February 2016 ![]() |
Аннотированный перечень статей на русском языке |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
V.Yu. Kerimov, G.Ya. Shilov, R.N. Mustayev, S.S. Dmitrievskiy (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Thermobaric conditions of hydrocarbons accumulations formation in the low-permeability oil reservoirs of Khadum suite of the Pre-Caucasus DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.A. Melnik, S.V. Zimina, O.D. Eliseeva, K.U. Smirnova (Tomsk Branch of the Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Tomsk), N.A. Shenberger (Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Novosibirsk) Lithofacies and geochemistry criteria of hydrocarbons bedding into the Pokur suite in Tomsk region (part 1) DOI: Login or register before ordering |
R.Kh. Musin, Z.G. Kalkamanova Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) The formation of the underground water in the upper part of hydrolithosphere in the Vostochno-Zakamsky region of Tatarstan DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.E. Kosarev, V.A. Gorgun, O.N. Sherstyukov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), V.N. Gorbachev, M.L. Mikheev (TNG-Group LTD, RF, Bugulma) Comparison of slowness estimation methods according to borehole acoustic waveform data DOI: Key words: acoustic logging, Semblance’s method, hodograph curve, dispersion, convergence, error in slowness determination Methods for estimating the slowness of elastic waves according to a multi-element acoustic logging are discusses in the paper. Compare slowness curves of longitudinal and transverse waves for carbonate deposits is held. Interval times curves estimated by Semblance and dispersion methods have better convergence with each other. The reason for this is that these methods estimate the group velocity, as opposed to the hodograph method, which gives an estimate of the phase velocity. Convergence of slowness curves for the transverse wave is generally belter than convergence of curves for the longitudinal wave. All methods yield similar values slowness estimation errors.References
1. URL: http://npf-geofizika.ru/?part_id=41,54,107& obj_id=481.
2. URL: http://www.slb.com/~/media/Files/evaluation/ product_sheets/wireline_ open_hole/petrophysics/acoustic/dsi.pdf.
3. Bulatova Zh.M., Volkova E.A., Dubrov E.F., Akusticheskiy karotazh (Fcoustic logging), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1970, 264 p.
4. Ellis D.V., Singer J.M.,Well logging for Earth scientists, Springer, 2008, 699 p.
5. Patent US 7,675,813 B2, Methods and systems for detecting arrivals of interest, Inventors: Valero H.-P., Kanagawa-Ken M.T, 2010.
6. Patent US 4,853,903, Method and apparatus for removing sinusoidal noise
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7. Kimball, C.V., Marzetta T.L., Semblance processing of borehole acoustic
array data, Geophysics, 1986, V. 49, pp. 274-281.
8. Tang X.M., Gheng A., Quantitative borehole acoustic methods, In:
Handbook of geophysical exploration: Seismic exploration (V. 24), Elsever,
2004, 255 p.
9. Gorgun V.A., Utemov E.V., Kosarev V.E., The dispersion method for determining the interval velocity according to a multielement wave acoustic logging (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesources, 2011, no. 6 (42), pp. 44-47
10. Latysheva M.G., D'yakonova T.F., Tsirul'nikov V.P., Dostovernost' geofizicheskoy i geologicheskoy informatsii pri podschete zapasov nefti i gaza (The reliability of the geological and geophysical data in the calculation of oil and gas reserves), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1986, 121 p.
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Drilling of chinks |
A.A. Tretyak, Yu.M. Rybalchenko Yury, S.I. Lubyanova, Yu.Yu. Turuntaev, K.A. Borisov (Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, RF, Novocherkassk) Drilling fluids for the construction of wells in complex conditions DOI: Login or register before ordering |
D.V. Oreshkin, V.S. Semenov, T.A. Rozovskaya (National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, RF, Moscow) The properties of light-weight backfill mortars formed at a temperature of minus 5 °C DOI: Login or register before ordering |
L. R. Yurych, V. M. Ivasiv, R. V. Rachkevych, A. R.Yurych (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk, A. A. Kozlov (TRIDENT-EAST LLC, RF, Moskow) The use of elastic elements for wellbore trajectory management DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
A.A. Aleksandrov, O.D. Gabdraupov, S.G. Devyatkova, V.P. Sonich (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen) Petrophysical basis and assessment of the influence of argillaceous rock of formation and sieves on the formation development parameters DOI: Login or register before ordering |
B.C. Gabsia, I.N. Nikitina (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow) Distinctive features of hydrocarbon phase modeling in flow experiments DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Radaev,R.L. Rakhimov, I.D. Zakhiev, A.A. Davletshin, R.R. Galimzyanov, A.A. Mukhamadiev, A.N. Sabirzyanov (Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan) Model of a non-stationary two-phase two-component filtration of oil – water system and oil – supercritical fluid on homogeneous porous media DOI: Key words: mathematical model, two-phase two-component filtration, homogeneous porous environment, numerical modeling The mathematical model of process of a non-stationary two-phase two-component filtration of system oil - supercritical CO2 in homogeneous porous environment is developed. Results of numerical researches of a problem of a non-stationary two-component two-phase filtration of system oil - supercritical CO2 are given in layer in the course of replacement of model oil by supercritical CO2 from homogeneous porous environment. Results of numerical modeling showed that a rejection of settlement data from experimental in case of oil replacement by water below, than at replacement of its supercritical CO2. The deviation of numerical results from the experimental doesn't exceed 13%.References
1. Aziz Kh., Settari A., Petroleum reservoir simulation, Applied Science Publishers, 1979, 476 p.
2. Barenblatt G.I., Entov V.M., Ryzhik V.M., Teoriya nestatsionarnoy fil'tratsii zhidkosti i gaza (The theory of non-stationary filtration of liquid and gas), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1972, 288 p.
3. Brusilovskiy A.I., Fazovye prevrashcheniya pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy
nefti i gaza (Phase transitions in the development of oil and gas fields),
Moscow: Graal' Publ., 2002, 575 p.
4. Kuznetsova I.V., Gil'mutdinov I.I., Gil'mutdinov I.M. et al., Solubility of ibuprofen in supercritical carbon dioxide (In Russ.), Sverkhkriticheskie flyuidy: teoriya i praktika, 2012, V. 7, no. 3, pp. 80–89.
5. Efros D.A., Issledovanie fil'tratsii neodnorodnykh sistem(Research the filtration of inhomogeneous systems), Leningrad: Gostoptekhizdat Publ., 1963, 349 p.
6. Golubev I.F., Vyazkost' gazovykh smesey (The viscosity of the gas mixtures), Moscow: Publ. of State service of standard and reference data of State standards committee, 1971, 319 p.
7. Brot R.A., Kutukov S.E., Determination of geophysical parameters of gas-saturated oils (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = The electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business, 2005, no. 3, URL: http://ogbus.ru/authors/Brot/Brot_1.pdf.
8. Grigor'ev B.A., Bogatov G.F., Gerasimov A.A., Teplofizicheskie svoystva
nefti, nefteproduktov, gazovykh kondesatov i ikh fraktsiy (Thermal properties
of oil, oil products, gas condensate and their fractions), Moscow: Publ. of
MEI, 1999, 372 p.
9. Ovsyannikov P.O., Teplofizicheskie svoystva uglevodorodov i ikh vliyanie na teplovye parametry nasyshchennykh porod plastovykh rezervuarov (Thermal properties of hydrocarbons and their influence on the thermal properties of saturated
reservoir rocks): thesis of candidate of technical science, Kazan', 2014.
10. Batrakov N.R., Zakiev I.D., Galimzyanov R.R. et al., Issledovanie protsessa
vytesneniya nefti sverkhkriticheskim CO2 na terrigennoy modeli plasta (Research the of the displacement of oil by supercritical CO2 on terrigenous
reservoir model), Nauchnaya sessiya KGTU (Scientific session of KSTU), Kazan': KGTU, February of 2014.
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M.V. Naugolnov, N.F. Teplyakov, M.N. Pislegin, A.A. Borodkin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Development of probabilistic model for technical and economics evaluation of oil field on depletion DOI: Key words: probabilistic model, statistic model, project evaluation, reservoir evaluation, CAPEX estimation, economics evaluation, optimal decision selection This paper is dedicated to program module that gives an opportunity to provide automatically the full cycle of probabilistic estimation of oil greenfield development on depletion fr om STOIIP estimation to economic evaluation. A special attention is paid to the selection of optimal decision in geological uncertainties. Lim itations of popular deterministic and scenarious methods of project evaluation and advantages of full cycle of probabilistic evaluation from geology to economics are described. The basis of program module are Monte-Carlo method that uses discrete and continuous distributions of parameters, material balance model, model of decline curve, model of estimation surface facilities and a simple economics model for net present value estimation.References
1. Makarov A.V., Ekonomicheskie voprosy proektirovaniya i razrabotki
neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Economic issues of design and development of
oil fields), St. Peterburg: Nedra Publ., 2010, 196 p.
2. Andreev A.F., Zubareva V.D., Sarkisov A.S., Otsenka effektivnosti i riskov innovatsionnykh
proektov neftegazovoy otrasli (Eval uating the effectiveness and
risks of innovative oil and gas projects), Moscow: Maks Press Publ., 2008, 236 p.
3. Arps J.J., Analysis of decline curves, Trans. AIME: 1945, V. 160, pp. 228-247.
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S.Z. Fatikhov, V.N. Fedorov (BashNIPIneft LLc, RF, Ufa)б A.G. Malov (Bashneft-Dobycha LLC, RF, Ufa) Using permanent downhole gauges at oil fields DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.M. Petrakov, Yu.A. Egorov, I.A. Lebedev, T.L. Nenartovich, V.A. Starkovskiy (VNIIneft AO, RF, Moscow) Gas and WAG methods for oil recovery. Methodological principals of the laboratory study DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.I. Astafev, V.A. Olkhovskaya, S.I. Gubanov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara) Warm-up of layer in well with dual-well system and intensification of high-viscosity oil production DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Bondarenko, P.A. Frkhutdinova, D.A. Kudryashova (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm) Methods for determining the effectiveness of pilot projects on polymer flooding at the Shagirtsko-Gozhanskoye field DOI: Key words: tertiary recovery methods, polymer flooding, current effectiveness of technology. The stages of current effectiveness assessment of polymer flooding technology are presented. The results of factor analysis, calculation of incremental oil recovery in software system by extrapolation method and with the help of hydrodynamic modeling are presented.References
1. Lyadova N.A., Raspopov A.V., Muzhikova L.N. et al., The experience of tertiary recovery methods on Perm Region reservoirs (In Russ.), Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 7, pp. 92-95.
2. Bondarenko A.V., Kudryashova D.A., The application of hydrodynamic
modeling for predictive effectiveness assessment of polymer flooding technology on Moskudinskoye field (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 10, pp. 102-105.
3. Surguchev M.L., Vtorichnye i tretichnye metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi
plastov (Secondary and ter tiary methods of enhanced oil recovery),
Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1985, pp. 137, 139, 165, 308.
4. Tekhnicheskiy spravochnik dlya raboty s Tempest 6.0 MORE (Technical reference for Tempest 6.0 MORE), Moscow: Publ. of ROXAR, 2003, pp. 45-53.
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T.A. Zaripov, B.I. Gizatullin, F.R. Lozovoi (Kazan (Volda Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), T.R. Abdullin (OOO NTC Tatneft, RF, Bugulma), K.M. Musin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Study of correlation of oil flow properties with nuclear magnetic resonance and self-diffusion characteristics DOI: Key words: oil, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), viscosity, relaxation time, self-diffusion Correlation curves of viscosity, average spin-spin relaxation time, and average self-diffusion for crude oil samples from Tatarstan oil fields have been obtained. Two different averaging models were used to calculate mean values. It has been found that self-diffusion D and average spin-spin relaxation time R2 are best correlated in case reciprocal values 1/R and 1/D are averaged.References
1. Ridvan A., NMR comes out of its shell, Schlumberger, Outfield Review, 2010, no. 20, pp. 4-23.
2. Kalabin G.A., Kanitskaya L.V., Kushnarev D.F., Kolichestvennaya spektroskopiya YaMR prirodnogo organicheskogo syr'ya i produktov ego pererabotki (Quantitative NMR spectroscopy of natural organic raw materials
and its processing products), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 2000, 410 p.
3. Bryan J., Mirotchnick K., Kantzas A., Viscosity determination of heavy oil and bitumen using NMR relaxometry, J. Canada Pet. Tech., 2003, no. 42, pp. 29-34.
4. Nurgaliev D.K., Kosarev V.E., Murzakaev V.M. et al., The nuclear magnetic resonance equipment for the research in laboratory and field conditions of full-sized core samples (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesources, 2012, no. 4, pp. 16-18.
5. Zhang Y., Xia P., Review of nuclear magnetic resonance magnet for oil well
logging, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 2000, V. 10, pp. 763-766.
6. Muhammad A., Bagueira de Vasconcellos Azeredo R., 1H NMR spectroscopy
and low-field relaxomet ry for predicting viscosity and API gravity of
Brazilian crude oils – A comparative study, Fuel, 2014, V. 130, August 15,
pp. 126-134.
7. Shkalikov N.V., Skirda V.D., Arshipov R.V., Solid-like component in the spinspin NMR-relaxation of heavy oils, Magnetic Resonance in Solids. Electronic Journal, 2006, V. 8, no. 1, pp. 38-42.
8. Kashaev R.S.-H., Chairullina I.R., Correlation between nuclear magnetic
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of magnetic resonance”, Kazan: Zavoisky Physic-Technical Institute, 2007,
pp. 176-177.
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10. Tikhonov A.N., Arsenin V.Ya., Metody resheniya nekorrektnykh zadach
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11. Kimmich R., Tomography, diffosometry, relaxometry, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997, 524 p.
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15. Arkhipov R.V., Kosarev V.E., Nurgaliev D.K. et al., Features of coupling between rheological properties of oil and natural bitumen and the self-diffusion data obtained by NMR method (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 6, pp. 60-63.
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A.S. Ushakova, S.S. Urazov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) The kinetics study of petroleum paraffin and crude oil and core oxidation DOI: Login or register before ordering |
S.M. Petrov, (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), D.A. Ibragimova, Ya.I.I. Abdelsalam, A.I. Lakhova, N.Yu. B(Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan), G.P. Kayukova (A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, RF, Kazan) Reforming of extra viscous oil in the presence of mineral additives of carbonate rock DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
V.D. Barsukov, N.P. Minkova (Scientific Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics at Tomsk State University, RF, Tomsk) The operational method for reducing the production rate of emergency gusher wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.B. Sadov (South Ural State University, RF, Chelyabinsk) The approach to definition of defects of sucker rod pump on dinacard DOI: Login or register before ordering |
M.K. Karazhanova (Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh.Yesenov, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktau) Comprehensive analysis of the technical and technological parameters of wells operation and acceptance of optimal solutions DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Pipeline transport of oil |
A.F. Kemalov, R.A. Kemalov, I.M. Abdrafikova, D.Z. Valiev (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Developing reagents to reduce the flow resistance in the liquid stream DOI: The article “Developing reagents to reduce the flow resistance in the liquid stream” published in No. 2 – 2016, pp. 98-101 was retracted by the authors A.F. Kemalov, R.A. Kemalov, I.M. Abdrafikova, D.Z. Valiev on the 15th May, 2016.
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K.V. Kozhaeva, F.M. Mustafin, D.E. Yakupova (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa) Methods for calculating the longitudinal stability of the pipeline and security measures in the area of underwater crossing DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Power supply |
S.G. Sergei Chernyi (Kerch State Marine Technological University, RF, Kerch) Analysis of the energy reliability component for offshore drilling platforms within the Black Sea DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
I.A. Bozieva, D.F. Zinnatullin (LUKOIL-Engenering LLC, RF, Moscow) Aspects of corporate information system development to generate the costs of construction facilities and oil and gas fields infrastructure development DOI: Key words: corporate information system, decision support, feasibility study, cost estimation, cost database, OPEX estimation of oil and gas assets The article concerns a development of corporate information system to increase accuracy and effectiveness of cost estimation for capital investments in construction and oil and gas fields infrastructure development during feasibility study. This system based on PK Resurs software platform is a tool of summarizing, unification and user-friendly access to corporate data. Implementation program is described taking into account methodological consideration, procedures and normative documents development and practical realization.Login or register before ordering |
Ecological and industrial safety |
Ya.I. Vaisman, A.A. Ketov, Yu.A. Ketov, V.N. Korotaev (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Using of granulated foamed glass sorbents for water remediation after liquid petrochemical products pollution DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.S. Danilov, Y.D. Smirnov, D.S. Korelskiy (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), RF, Saint-Petersburg) Promising method of remote environmental monitoring of Russian oil and gas industry facilities DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Oil refining |
E.V. Kashin, T.N. Shabalina, I.A. Maslov, S.A. Antonov, S.V. Zaglyadova, M.V. Kitova, V.V. Fadeev (United Research and Development Centre LLC, RF, Moscow) Technological aspects of low pour point based oil production from the unconverted oils DOI: Login or register before ordering |