizontal wells. The following periodical DTS measurements during multi-fracturing and 6 months stationary monitoring showed high information capacity of both stable and dynamic temperature field. The next steps in method effectivity enhancement are two be done in three directions: 1) DTS optimization, its components and price; 2) forming the best well run and stop conditions for measurements; 3) usage of advanced methods of interpretation and software. Most urgent field task is DTS installation in horizontal well with ESP. Exact technology is not provided yet (ESP housing, Y-tool or composite fiber rod). Anyway for tie-in and reliable interpretation basic production logging studies will be conducted before DTS installation. In its turn obtained results of distributed acoustic sensing are still to be comprehended and may also find its place in production monitoring system. References 1. Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I., Kaeshkov I.S. et al., Undiscovered DTS potential of horizontal well inflow profile monitoring (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 5, pp. 96-100. 2. Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I., Gulyaev D.N. et al., Reservoir surveillance when hard-to-recover reserves developing (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 9, pp. 68-72. 3. Patent no. 2541671 RF, Method for determination of flowing intervals in horizontal
wells, Inventors: Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I ., Kaeshkov I.S. Login or register before ordering |
Rational use of oil gas |
A.I. Vlasov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), D.V. Samofalov (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), Yu.V. Guyo, P.L. Kozyrev (Gazpromneft-Vostok LLC, RF, Tomsk), V.A. Kirillov (Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Novosibirsk), Yu.V. Aristovich, M.A. Gritsay (BI Technology LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Soft steam reforming technology for the processing of associated petroleum-gas from the field Gazprom Neft PJSC DOI: A new catalytic technology - Soft Steam Reforming, intended for conversion of associated petroleum gas (APG) in the gas mixture consisting of about 75-90 % (by mole) of methane. The process is carried out in presence of a steam-to nickel-containing catalyst at temperatures of 250-350 °C and a molar ratio of H2O/C2+ was 0.4-0.6. As a result, the process contained in Putney petroleum gas heavy homologues of methane (hydrocarbons C2+) with a conversion of above 90 % are converted into a gas mixture having a methane number close to 100, Bottom Shui calorific value of about 31.8 MJ/m3 and Wobbe index (lower) 41.0 MJ/m3. This gas can be effectively used as fuel for gas turbine and gas turbine power units. Soft Steam Reforming process was developed at the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk), engineering calculations and technological solutions made a subsidiary of the Institute of Catalysis - LLC "BI Technology". Technology has come a full cycle of working out: laboratory studies on model mixtures, bench-pilot tested on real associated gas, industrial tests in a pilot plant with capacity of APG 300 m3/h at Southwest Krapivinskoye field of Gazpromneft-Vostok in 2015. Soft Steam Reforming technology is protected by patents of the Russian Federation.References 1. Vernikovskaya M.V., Snytnikov P.V., Kirillov V.A., Sobyanin V.A., Technological and economic advantages of processing following oil gases into the methane-hydrogen gas mixture for the power units supply (In Russ.), Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, 2012, no. 11, pp. 7–12. 2. Adzhiev A.Yu., Purtov P.A., Podgotovka i pererabotka poputnogo neftyanogo gaza v Rossii (Treatment and processing of associated gas in Russia), Krasnodar: Publ. EDVI, 2014, 349 p. 3. Rybakov B.A., Burov V.D., Rybakov D.B., Trushin K.S., Features flaring of associated gas in gas turbine units (In Russ.), Turbiny i Dizeli, 2008, no. 3, pp. 2–8. 4. Kalla R., Jansson P., Converting low quality gas into a valuable power source, Wartsila technical Journal, 2013, pp. 61–65. 5. Patent no. 2442819 RF, Method and device for processing associated oil gases, Inventors: Snytnikov P.V., Kirillov V.A., Sobyanin V.A., Belyaev V.D., Kuzin N.A., Kireenkov V.V., Amosov Yu.I., Polyanskaya T.V., Popova M.M., Potemkin D.I. 6. Patent no. 2443764 RF, Operating method of device for preparation of associated petroleum gases to be used in power plants, Inventors: Snytnikov P.V., Kirillov V.A., Sobyanin V.A., Belyaev V.D., Kuzin N.A., Kireenkov V.V., Amosov Yu.I., Polyanskaya T.V., Popova M.M., Potemkin D.I. 7. Utility patent no. 160799 RF, Ustroystvo dlya polucheniya vodorodsoderzhashchey gazovoy smesi (A device for producing hydrogen-containing gas mixture), Inventors: Kuznetsov A.N., Dyagtyarev A.V., L.N. Kim, V.A. Kirillov, V.N. Misnik, M.A. Misharin, A.V. Sazonov, Sulimskiy D.M., Frolov E.V. Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
M.M. Khasanov, D.O/ Prokofiev, O.S. Ushmaev, B.V. Belozerov, R.R. Gilmanov, A.S. Margarit (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Promising Big Data technologies in petroleum engineering: the experience of the Gazprom Neft PJSC DOI: According to conclusions of international consulting enterprise Bain & Company new analytical capabilities in big data will allow oil and gas industry to improve efficiency by 6-8%. Industry has already been dealing with huge amounts of information for decisions making for a long time. However, modern computational power and new algorithms for handling these data bring this process to a new level. When modern computers lack power to calculate through many iterations for solution of the petroleum engineering problems Big Data technologies come up to assist. Big Data applications already change the landmark of the industry. In the age of information technology, followed by prompt growth of amount and diversity of processed data, a possibility arises for qualitative transition from quantity to quality of data. As the result vast amount of solutions and tools for structured and unstructured data were developed – Big Data technologies. The area has become one of key IT drivers and widespread in Western countries today. Progress in Big Data gave an impetus to introduction of modern gauge sensors collecting huge amount of production data. Considerable attention is being paid to methods of processing and data mining in Gazprom Neft PJSC. The company has experience of small-scale solutions realization using Big Data technologies and initiated a set of projects aimed at overcoming petroleum engineering technological challenges by cognitive methods and tools. References 1. Jacobs T., Automated drilling technologies showing promise, JPT, 2015, V. 67, no. 6 (June), URL: technologies-showing-promise. 2. Rawi Z., Machinery predictive analytics, SPE 128559, 2010. 3. Stone P., Introducing predictive analytics: opportunities, SPE 106865, 2007. 4. How advanced analytics can drive productivity, URL: com/business-functions/mckinsey-analytics/our-insights/how-advanced- analytics-can-drive-productivity. 5. Big success with big data, URL: media/Accenture/Conversion-Assets/DotCom/Documents/Global/
PDF/Digital_1/Accenture-Big-Data-POV.pdf. Login or register before ordering |
V.P. Batrashkin, R.R. Ismagilov, R.A. Panov (Gazprom Neft Razvitie LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg), A.F. Mozhchil, N.Z. Gilmutdinova, D.E. Dmitriev (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint Petersburg) The integrated conceptual design as a tool of systematic engineering DOI: Gazprom Neft PJSC is interested integrated approaches to conceptual engineering due to reduction of proven reserves and development of new areas with high levels of complexity and uncertainty; development of new areas with an underdeveloped infrastructure; large number of development targets and the need for quick engineering calculations. To maintain production levels at brownfields we need to focus on improving operation efficiency, efficient development and rapid response to changes in the macro-environment. In such circumstances to make sound technological solutions is necessary at every stage of the design: when regard the interconnection of the reservoir, wells and ground infrastructure; when perform the multiple calculations in conditions of uncertainty; when assess the cost of drilling and infrastructure. A uniform digital platform for the engineering models of different systems is considered in the framework of conceptual engineering enable to significantly improve the effectiveness of work. Uniform design tool allows automation of calculations and implementation of the optimization algorithms; implementation the large number of calculation for the initial data, which are given by the uncertainty intervals; automation of data transmission between the individual functional units. The system architecture is based on a modular principle and enables us to develop tools in phases. Each software module is able to solve local tasks to find local solutions in a separate discipline (area of knowledge), by which, in conceptual design calculations are performed. The key module Integrator communicates modules to each other and implements an iterative approach to solving the optimization problem to reduce the total cost of drilling and infrastructure.References 1. Khasanov M.M., Afanas'ev I.S., Latypov A.R. et al., Hierarchy of the integrated models (In Russ.), SPE 117412-RU, 2008. 2. Ismagilov R.R., Maksimov Yu.V., Ushmaev O.S., Integrated model for complex management of reservoir engineering and field construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 12, pp. 71-73. 3. Karsakov V.A., Tret'yakov S.V., Devyat'yarov S.S., Pasynkov A.G, Drilling cost optimization during conceptual project phase of field development (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 33-35. 4. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Zhagrin A.V. et al., Improvement of CAPEX estimation accuracy during early project stages (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 12, pp. 22-27. 5. Khasanov M.M., Sugaipov D.A., Ushmaev O.S. et al., Development of cost engineering in Gazprom Neft JSC (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 14-16. Login or register before ordering |
À.V. Bilinchuk, F.F. Khaliullin (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.N. Sitnikov, À.À. Pustovskikh, A.S. Margarit, I.A. Zhdanov, T.V. Andzhukaev (GazpromNeft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Automated solution to unlock base production potential DOI: In current external conditions effective assets management has the highest priority for the oil industry. The global production process optimization and performance improvement of all employees are one of the key growth driver of operating efficiency. Although there are many theoretical studies to monitor the achievement of the potential wells, in the most of Russian companies control is carried out by expertise using poorly integrated approaches and tools. This leads to non-optimal and untimely decisions related to development management of current assets and such corresponding consequences: a production loss, increasing water cut, time increase of achieving a planned recovery factor, and unproductive injection to induced fractures. The objective of the work is development and implementation of a system to effectively control achievement of the base production potential. The system is based on the self-consistent numerical and analytical models, which continuously adapting to information from corporate databases. To control changes in well productivity incoming and calculated indicators are automatically examined. In case of problems, the system selects the workover process with estimated potential effect or recommends additional investigations. The presented algorithms form the basis of a decision support system. It is a complete IT solution, embedded into commercial operation. During development of the information system, the organizational structure of the geological departments of the company was taken into account, which is reflected in the functional division into subsystems. At the present, a production program of activities was aimed to optimize a base production, is based in a large extent on the results which had calculated by the information system.
References 1. Rezapour A., Ortega A., Ershaghi I., Reservoir waterflooding system identification and model validation with injection, SPE 174052-MS, 2015. 2. Doublet L.E., Pande P.K., McCollum T.J., Blasingame T.A., Decline curve analysis using type curves – analysis of oil well production data using material balance time: application to field cases, SPE 28688-MS, 1994. 3. Grinestaff G.H., Waterflood pattern allocations: Quantifying the injector to producer relationship with streamline simulation, SPE 54616-MS, 1999. 4. Ojo K.P., Tiab D., Osisanya S.O., Dynamic material balance equation and solution technique using production and PVT data, SPE Petroleum Society of Canada, 2006, March 1, DOI:10.2118/06-03-03. 5. Nelder J.A., Mead R., Computer Journal, 1965, V. 7, pp. 308–313. 6. Dietz D.N., Determination of average reservoir pressures from build up surveys, JPT, 1965, August, pp. 955–959. 7. Baykov V.A., Zhdanov R.M., Mullagalieva T.I., Usmanov T.S., Selecting the optimal system design for the fields with low-permeability reservoirs (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2011, no. 1, pp. 84–98. Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
Yu.V. Maksimov, S.S. Ivanov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Features of modeling material and thermal calculation of oil separation process for oil rims DOI: Reserves of rims, when thickness does not exceed 10-15 m, are regarded as hard-to-recover. Development of oil reserves of oil-gas-condensate deposits is complicated because of multiphase flow in the formation, which leads to negative processes such as marginalization oil into the gas zone, gas breakthrough to the bottom of the production well (GOR increase of more than 1500 m3/t) and the disbanding of the oil rim. As a result, oil recovery does not exceed 10% of the initial endowments. To design oil preparation process in the case of joint production of gas and gas caps of the oil rims by the oil producing wells is necessary to correctly simulate the component-fractional composition of the produced fluid, taking into account the composition of the formation of oil and gas breakthrough in their number. The main difficulty of component-modeling of fractional composition of the produced fluid is the description of a hypothetical or pseudo-oil and hydrocarbon condensate produced from gas breakthrough. Calculated hypothetical components must describe the composition and properties of oil and condensate, both separately and mixtures thereof. Based on the data properties and distillation of crude oil and hydrocarbon condensate are determined pseudo-components (fractions with boiling ranges specified), which have the following properties: a boiling range average boiling point, density, molar mass, critical pressure, temperature and volume, acentric factor. Taking into account the influence of the composition and the amount of gas breakthrough on the separation of oil, we can more precisely define modes of oil separation, calculate composition and properties of the material flow, and select the main technological equipment. The next step after modeling, material and thermal design of oil separation process is a definition of rational modes of separation in order to ensure the maximum output of oil and gas subject to the requirements for the pressure of saturated salable oil vapor and the maximum possible definition component distribution between gas and oil.References 1. Brusilovskiy A.I., Fazovye prevrashcheniya pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy nefti i gaza (Phase transformations in the development of oil and gas fields), Moscow: Graal' Publ., 2002, 575 p. 2. Sardanashvili A.G., L'vova A.I., Primery i zadachi po tekhnologii pererabotki nefti i gaza (Examples and problems of oil and gas processing technology), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 1980, 272 p. 3. Ivanov S.S., Tarasov M.Yu., Zobnin A.A., Oil yield enhancement and reduction of light liquid hydrocarbons content in petroleum gas at oil treatment unit design (Part 1), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2011, no. 8, pp. 138–140. Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
V.A. Shakirov, Yu.I. Nikitin, A.P. Vilesov, D.E. Deryushev, K.F. Miropoltsev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen A new direction of exploration of oil deposits on the Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch DOI: The article shows the prospects of search new deposits in the Western part of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch within Buzuluk license area. The main source for the analysis is the results of many years of work of the departments of development, exploration and research center of core in TNNC LLC, providing fields of Orenburgneft JSC. A survey of geologic data was made and prospective reservoirs were determined. Up to 2016 it was considered that a large part of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch, especially its western part, not very promising for the search of oil deposits in carbonate upper Devonian. This belief was confirmed by negative test results. It should be noted that all tests were conducted in the most high amplitude morphologically expressed structures, and, as it turned out, hypsometrically a high-positioned layers are not always productive. The spatial distribution of barrier reefs in the middle Famennian – Zavolzhsky and early Famennian age was predicted in this work. The range of oil-bearing deposits, confined to the reefs of different ages was revised. Areas for the search of new deposits in the Zavolzhsky and Middle Famennian sediments were recognized and predicted. According to comparison analysis of the prospects of search for new deposits for conversions and inclusion, the Visean epoch is the most preferable at all fields of Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch. The Famennian sediments are the most prospects for reserves and production. The productivity of these reservoirs can be confirmed only by drilling wells. The sidetrack deeping at the Tananykskoye field was due to new pool discovery in upper Famennian sediments. The use of the identified patterns will allow to increase the efficiency of exploration. This is the reason for a new and promising direction of search of oil deposits on Bobrovsko-Pokrovsky arch in the fields controlled by lower Famennian reefs.
References 1. Shakirov V.A., Deryushev D.E., Ivanov M.A., Sereda I.A., Current results of overlooked targets identification in the fields of the Orenburg region (In Russ.), SPE 176606-RU, 2015. 2. Dentskevich I.A., Oshchepkov V.A., Patterns of placement of deposits of oil in the flank of Muhanovo-Erohovskiy deflection (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza = The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 1989, no. 5, pp. 21–23. 3. Postoenko P.I., Cherepanov A.G., Prospects of oil bearing Frasnian - Lower Famennian deposits in the south-east of the Volga-Kama anteclise (In Russ.) Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1992, no. 2, pp. 28–32. 4. Gorbovskaya O.A., Demidova E.A., Geologicheskoe stroenie Bobrovskogo mestorozhdeniya i usloviya zaleganiya nefti v plaste BII (bobrikovskiy gorizont) (The geological structure of the Bobrovsky f ield and conditions of occurrence of oil in the reservoir BII (Bobrikovian)), Proceedings of XVI Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma imeni akademika M.A. Usova studentov i molodykh uchenykh, posvyashchennogo 110-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya gorno-geologicheskogo obrazovaniya v Sibiri (International Symposium named after Academician M.A. Usov of students and young scientists, devoted to the 110th anniversary of the founding of mining and geological education in Siberia), Tomsk, 2012, pp. 252–254. 5. Prozorovich G.E., Pokryshki zalezhey nefti i gaza (Cap rocks of oil and gas deposits), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1972, 117 p. 6. Bondarenko P.M., Zubkov M.Yu., Forecast of secondary fracture zones on the basis of seismic prospecting and tectonic-physical modeling (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza = The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 1999, no. 11 – 12, pp. 31–40. Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
N.U. Maganov, R.S. Khisamov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), V.B. Podavalov (Oil and Gas Production Department Bavlyneft, RF, Bavly), I.N. Khakimzyanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), L.M. Mironova (NAUKA OOO, RF, Bugulma) Development of horizontal drilling technologies for production of hard-to-recover reserves in Bavlinskoye field DOI: One of the best practices for improving oil recovery in waterflood projects is horizontal drilling which involves construction of multifunctional horizontal wells as well as revitalization of marginal wells through sidetrack drilling, particularly horizontal sidetracking. The first attempts to implement horizontal drilling technology in Lower Carboniferous terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs, and in Domanic sediments of the Famennian stage and Upper Devonian Pashian reservoirs were made by geological surveys of Tatneft and Oil and Gas Production Department Bavlyneft. Oil fields operated by Bavlyneft comprise 29% of total count of horizontal wells drilled through the above mentioned reservoirs and 56% of horizontal wells drilled to produce from the Tournaisian production target. Oil production rates obtained from horizontal wells in terrigenous reservoirs and low-permeability carbonates were estimated at 100 t/d and 10 t/d, respectively, at negligible water cut. In 2015, horizontal drilling was implemented in the Domanic sediments. These were brought into production using EOR methods and bottomhole assembly providing for division of a horizontal section into multiple isolated intervals with different reservoir properties. Engineering design and well construction technology, as well as completion and operation of horizontal wells in Tatarstan have been brought to a relatively high level, which is confirmed by production and economic performance indicators that are comparable to those of the leading foreign and Russian energy companies. Login or register before ordering |
N.I. Krysin, I.V. Dombrovsky, S.N. Krivoshchekov, A.A. Melekhin, E.P. Riabokon, A.A. Shcherbakov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), I.I. Nestertov (Mikont-Engineering LLC, RF, Perm) Study of fiber optic gyroscopes for telemetry systems of well trajectory monitoring DOI: At the present time in the process of drilling wells with complex profiles telemetry systems of well trajectory monitoring are extensively used. They improve drilling efficiency, provide operational accuracy of drilling and provide information about drilling dynamics in real-time to optimize drilling parameters and to improve the rate of penetration and well durability. Operational information about the state of reservoir, obtained by measuring gamma radiation, resistance and telemetric measurements allows to adjust the well trajectory by providing well drilling in the most productive part of the reservoir. To control the predetermined direction of the wellbore axis in space, allocating areas of its bending, which can cause problems during drilling and exploitation, and determining the true depth of productive layers, as well as spatial bottomhole position (zenith angle and azimuth) at individual points of the wellbore using inclinometer sensors. One type of such sensors are gyroscopic instruments, which allow to orient the wellbore in space during construction providing the origin from certain existing coordinate system in measuring angles and angular velocities. The most modern, promising and fastest growing among the gyroscopes are fiber optic devices. The article describes the results of study the experimental sample of inertial unit using in navigation systems, constructed on the basis of solid-state fiber optic gyroscopes of Russian serial production. The study showed that these sensors had the required accuracy characteristics; sensor errors did not exceed the allowable values. By providing geostationarity conditions of navigation system while drilling these sensors can be used in the development of telemetry systems of well trajectory monitoringReferences 1. Baldenko D.F., Vervekin A.V., Plotnikov V.M., Ways to further improvement of well drilling by downhole drilling motors (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2016, V. 15, no. 19, pp. 165–174, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2016.19.7. 2. Kozhevnikov E.V., Nikolaev N.I., Rozentsvet A.V., Lyrchikov A.A., Centering equipment for casing columns in sidetrack cementing (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2015, no. 16, pp. 54–60, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2015.16.6. 3. Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L., Theoretical and experimental investigation of hard rock drilling efficiency (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2015, no. 15, pp. 38–47, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2015.15.5. 4. Kuz'mina T.A., Mironov A.D., Experience in the development of objects unproductive using technology multihole drilling (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89–93. 5. Ust'kachkintsev E.N., Increase productivity of construction in sidetrack of Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts field (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 5, pp. 39-46. 6. Isachenko V.Kh., Osnovy inklinometrii skvazhin (Fundamentals of wells inclinometry), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1987, 216 p. 7. Dzhashitov V.E., Pankratov V.M., Golikov A.V., Computer science and educational lectures on theoretical mechanics, general and applied theory of gyroscopes (In Russ.), Giroskopiya i navigatsiya = Gyroscopy and Navigation, 2009, no. 1(64), pp. 113–121. 8. Tereshin V.G., Ivanova G.A., The choice of dynamically tuned and fiberoptic gyroscopes for directional survey (In Russ.), Vestnik UGATU, 2012, no. 1 (46), pp. 62–69. 9. Okosi T., Volokonno-opticheskie datchiki (Fiber Optic Sensors): translated from Japanese, Leningrad: Energoatomizdat Publ., 1990, 256 p. 10. Korkishko Yu.N., Fedorov V.A., Prilutskiy V.E. et al., Fiber optic gyroscopes, blocks of sensing elements and strapdown inertial navigation system based on these (In Russ.), Foton-ekspress, 2013, no. 6 (110), pp. 44–45. 11. Nikolaev S.G., Ivshina Yu.V., Calibration of strapdown inertial navigation systems using output signals of error model (In Russ.), Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti SPbGPU. Informatika. Telekommunikatsii. Upravlenie, 2014, no. 4(200), pp. 95–105 12. Golovan A.A., Parusnikov N.A., Matematicheskie osnovy navigatsionnykh sistem(Mathematical bases of navigation systems), Part 1. Matematicheskie modeli inertsial'noy navigatsii (Mathematical models of inertial navigation), Moscow: Maks Press Publ., 2011, 136 p. 13. Korkishko Yu.N., Fedorov V.A., Prilutskiy V.E. et al., Issledovanie raboty BINS v usloviyakh vysokikh shirot s uchetom pogreshnostey real'nykh datchikov (Research the SINS work in high latitudes, taking into account the actual sensor error), Proceedings of XVI Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, 25-27 May 2009, pp. 57-60. Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
S.I. Kudryashov, I.S. Afanasiev, G.D. Fedorchenko, V.N. Vlasov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Enhancing oil recovery on small oil producing asset of Zarubezhneft JSC by means of development solutions optimization DOI: The article describes the issue of increasing the efficiency of the small oil-producing assets through an integrated approach to geologic studies and reservoir engineering, on an example of a subsidiary of Zarubezhneft JSC - Orenburgnefteotdacha LLC. Orenburgnefteotdacha LLC owns exploration and development licenses for three small oil fields in the north of the Orenburg region: Pashkinskoye, Kirsanovskoye and Chernovskoye fields, which are producing oil from a small well stock since the beginning of the 2000s. In 2014 a comprehensive program of these fields’ development efficiency increase has been approved and it is being currently implemented. The first phase included re-interpretation of previous years’ 3D seismic survey and the increase of base oil production through an introduction of a reservoir pressure maintenance system, dual completion application and individually selected acid treatments with compositions based on the reservoir rocks and formation oil properties. In 2015, after successful results of the first stage, an exploration and development drilling program commenced at the fields. As a result of the first exploration well drilling, an additional small dome with commercial oil reserves was discovered at the Kirsanovskoye field. In course of development drilling program implementation the well completion method was selected on the basis of fields’ geologic peculiarities. So, on a multilayer Pashkinskoye field directional wells with dual completion were implemented and horizontal wells on a single reservoir Kirsanovskoye field. All of this allowed achieving economically efficient new wells’ drilling what had been previously considered lacking prospects. The basic well stock activities and new development wells’ drilling being performed have allowed increasing oil production of the enterprise in general by 50% by November 2016 with further plans to establish a full-scale development system and to further increase the oil production in 2017. Login or register before ordering |
S.V. Elkin, A.A. Aleroev, N.A. Veremko, M.V. Chertenkov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow) Accounting for dimensionless conductivity in express calculation of flow-rate in a well after multi-stage hydraulic fracturing DOI:
This paper presents an improved model of fluid inflow into hydraulic fractures. We also suggest here formulae for calculating flow rate in a horizontal well after multi-stage hydraulic fracturing job as dependent on the number of fractures, the angle of fracture deviation fr om the normal line to the horizontal section of the well and on the values of fractures’ dimensionless conductivity Fcd. In our previous papers we accounted for infinite conductivity, but only partially. In this paper we estimate the impact of fracture conductivity onto the total flow rate in a horizontal well after multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. The hydraulic fracture is viewed as a wedge-like channel with half-length of xf, average width of w and constant height of h that is filled evenly with proppant and deviates at an angle ± from the normal line. Our assumption was that the pressure at fracture tip is higher than bottom-hole pressure pòð> pç, while the pressure at the beginning of the fracture (the point wh ere it enters the wellbore) is equal to bottom-hole pressure pç. For Fcd>10 the previous and the current models render equal results. The new model is a powerful enabler for optimization of multi-stage fracturing it terms of identifying economically efficient number of ports as well as fracture half-length and the angle of fracture deviation from the normal line to the well. References 1. Elkin S.V., Aleroev A.A., Veremko N.A., Chertenkov M.V., Flowrate calculation model for fractured horizontal well depending on frac stages number (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, no. 1, pp. 64–67. 2. Elkin S.V., Aleroev A.A., Veremko N.A., Chertenkov M.V., The model for rapid calculation of horizontal well production rate depending on the number of hydraulic fractures with anisotropic layer (In Russ.), Inzhenernaya praktika, 2016, no. 7, pp. 82–88. 3. Elkin S.V., Aleroev A.A., Veremko N.A., Chertenkov M.V., Consideration of the impact of fracktures deviation from their perpendicular position to a horizontal well on the liquid flow rate following a multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (In Russ. ), Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2016, no. 10, pp. 37–42. 4. Cinco-L.H., Samaniego-V.F., Dominguex N., Transient pressure behavior for
a well with a finite-conductivity vertical fracture, SPE 6014-PA, 1978. Login or register before ordering |
V.E. Vershinin, M.V. Vershinina (Tyumen State University, RF, Tyumen), V.B. Zavolzhsky, Yu.A. Gankin, R.A. Idiyatullin (Tsentr Neftyanyih Tehnologiy OOO, RF, Moscow), V.A. Sosnin, A.S. Zimin (State Research and Development Institute Crystal JSC, RF, Dzerzhinsk), A.N.Lishchuk (MC HMS Group LLC, RF, Moscow) Kinetics of chemical reactions at thermogaschemical impact on a bottomhole zone of wells water solutions of binary mixes DOI: The paper studies problems of modernizing thermal-gas-chemical pay zone treatment technology for raising the productivity of wells. The focus is on increasing heat power influence on a formation while using binary aqueous mixtures injected into pore space of pay zone. We have written the equations of two-step reaction of binary mixture primary components interaction and reaction enthalpy. The paper presents the results of laboratory tests of heat release and chemical reaction rate of components interaction in binary mixtures in various temperatures and solution concentrations. The laboratory tests were conducted under two conditions: adiabatic and isothermal. They show that in case of temperature increase from 25 îÑ to 75 îÑ chemical reaction rate increases 1300 times. Under adiabatic condition a self-stimulating reaction is observed leading to a thermal explosion. The article explores catalysts influence on the chemical reaction rate. Adding aldehyde-catalyst to a binary mixture leads to a considerable increase of decomposition reaction rate even at a low temperature (20 îÑ). It shows the possibility of catalytic self-stimulation of reactions in formation conditions. Using reactor, filled with porous material in our experimental method we have confirmed the possibility of reaction self-stimulation in pore space and pressure pulse generation capable of creating a fracture network in a formation. The results of the study show that binary aqueous mixtures can actively reacts as in a borehole volume, so in pore space in formation conditions. This fact removes a well-known limits to a power of an explosive compounds. Increasing of binary mixture mass allows to increase an efficiency of thermal-gas-chemical influence on pay zone by means of thermal cleaning of pore space from asphalt, resin, and paraffin materials and creating a secondary fracture network.
References 1. Agliullin M.M., Abdullin V.M., Abdullin M.M., Kurmaev S.A., Development and implementation of thermobar-chemical method of increasing the productivity of oil and gas wells (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2004, no. 2. 2. Belin V.A., Gribanov N.I., Shilov A.A., Pelykh N.M., Metody razrusheniya plasta- kollektora energiey goreniya energeticheskikh kondensirovannykh sistem (Methods of reservoir destruction by energy of combustion of energetic condensed systems), Moscow: Publ. of MSMU, 2011. 3. Laspe C.G., Roberts L.N., A mathematical analysis of oil and gas well stimulation by explosive fracturing, SPE 3355, 1971. 4. Young C., Barker D.B., Clark H.C., Field tests of the stem-induced explosive fracturing technique, SPE 12840-PA, 1986. 5. Prikhod'ko N.K. et al., Primenenie khimicheskikh vzryvchatykh veshchestv dlya intensifikatsii razrabotki neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy (The use of chemical explosives for the intensification the development of oil and gas fields), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1981, 131 p. 6. Patent no. 4330037 US. E 21 B 43/22, Well treating process for chemically heating and modifying a subterranean reservoir, Inventors: Richardson E.A., Fair W.B. 7. Patent no. 2525386 s2 RF, Thermal gas chemical composition and its application for well bottom and remote zones of productive stratum, Inventors: Zavolzhskiy V.B., Burko V.A., Idiyatullin A.R. et al. 8. Vershinin V.E, Fedorov K.M, Lishchuk A.N., Mechanisms of thermal-pressure induced impact of binary mixture reaction near wellbore (In Russ.), SPE- 182048-RU, 2016. 9. Aleksandrov E.N., Kuznetsov N.M., Large-scale heating of an oil-bearing formation and liquid hydrocarbon production mode optimization (In Russ.), Karotazhnik, 2007, no. 4, pp.113–127. 10. Mel'nikov E.Ya. , Spravochnik azotchika (Handbook of nitrogen and nitrogen compounds expert), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 1987, 464 p. Login or register before ordering |
A.G.Solomatin, P.A. Grishin, A.V. Osipov (VNIIneft AO, RF, Moscow), T.A. Azimov, O.V. Petrashov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) The results of pilot works on thermal treatment at carbonate heavy oil reservoir DOI: Reservoir M of the Boko de Jaruco (the Republic of Cuba) field is a unique object that does not have a real equivalent anywhere in the world and has large potential reserves of hydrocarbons that are estimated to exceed hundreds of millions of tons. Reservoir M presents carbonate reservoir, high viscosity saturated oil, which should rather be viewed as bitumen. The development of this object can have a revolutionary impact on the Republic of Cuba, is comparable with the importance of development of deposits of bitumen in Canada. The development of reserves of the object will make a significant contribution to the achievement of energy security of the Republic of Cuba, and will ensure the development of the petrochemical industries. In this regard, Zarubezhneft JSC has initiated pilot projects to find effective technologies for the development of the reservoir M. The first results of the pilot cyclic steam stimulation on the M formation, some peculiarities of behavior of the wells and the reaction of the reservoir to the steam injection are discussed. Based on the hypothesis that the fractures are opening under certain injection pressure was carried out the adaptation of the hydrodynamic model to the history, which showed a good convergence of calculated and actual data. Further model improvements are envisaged on the basis of rheological properties of oil and water-oil emulsions, further values of permeability of fractures and matrix. Zarubezhneft JSC prepared a program of prolongation of field and research work to improve the energy performance of stimulation and technology in general.References 1. Afanasiev I.S., Yudin E.V., Azimov T.A. et al., Technology for the thermal treatment of the productive formations of the Boca de Jaruco field: challenges, opportunities, prospects (In Russ.), SPE 176699-MS, 2015. 2. Anfanas'ev I.S., Yudin E.V., Fedorchenko G.D. et al., Ozhidanie i real'nost' razrabotki karbonatnykh kollektorov (Expectation and reality of the carbonate reservoirs development), Proceedings of V International scientific symposium “Teoriya i praktika primeneniya metodov uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov” (Theory and practice of EOR application), Moscow, 16–17 September 2015. 3. Butler R.M., Thermal recovery of oil and bitumen, Prentice Hall, 1991, 528 ð. 4. Nosal M., Thimm H.F., Ehlers P.F. et al., A statistical analysis of the early peace river thermal project performance, The Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1993, V. 32, no. 1, pp. 48–53. Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
U.A. Sazonov, M.A. Mokhov, V.V. Bondarenko (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), RF, Moscow) Development of the watertight system for mechanical energy transfer using permanent magnets DOI: The reduction of energy consumption for oil and gas production and processing is one of the important objectives of the fields development. More rational utilization of the compressed gas energy helps to solve this problem. Compressed gas energy might be converted to heat or electrical energy. Conversion process might be divided into several stages and one of these stages considers conversion of the kinetic energy of the gas stream to mechanical energy. Gas turbine which is connected to the pump or electrical generator via transmission is used at this stage of energy conversion, Transmission is used for mechanical energy transfer meeting the requirements aimed at preventing gas leakage to the atmosphere. Watertight system for mechanical energy transfer might be developed with usage of magnet coupling based on permanent magnets and equipped with watertight dividing screen. Each half of the coupling is usually equipped with permanent magnets. Within the scope of this study new coupling design is considered where only one half of the coupling is equipped with permanent magnet. Second half of the coupling is equipped with steel rollers which are used as magnetic circuit. In the system where compressed gas energy is converted to heat energy, steel rollers work in conditions of high temperature while permanent magnets work in the zone with lower temperature. Technical objective is to provide more favorable conditions for permanent magnets work what will result in better reliability of the whole system. Main area of the application of watertight system being developed deals with oil and gas production. Moreover, developed technical solutions might be used when designing new eco-friendly equipment such as latching equipment, controlling equipment for the pipelines, separation equipment, pumping and compressing equipment and etc.References 1. US patent no. 4850818, Corrosion-resistant magnet pump, Inventor: Masayuki Kotera, 1989, URL: 4850818.html 2. US patent no. 5066200, Double containment pumping system for pumping hazardous materials, Inventor: Kazuo Ooka, 1991, URL: http://www.freepatentsonline. com/5066200.html 3. US patent no. 5201642, Magnetic drive pump, Inventor: Hinckley Ch.J., 1993, URL: 4. US patent no. 7922464, Magnetic drive pump, Inventor: Kazunari Adachi, 2011, URL: 5. US patent no. 20040131485, Sealed magnetic drive sealless pump, Inventor: Chi-wei Shi, 2004, URL: 0131485.html 6. US patent no. 4678409, Multiple magnetic pump system, Inventor: Toshio Kurokawa, 1987, URL: 7. US patent no. 4850821, Multiple magnet drive pump, Inventor: Sakai Naotake, 1989, URL: 8. US patent no. 20050095149, Magnetic drive pump, Inventor: Seiya Tanaka, 2005, URL: 9. Sazonov I.A., Mokhov M.A., Design of thermoelectric generators for oil and gas production systems, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2015, V.8(30), pp. 1–12, URL: File/81878/63184 10. Sazonov Iu.A., Mokhov M.A., Frankov M.A., Biktimirova D.R., Studying issues of compressed gas energy recovery, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016, May, V.9 (19), pp. 1–7. 11. Bondarenko V.V., Mokhov M.A., Sazonov Yu.A., Heat generators modeling for oil and gas production systems (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 127–129. 12. Utility patent no. 160267, Magnitnaya mufta (Magnetic clutch), Inventors: Sazonov Yu.A., Mokhov M.A., Gruzintsev D.A., Basharov S.F. Login or register before ordering |
V.K. Dragunov, A.P. Sliva, I.E. Zhmurko, A.L.Goncharov, E.V. Terentyev, A.Yu. Marchenkov, D.A. Kovalenko, E.Yu. Bolokhov (National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, RF, Moscow) 30KhGSA steel high-pressure vessels electron-beam welding technology DOI: A new 30KhGSA steel weld constructions designing technology applicable for high-pressure vessel production is developed. The proposed technology provides high quality of welded joints and includes electron beam welding (EBW), heat treatment, phased array and TOFD ultrasonic control. EBW modes parameters for model welded joints, which includes electron beam circle-type scanning for weld root defects elimination are proposed. Static tension tests of welded joints in accordance with state standard GOST 6996-66 as well as metallographic research of weld seam, heat affected zone and parent metal are made. Weld seam, heat affected zone and parent metal strength and ductility characteristics are also evaluated by ball indentation. Yield stress and ultimate stress are estimated by hardness on yield stress HB0.2 and hardness on ultimate stress HBU. Ductility characteristics - ultimate uniform elongation and final elongation of local welded zones are calculated using the correlations proposed in Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Fine agreement of yield stress, ultimate uniform elongation and final elongation values, obtained by tension test and indentation test is shown. The difference between ultimate stress values, estimated by these methods, is shown to be 3-6%. Welded joints heat treatment is shown to cause much smooth mechanical properties distribution over the weld joint cross section. Microstructure and properties of metal in remelting zone are shown to be the similar to the weld seam metal. Tandem control method using the phased array and TOFD techniques is suggested. The proposed technique provides increased accuracy of defect dimensions measuring as well as the possibility of defect detection regardless of its spatial position, defects zones rejection either amplitude criteria or defect dimension criteria, high efficiency of control operation and the possibility of recording and storage of control results.
References 1. Zubchenko A.S., Koloskov M.M., Kashirskiy Yu.V., Marochnik staley i splavov (Database of steels and alloys), Moscow: Mashinostroenie Publ., 2003, 784 p. 2. Zakharov N.M., Evdokimov G.I., Obespechenie resursa obolochkovykh konstruktsiy (Provision of shell structures resources), Ufa: Publ. of USPU, 2002, 158 p. 3. Gorbachev S.V., Shchipachev A.M., Lutfullin R.Ya., Influence of deformation on mechanical properties of 20 and 30HGSA steel welded joints in superplasticity regime (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2014, no. 1, pp. 289–301. 4. Gorbachev S.V., Fot A.P., Shchipachev A.M., Lutfullin R.Ya., Influence of post-weld treatment on the structural features of welded joints of steels 20 and 30KhGSA (In Russ.), Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2015, no. 4 (179), pp. 159–164. 5. Nazarenko O.K., Kaydalov A.A., Kovbasenko S.N. et al., Elektronnoluchevaya svarka (Electron beam welding): edited by Paton B.E., Kiev: Naukova dumka Publ., 1987, 256 p. 6. Svarka v mashinostroenii (Welding in mechanical engineering), Moscow: Mashinostroenie Publ., 1978, Part 1, 504 p, Part 2, 462 p. 7. Mupav'eva T.P., Dpagunov V.K., Sliva A.P., Gonchapov A.L., Structure and properties characteristics of the thick-walled steel welded joints, carried out by electron-beam welding (In Russ.), Svarochnoe proizvodstvo = Welding International, 2010, no. 6, pp. 38–42. 8. Ol'shanskaya T.V., Trushnikov D.N., Belen'kiy V.Ya., Mladenov G.M., Influence of electron beam oscillation on formation of weld structure and properties (In Russ.), Svarochnoe proizvodstvo = Welding International, 2012, no. 11, pp. 13–18. 9. Ermolov I.N., Aleshin N.P., Potapov A.I., Nerazrushayushchiy kontrol' (Unbrakable control): edited by Sukhorukov V.V., Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1991, 283 ð. 10. Gulyaev A.P., Gulyaev A.A., Materialovedenie (Materials Science), Moscow: Al'yans Publ., 2011, 644 p. Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
O.V. Tretyakov, A.V. Usenkov (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm), A.A. Lekomtsev, P.Yu. Ilyushin, S.V. Galkin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Results of pilot tests of mobile unit for well production treatment DOI: The article is devoted to the results of pilot tests of mobile unit for well production treatment developed by the authors at preliminary water discharge unit "Rassvet" of LUKOIL-PERM LLC. Mobile unit consists of four process units arranged on two grounds, providing a comfortable hospital transport, installation at the existing facility and the installation. This mobile unit is designed for oilfield fluid treatment on a scale of 1: 100. The main block allows to carry out oil and water treatment process by settling water emulsion in three process apparatuses using heating system, applying chemical reagents and fresh water. Unit allows to simulate the process of oil and water treatment objects, to conduct trials of new equipment and technology, to improve the quality of oil treatment and waste water with the possibility of additional outfitting and testing of new tools and equipment without changing the current process on the commercial units. During the pilot testing period it was tested four technologies that have reduced the content of suspended solids and oil in produced water in 4.5-5 times up to 10 mg/l. The recommendations for improving the quality of the product are prepared for implementation in the workplace.
References 1. Galimov R.M., Chumakov G.N., Burtasov S.E., Evaluation of energy efficiency of field well production gathering systems in CDNG no. 7 LLC"LUKOIL-PERM" (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2013, no. 7, pp. 35–46. 2. Utility patent no. 127 323, Modul'nyy kompleks ustanovki podgotovki nefti (Modular complex of oil treatment unit), Inventors: Soldatkin B.I., Sokolovskiy P.A., Ivanchik O.D. 3. Patent no. CN 204417422, Skid-mounted crude oil dehydrating device, Inventors: Xu Na, Zhang Qiaosheng, Zhang Xiaolong, Zhou Zidong, Ma Yong, Bai Zhenjun, Zhao Qiuya, Huo Fuyong, Zhang Ping, Wang Changyao. 4. Patent no. 9157035 US, Local produced oil dehydrator, Inventors: Ball IV W.D., Johnson G.L. 5. Application for invention no. 2016114262, Ustanovka podgotovki skvazhinnoy produktsii (Installation of preparation of downhole product). 6. Tronov V.P., Promyslovaya podgotovka nefti (Field oil treatment), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1977, 271 p. 7. Mironov E.A., Zakachka stochnykh vod neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v produktivnye i pogloshchayushchie gorizonty (Injection of wastewater of oil fields to the productive and lost circulation horizons), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1976, 168 p. 8. Medvedev V.F., Sbor i podgotovka neustoychivykh emul'sii na promyslakh (Gathering and preparation of unstable emulsions in the fields), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1987, 144 p. Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
N.I. Krysin, S.N. Krivoshchekov, A.V. Kychkin, A.A. Melekhin, M.S. Turbakov, E.P. Riabokon, A.A. Shcherbakov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Testing of dispatching module of a system that controls well drilling in designed trajectory DOI: The article describes testing of dispatching module of developing telemetry system of well borehole trajectory monitoring for well drilling with use of rotary steerable system. A scheme of reliability evaluation and a stand for load testing of program apparatus complex of surface equipment are discussed. A scheme includes communication controller, input module, and operator’s station and power supplies. These functional units, connected in series, create dispatching system with performance parameters that may be evaluated by continuous formation, sending, processing and saving of recorded data on well state. A well is modeled on regimes close to real production on a drill site. Load testing on stand consist of formation and sending of data array from communication controller to an operator’s station. An array carries time label with date and time, coordinates in metrical notation system and attributes – data about odometry, azimuthal angles and temperature. Modeling signals on well trajectory and additional attribute parameter, arrived to dispatching module, provide automated test regime of program apparatus complex of surface equipment of dispatching module and allow revealing elements that decrease general reliability of entire system of telemetry monitoring on development stage. During continuous load testing failures of program code of operator’s station are found. Border conditions when a system maintains reliable state during long time and parameters of information transmission rate are determined. Based on scheme of series connection reliability of dispatching system main parameters of reliability are calculated.
References 1. Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L., Theoretical and experimental investigation of hard rock drilling efficiency (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2015, no. 15, pp. 38–47, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2015.15.5. 2. Kuz'mina T.A., Mironov A.D., Experience in the development of objects unproductive using technology multihole drilling (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89–93. 3. Baldenko D.F., Vervekin A.V., Plotnikov V.M., Ways to further improvement of well drilling by downhole drilling motors (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2016, V. 15, no. 19, pp. 165–174, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2016.19.7. 4. Ust'kachkintsev E.N., Increase productivity of construction in sidetrack of Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts field (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 5, pp. 39-46. 5. Conti P.F., Controlled horizontal drilling, SPE 18708-MS, 1989. 6. Temichev A.A., Kychkin A.V., The software simulator PLC VIDA350 of energy management system My-JEVis (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Elektrotekhnika, informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemy upravleniya = PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems, 2011, no. 5, pp. 210–220. 7. Zaikin I.P., Pankov M.V., Ismailov N.A., Pushkarev S.V., Rotary controllable system PowerDrive and well log survey system PeriScope operation in horizontal well drilling (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2009, no. 11, pp. 68–70. 8. Xue Q., Wang R., Huang L. et al., The strap-down automatic vertical drilling system design and field applications, The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, no. 1, pp. 3009–3018. 9. Kychkin A.V., The long-term energy monitoring based on OpenJEVis Software (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Elektrotekhnika, informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemy upravleniya = PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems, 2014, no. 1 (9), pp. 5–15. 10. Jian K., BoXiong W., Zhong Xiang H. et al., Study of drill measuring system based on MEMS accelerative and magnetoresistive sensor, Electronic Measurement & Instruments, ICEMI 09, Beijing, China. 2009. 11. Xue Q., Wang R., Sun F. et al., Continuous measurement-while-drilling utilizing strap-down multi-model surveying system, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2014, V. 63, pp. 650–657. 12. Kostygov A.M., Kychkin A.V., Artemov S.A., An automated system for remote energy monitoring of mobile objects with electric drives (In Russ.), Elektrotekhnika = Russian Electrical Engineering, 2015, no. 11, pp. 48–50. 13. Lyakhomskiy A.V., Perfil'eva E.N., Kychkin A.V., Genrikh N., A software-hardware system of remote monitoring and analysis of the energy data (In Russ.), Elektrotekhnika = Russian Electrical Engineering, 2015, no. 6, pp. 13–19. 14. 15. Kostygov A.M., Kychkin A.V., Structurization of remote monitoring of a group of intelligent mobile platforms in real time (In Russ.), Datchiki i sistemy,References 1. Nikolaev N.I., Leusheva E.L., Theoretical and experimental investigation of hard rock drilling efficiency (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2015, no. 15, pp. 38–47, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2015.15.5. 2. Kuz'mina T.A., Mironov A.D., Experience in the development of objects unproductive using technology multihole drilling (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 3, pp. 89–93. 3. Baldenko D.F., Vervekin A.V., Plotnikov V.M., Ways to further improvement of well drilling by downhole drilling motors (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2016, V. 15, no. 19, pp. 165–174, DOI: 10.15593/2224-9923/2016.19.7. 4. Ust'kachkintsev E.N., Increase productivity of construction in sidetrack of Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts field (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Geologiya. Neftegazovoe i gornoe delo = Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Geology. Oil & Gas Engineering & Mining, 2012, no. 5, pp. 39-46. 5. Conti P.F., Controlled horizontal drilling, SPE 18708-MS, 1989. 6. Temichev A.A., Kychkin A.V., The software simulator PLC VIDA350 of energy management system My-JEVis (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Elektrotekhnika, informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemy upravleniya = PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems, 2011, no. 5, pp. 210–220. 7. Zaikin I.P., Pankov M.V., Ismailov N.A., Pushkarev S.V., Rotary controllable system PowerDrive and well log survey system PeriScope operation in horizontal well drilling (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2009, no. 11, pp. 68–70. 8. Xue Q., Wang R., Huang L. et al., The strap-down automatic vertical drilling system design and field applications, The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, no. 1, pp. 3009–3018. 9. Kychkin A.V., The long-term energy monitoring based on OpenJEVis Software (In Russ.), Vestnik Permskogo natsional'nogo issledovatel'skogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. Elektrotekhnika, informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemy upravleniya = PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems, 2014, no. 1 (9), pp. 5–15. 10. Jian K., BoXiong W., Zhong Xiang H. et al., Study of drill measuring system based on MEMS accelerative and magnetoresistive sensor, Electronic Measurement & Instruments, ICEMI 09, Beijing, China. 2009. 11. Xue Q., Wang R., Sun F. et al., Continuous measurement-while-drilling utilizing strap-down multi-model surveying system, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2014, V. 63, pp. 650–657. 12. Kostygov A.M., Kychkin A.V., Artemov S.A., An automated system for remote energy monitoring of mobile objects with electric drives (In Russ.), Elektrotekhnika = Russian Electrical Engineering, 2015, no. 11, pp. 48–50. 13. Lyakhomskiy A.V., Perfil'eva E.N., Kychkin A.V., Genrikh N., A software-hardware system of remote monitoring and analysis of the energy data (In Russ.), Elektrotekhnika = Russian Electrical Engineering, 2015, no. 6, pp. 13–19. 14. 15. Kostygov A.M., Kychkin A.V., Structurization of remote monitoring of a group of intelligent mobile platforms in real time (In Russ.), Datchiki i sistemy
2013, no. 9 (172), pp. 65–69. Login or register before ordering |
Ecological and industrial safety |
À.Ì.Soromotin, À.Yu. Solodovnikov, À.À. Khattu (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen) The ecological influence of 30-year term of oil fields development on the environment: on the Russinskskoye oil field example DOI: One of the main factors of complicated oil extraction on the territory of the main business activity site of Surgutneftegas JSC - Middle Ob is high water-bearing nature of the region, about 40%. On the territory of Russinskoye oil field the amount of water is even greater – about 70%, 30% is accounted for woodlans including bottom lands. The hydrocarbons extraction influences on all the components of the nature within the territory of the oil field. This could be observed through the changes of the original landscapes geochemical status of the environment. Regular monitoring fixes these changes. In this article the data of presence of different hydrocarbons, carbonic acids, biogenic substances, heavy metals exceeding the threshold available concentration in all streamflows of Rusinskoye oil field is presented. This is the feature not only of the Rusinskoye oil field, but of the whole Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District-Ugra. This is proved by the annual researches made on these territories. The same situation is with the bed deposits and with the soils. The threshold available concentration of pollution is not exceeded in atmospheric air only. The presence of different chemical elements in surface waters has not only the anthropogenic nature but the environmental too. Modern methods of researches allow observing the anthropogenic and natural pollution. The fact that gas-oil extraction greatly changes the environment is commonly recognized. The plants spend lots of money for different nature-protecting measures on each oil field. Their effectiveness is proved by the regular ecological monitor results made on all the stages of oil field developing process.Login or register before ordering |