January 2016 ![]() |
Аннотированный перечень статей на русском языке |
The oil and gas industry |
R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Innovative approach to development of oil branch has to be complex DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Economy, management, law |
S.V. Doroshenko (Institute of Economics, the Ural Branch of RAS, RF, Ekaterinburg), V.Yu. Avvakumov (LUKOIL-Perm LLC, RF, Perm) Monitoring of the management system as a mechanism of the strategic development of the oil and gas company DOI: Key words: strategic management, management system, strategic monitoring, oil and gas company.
The need to implement the strategic monitoring of the management system into the activities of the oil and gas companies is substantiated. The factors, determining the significance of the strategic monitoring for oil and gas sector, as well as its features, are outlined. Two interrelated lines of strategic monitoring are proposed, their objectives, tasks and mechanisms are uncovered. References
1. Dmitrievskiy A.N., Komkov N.I., Mastepanov A.M., Krotova M.V., Resursno-innovatsionnoe razvitie ekonomiki Rossii (Resource and innovative development of the Russian economy), Moscow: Publ. of Institute of Computer Science, 2013, 736 p.
2. Results of the oil industry in 2013 and its tasks for 2014 (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 4, pp. 4-5.
3. Mastepanov A.M., On certain issues facing oil and gas complex of Russia
(In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 5, pp. 14-15.
4. Raevskaya N.V., Optimization of managerial structure of russian verticallyintegrated
oil companies in modern conditions (In Russ.), Problemy ekonomiki
i upravleniya neftegazovym kompleksom, 2013, no. 3, pp. 24-27.
5. Gazin G., Corporate governance in Russia: a real competitive advantage
(In Russ.), Vestnik McKinsey. Teoriya i praktika upravleniya, 2003, no. 1, pp. 6-19.
6. Mintzberg H., The fall and rise of strategic planning, Harvard Business Review, 1994, V. 62, January – Febrary, pp. 95-96.
7. Primenenie metodov otsenki reguliruyushchego vozdeystviya v Respublike
Kazakhstan (Application of the methods of regulatory impact assessment in
the Republic of Kazakhstan): edited by Mukhanov M.N., Astana: Publ. of ERI, 2012, 65 p.
8. Panov M.M., Otsenka deyatel'nosti i sistemy upravleniya kompaniey na osnove KPI (Performance assessment and management system of company
based KPI), Moscow: INFRA-M Publ., 2013.
9. Komkov A.G., Organising effective asset management: Gazprom Neft
JSC approach (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12,
pp. 8-9.
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V.P. Lavuschenko, A.K. Garipov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), T.V. Ponomarenko, D.Z. Khaertdinova (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), RF, Saint-Petersburg) Project-based approach to the knowledge managementin vertically integrated oil companies (on the example of Tatneft PJSC) DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
A.Yu. Popov, A.E. Rodionov (NIS a.d. Novi Sad, Serbia, Novi Sad), E. Miley, I. Bogatyrev, A. Gogic, B. Vuckovic(NIS NTC, Serbia, Novi Sad),T.V. Olneva (Gаzpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Explorations criterias definition for the petroleum prospecting and exploration in the region based on integrated study of the satellite field.(Northern Banat region, Serbia) DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Akin’shin (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Surgut) A method for determining the area of texture components on photos of core samples of textural inhomogeneous rocks DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.S. Balushkina, A.Iu. Iurchenko, G.A. Kalmykov, N.I. Korobova, N.N. Petrakova, I.A. Bugaev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow) Genesis and oil bearing capacity of carbonate rocks of Bazhenov and Abalak formations DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
A.V. Kustyshev, D.S. Leontyev (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen) Development and research peat drilling mud for drilling in argillaceous rocks DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
T.N.Yusupova, E.E. Barskaya, Yu.M. Ganeeva, G.V. Romanov (A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Kazan Scientific Center of RAS, RF, Kazan), I.I. Amerkhanov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), R.S. Khisamov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk) Identification of wax deposits in the bottom-hole formation zone and wellbore in reducing of the pressure DOI: Login or register before ordering |
R.D. Kanevskaya (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), S.S. Mandzhieva (Russneft – Research and Engineering Center, RF, Moscow) Phase permeability estimation using production data for mature oil fields DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.S. Ushakova, S.S. Urazov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Mechanism of oil fractions oxidation and In-Situ combustion modelling in terms of SARA fractions DOI: Login or register before ordering |
K.A. Turegeldieva, U.K. Zhapbasbayev (Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty), B.K. Assilbekov, A.B. Zolotukhin (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Matrix acidizing modeling of near-wellbore with reduced reservoir properties DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.M. Konyukhov, I.V. Konyukhov, A.N. Chekalin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Controlling the development of the oil reservoir penetrated by a system of injecting and producing wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.N. Ponomareva, D.A. Martyushev, M.I. Akhmetova (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Evaluation of the optimal duration of the hydrodynamic studies of low-productivity wells on the example of Ozernoye field DOI: Login or register before ordering |
S.V. Elkin, A.A. Aleroev, N.A. Veremko, M.V. Chertenkov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow Flowrate calculation model for fractured horizontal well depending on frac stages number DOI: Key words: multi-stage fracturing (fracking), plane-parallel flow, drainage boundary, hydraulic fractures interference This paper introduces the model of a fluid influx to the hydraulic fractures that are perpendicular to the wellbore and suggests the formula to calculate the flow rate of a horizontal well with a multi-stage fracturing depending on the fractures number. The authors have been starting out from the well-known method for calculating the flow rate of a vertical well with a hydraulic fracture length much less than the drainage radius. At the same time the calculations ignored the effect of configuration of injection wells towards the producing horizontal well with multi-stage fracturing, assuming that the formation pressure remains constant at the external reservoir boundary.Login or register before ordering |
V.V. Kadet, P.S. Chagirov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Influence of ion-exchange processes on flow of oil and electrolitic solutions in clay-containing porous media DOI: Login or register before ordering |
M.A. Akhmetshin (NEFTEGAZOVIY TsNIPR ZAO, RF, Nizhnevartovsk) On artificial hydrophobization of rocks of bottomhole zone of oil wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
A.V. Abdusalyamov (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk), Clovis Le Grand Monkam Monkam, L.V. Chekantseva, V.N. Manzhai (Tomsk Polytechnic University, RF, Tomsk) Turbulent flow of water-oil emulsions in the presence of polymer additives DOI: Login or register before ordering |
B.U. Vasilev, D.V. Mardashov (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), RF, Saint-Petersburg) Electromechanical systems of subsea pumping complexes for hydrocarbons transportation from the offshore fields of the Arctic seas DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Power supply |
B.I. Abramov, D.A. Derzhavin, А.М. Сhurikov (Electrotechnical Industrial Company Ltd., RF, Moscow), Yu.B. Novoselov, M.A. Suslov (Giprotyumenneftegaz OOO, HMS Group, RF, Tyumen), Yu.V. Shevyrev (National University of Science and Technology MISiS, RF, Moscow) Instrumental studies of the electrical energy quality for oil field under conditions of wide-spread application of frequency-regulated electrical drives DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Designing of arrangement of deposits |
I.A. Scherbinin, S.V. Chernyshev, I.Z. Fakhretdinov, M.Yu. Tarasov, S.S. Ivanov (Giprotumenneftega OAO, GMS Group, RF, Tyumen) Problems of resource conservation in the oil and gas industry and their solutions at the design of oilfield construction DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.G. Akhmadeev, A.S. Avdeev, S.A. Laybold, S.A. Ivanov (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic Vietnam, Vungtau) Design concept for the offshore fields facilities construction DOI: Key words: oil treatment and transportation, pour point depressant, high-paraffin crude oil, offshore field The article describes complex methods to ensure transportation of the high-paraffin crude oil by the example of Dragon field, located in South Vietnam offshore. The methods include optimization of the oil treatment technology by chemical agents (pour point depressants and de-emulsifiers); implementation of the depressant additives solutions for the more effective impact on oil; rehabilitation of the throughput capacity of pipelines; break of the water-oil emulsions to decrease the viscosity of the transported oil. Example of the non-heat-insulated pipeline RP-1 – FSO-3 explains how implementation of the complex methods leads to the positive results in ensuring safe transportation of the produced product.Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
А.R. Atnagulov, N.V. Vavilov (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), S.E. Zdolnik, S.V. Nezgovorov, G.А. Kireev, R.F. Sharipov (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), О.А. Galkin, A.A. Skorohodov (IT Analytics LLC, RF, Tomsk) Automation of production business processes on the basis of corporate GIS database of Bashneft PJSOC DOI: Key words: geoinformation system, GIS database, computer work station, models of field facilities, map. The paper presents a case study of automation of production business processes on the basis of corporate GIS database at Bashneft PJSOC. The system is aimed at complete automation of the management decision-making process and centralized routing of production data streams from surface facilities operated by Company’s subsidiaries. The system architecture is presented with the description of the main functionalities, in-built automated business processes and the expected results and effects of the newly introduced system.Login or register before ordering |
I.S. Korovin, M.G. Tkachenko, M.V. Khisamutdinov, A.I.Kalyaev (Scientific research institute of multiprocessor computing systems, RF, Taganrog) Artificial intelligence hybrid methods application in the task of the heavy oilfields profitability increase DOI: Key words: heavy oil, primary cost reduction, data mining, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, methods of enhanced oil recovery (EOR), retrospective analysis The article considers the problem of heavy oil production increasing by EOR methods. A new approach, based on the intelligent analysis of successful events historical data, is proposed. Based on database info analysis, the synthesis of a model, targeted to automated search of wells for EOR application, is worked out. The main data processing tool is a novel technology, based on neural network analysis techniques and evolutionary algorithms implementation. This approach allows to select EOR in fuzzy, hardly formalized oilfield conditions and reduces the dependence on the human factor. References
1. URL: http://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2011/05/25/neft_potyazhelela.
2. URL: http://www.cdu.ru/articles/detail.php?ID=301905.
3. URL: http://one_vision.jofo.ru/241887.html.
4. URL: http://refdb.ru/look/3084773.html.
5. URL: http://to-inform.ru/index.php/arkhiv/item/dobycha-vysokovyazkoynefti.
6. URL: http://www.ng.ru/energy/2013-04-09/14_alternative.html.
7. Korovin Ya.S., Decision support system for electrical submersible pumps
control on the neural network basis (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2007, no. 1, pp. 80-83.
8. Korovin Ya.S., Tkachenko M.G., Implementation of neural network data
analysis in oil and gas extraction industry (In Russ.), Izvestiya Yuzhnogo federal'nogo universiteta. Tekhnicheskie nauki, 2010, no. 12, pp. 172-178.
9. Korovin Ya.S., Kononov S.V., Tkachenko M.G., Oilfield equipment's state diagnostics on the basis of data mining technologies (In Russ.), Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 9, pp. 116-118.
10. Korovin Ya.S., Khisamutdinov M.V., Tkachenko M.G., Forecasting of oilfield equipment work conditions with the application of evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 12, pp. 128-133.
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Ecological and industrial safety |
R.E. Levitin, Yu.D. Zemenkov (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen) The new approach to accurately determination of oil tanks evaporation DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.Kh. Yapparov, I.A. Degtyareva, А.М. Ezhkova, I.A. Yapparov, N.L. Sharonova, A.Ya. Davletshina (Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Sciences, RF, Kazan), I.A. Shaidullina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Remediation of oil-contaminated dark-gray forest soil using a nanosorbent and consortium of indigenous hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Oil refining |
R.G. Akhiyarov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa) A.B. Laptev, D.A. Movenko, N.A. Belova (All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation Materials, RF, Moscow) The study of the ultralow corrosion resistance of tube steel for heat exchange equipment in oil refining DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.V. Konovalov, P.V. Skluev, K.I. Babitskaya, M.V. Zhidkova, V.P. Gorodnov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara) Fractional analysis and surface activity of petroleum sulfonates synthesized by the extraction of oil distillates through a selective solvent DOI: Login or register before ordering |