March 2016 ![]() |
Аннотированный перечень статей на русском языке |
The oil and gas industry |
Economy, management, law |
V.V. Ponkratov (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow), A.S. Pozdnyaev (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RF, Moscow) The oil production taxation in Russia – consequences of tax maneuver DOI: Key words: taxation of hydrocarbon production, the tax on extraction of mineral resources, customs duties, the tax maneuver, the resource base of Russian oil and gas industry, harmonization of taxation in the Customs Union The article analyzes the current system of taxation of oil production in Russia, and the mechanisms and consequences of the 2013-2014 fiscal maneuvers in the oil industry. In the coming years the Customs Union countries should develop a common policy in the sphere of fuel and energy complex and harmonize the system of export duties on crude oil and products of its processing.References
1. Ponkratov V.V., Tax maneuver in Russian oil production industry (In Russ.),
Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2014, no. 9, pp. 58–61.
2. Order no. 700-r dated 03.02.12, O predlozhenii Minenergo Rossii o klassifikatsii
proektov po razrabotke uchastkov nedr, soderzhashchikh zapasy trudnoizvlekaemoy nefti, opredelennykh na osnove pokazateley pronitsaemosti
kollektorov i vyazkosti nefti (On the proposal of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
on classification of projects for the development of subsoil with hard-to-recover
oil reserves, measured by the viscosity of the oil and reservoir permeability),
URL: http://pravitel'stvo.rf/gov/results/18899/.
3. Osnovnye napravleniya nalogovoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii na 2015
god i planovyy period 2016 i 2017 godov (Main directions of tax policy of the
Russian Federation for 2015 and the planning period of 2016 and 2017), URL:
4. Ponkratov V.V., Improving the taxation of oil and gas production systems
based on the hydrocarbon potential of the Russian economy (In Russ.), Nalogi
i finansovoe pravo, 2012, no. 7, pp. 223-229.
5. Pavlova L.P., Bloshenko T.A., Ponkratov V.V., Yumaev M.M., Teoriya i praktika formirovaniya i administrirovaniya nalogovoy bazy v otraslyakh mineral'nosyr'evogo kompleksa (Theory and practice of formation and administration of the tax base in the sectors of mineral complex), Moscow: Publ. of Finansovyy universitet, 2014, 200 p.
6. Ponkratov V.V., Mineral rent in oil-producing industry: economic essence
and instruments of collection (In Russ.), Vestnik IzhGTU im. M.T. Kalashnikova,
2011, no. 1, pp. 90-93.
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A.N. Yurichev (National ResearchTomsk State University, Nord Imperial LLC, RF, Tomsk) Preferential approach to the calculation of tax on natural resources production in case of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons reserves development in Russia DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
Z.M. Slepak (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Innovative high-precision gravity prospecting technologies in petroleum geology and hydrocarbon exploration DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.M. Nitkaliev Ilnur, N.V. Zhuykova, A.G. Orlov, V.S. Nartymov, I.V. Kovalenko Igor (Gazpromneft-NTC LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.N. Nikolaev Maksim (Messoyakhaneftegas CJSC, RF, Tyumen) Multicontact's trap origin hypotheses for PK1-3 formation of Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field DOI: Key words: local gas, migration,modular dynamic tester (MDT), gas-oil contact GOC. The Messoykha project is one of the priority plans of Gazprom Neft Company. The main object of development is PK1-3 formation which contains considerable reserves of oil and gas. At this moment the field is on the development drilling stage, but new hard data (wells information) have added a number of uncertainties in the current geological concept. One of them is the problems associated with fluid distributions uncertainties within the PK1-3 formation. Such fluids distribution when appears oil and gas alternations within one formation that is confirmed by well logging researches. However, these data are insufficient for revision of all geological concept, because such problems are local. It should be noted that PK1-3 formation was accumulated mainly at continental conditions. This fact allows assuming that such gas can be closed in small local traps which are typical for this depositional environment. However, it is impossible to calculate local gas volume at this stage and therefore the influence on development can't be evaluated too. In this article the hypotheses of local gas genesis are considered and ways of gas migration are suggested.Login or register before ordering |
I.A. Melnik, S.V. Zimina, O.D. Eliseeva, K.U. Smirnova (Tomsk Branch of the Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Tomsk), N.A. Shenberger (Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Novosibirsk) Lithofacies and geochemistry criteria of hydrocarbons bedding into the Pokur suite in Tomsk region (part 2) DOI: Key words: lithofacies analysis, well logging, low-resistance collector, hydrocarbons, fluid migration, paleosalinity, the Pokur suite, pyrite, boron geochemistry The Pokur sediments in Tomsk region were researched for their oil and gas saturation. The researches were based on the traditional complex lithofacies analysis and innovative statistical interpretation of well logging data. Lithofacies and geochemical criteria of hydrocarbons bedding were identified. Perspective areas were localized. Potentially oil bearing area is presented by regressive sea sediments associated with lower bench of the Pokur suite.References
1. Reading, H.G., Sedimentary environment and facies, Blackwell Scientific
Publication, 1986, 615 p.
2. Seli R.I., Drevnie obstanovki osadkonakopleniya (The ancient depositional
environment), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1989, 294 p.
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(Atlas of lithologic and paleogeographic maps of Jurassic and Cretaceous
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Atlas): edited by Nesterov I.I., Tyumen': Publ. of ZapSibNIGNI, 1976, 85 p.
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cyclicity), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1980, 242 p.
5. Karagodin Yu.N., Regional'naya stratigrafiya (The regional stratigraphy),
Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1985, 179 p.
6. Valiev Yu.Ya., Geokhimiya bora v yurskikh otlozheniyakh Gissarskogo
khrebta (Geochemistry of boron in the Jurassic deposits of the Hissar
Range), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1977, 150 p.
7. Mel'nik I.A., Identification of secondary converted terrigenous reservoirs
based on the statistical interpretation data GIS (In Russ.), Geofizika,
2013, no. 4, pp. 29–36.
8. Lebedev B.A., Geokhimiya epigeneticheskikh protsessov v osadochnykh
basseynakh (Geochemistry of epigenetic processes in sedimentary
basins), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1992, 239 p.
9. Danenberg E.E., Belozerov V.B., Brylina N.A., Geologicheskoe stroenie
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Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity (Tomskaya oblast') (Geological structure
and oil and gas potential of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits
of the south-east of the West Siberian Plate (Tomsk Region)),
Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2006, 295 p.
10. Tishchenko G.I., Vedernikov G.V., Sysolyatin N.V. et al., Analiz i obobshchenie
rezul'tatov seysmicheskikh rabot i glubokogo bureniya v predelakh
Vostochno-Payduginskoy vpadiny i prilegayushchikh territoriy
vdol' regional'nogo profilya “Yuzhsibgeoseys-1” s primeneniem novykh
tekhnologiy prognoza zalezhey uglevodorodov dlya vybora perspektivnykh
uchastkov i ob"ektov litsenzirovaniya nedr (Analysis and summary
the results of seismic survey and deep drilling within the East Payduginskaya
Basin and adjacent areas along the regional profile "Yuzhsibgeoseys-
1" with the use of new technologies for forecast of hydrocarbon
deposits to select prospective sites and objects of subsoil licensing),
Tomsk: Publ. of SNIIGGiMS, 2010.
11. Taranenko E.I., Bezborodov R.S., Khakimov M.Yu., The reservoirs transformation
in oil fields (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza = The journal Oil
and Gas Geology, 2001, no. 2, URL:
12. Kozerenko S.V., Khramov D.A., Fadeev V.V. et al., The study of the
mechanism of pyrite formation in aqueous solutions at high temperatures
and pressures (In Russ.), Geokhimiya = Geochemistry International,
1995, no. 9, pp. 1553-1565.
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B.L. Alexandrov (Kuban State Agrarian University, RF, Krasnodar), A.S. Elzhaev, M.A. Hasanov, D.W. Germahanova (Grozny State Oil Technical University named after acad. M.D. Millionshchikov, RF, Grozny) Substantiating the boundary value of secondary porosity for reservoir – non-reservoir rocks on the example of the Upper Cretaceous carbonate deposits of Terek-Sunzhensk petroleum-bearing region DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.I. Levin, Dr.Sc., Y.I. Doronchenko, D.A. Sorokin (Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Co Ltd,RF, Taganrog), A.Y. Chistyakov (Scientific Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computer Systems, Southern Federal University, RF, Taganrog) Modeling of acoustic wave disturbances in massive rocks using a reconfigurable computer system DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.E. Kosarev, V.A. Gorgun, A.D. Akchurin, K.V. Yusupov, G.S.Smirnov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), V.N. Gorbachev, M.L. Mikheev (TNG-Group LTD, RF, Bugulma) An application of sector equipment of acoustic logging VAK-32 for research of oil wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
O.E. Kuchurina, A.V. Federov, A.Z. Ziazetdinov (Bashneft-Polus LLC, RF, Ufa), K.D. Shumatbaev, I.R. Bakiev (BashNIPIneft, RF, Ufa) Formation testers and production logging: a case study from R. Trebs and A. Titov oil fields DOI: Key words: production logging, double packer assembly, packer, sidewall contact device, optical analyzer, spectral analyzer, formation fluid, deep samples, formation pressure measurement, pressure gradient, borehole caving, fracturing The paper presents lessons learned from production logging performed for the Upper and Lower Devonian and Upper Silurian reservoirs, Timan-Pechora Basin. Both in the case of a double packer assembly and sidewall contact device the quality of production logging was largely affected by the wellbore condition. The production logs provided valuable information on the porosity and permeability of the productive formations and their saturation and broadly characterize the reservoir geology of R. Trebs and A. Titov oil fields.References
1. Fundamentals of formation testing, URL:
Files/evaluation/ books/fundamentals_formation_testing_overview.pdf
2. Ipatov A.I., Kremenetskiy M.I., Geofizicheskiy i gidrodinamicheskiy kontrol'
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3. Akram Kh., Ashurov V., Overview of testing applications with wireline formation testers MDT/CHDT (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe obozrenie = Oilfield Review,
2005, Autumn.
4. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov
nefti i gaza ob"emnym metodom (Guidelines on the calculation of oil and
gas geological reserves by volumetric method): edited by Petersil'e V.I.,
Poroskun V.I., Yatsenko G.G., Moscow - Tver': Publ. of VNIGNI, NPTs “Tver'geofizika”, 2003, 260 p.
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A.V. Fattakhov, V.E. Kosarev, V.D. Skirda, M.M. Doroginitskii (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Study of drying process in full-size core by nuclear magnetic resonance method DOI: Login or register before ordering |
S.B. Ostroukhov, E.F. Soboleva, N.D. Soboleva (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd) Peculiarities of crude oil composition of the Volgograd Volga Region DOI: Key words: chemical composition of crude oil, the terrigenous Devonian, the carbonate Devonian, saturated paraffinic hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, chromatograms, phytane, pristane, alkylbenzene The provided results of crude oil composition study feature the productive deposits of the carbonate and terrigenous Devonian within the territory of the Volgograd Volga Region. This made possible dividing of oils into two main groups. The environment of generation of their oil-source material was reconstructed based on the composition and structure of saturated and aromatic compounds.References
1. Ostroukhov S.B., Bochkarev V.A., Soboleva N.D., Osobennosti sostava nefti
Tersinskogo mestorozhdeniya (Features of oil composition of Tersa field), Proceedings of VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, 2011, V. 70, pp. 60-71.
2. Ostroukhov S.B., Bochkarev V.A., Soboleva N.D., Composition of hydrocarbons in crude oil of Tersa field of Volgograd Volga region (In Russ.), Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel = Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils, 2012, no. 6, pp. 29-33.
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Chemistry, 1982, V. 22, no. 6, pp. 723-728.
5. Ostroukhov S.B., Aref'ev O.A., Zabrodina M.N., Petrov Al.A., C12−C30 petroleum
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Petroleum Chemistry, 1983, V. 23, no. 6, pp. 740-748.
6. Ostroukhov S.B., K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii alkilbenzolov (On the origin of
alkylbenzenes), Proceedings of IV International Conference “Khimiya nefti i
gaza” (Chemistry of oil and gas), Part 1, Tomsk, 2000, pp. 349-354.
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anoxia, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1996, V. 60, pp. 4467-4496,
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Drilling of chinks |
N.I. Nikolaev, E.L. Leusheva (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), RF, Saint-Petersburg) Increasing of hard rocks drilling efficiency DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
A.B. Zolotukhin, I.V. Yazynina, E.V. Shelyago (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gasб, RF, Moscow) Relative permeability hysteresis for oil-water system in hydrophilic rocks DOI: Login or register before ordering |
B.C. Gabsia (VNIIneft AO, RF, Moscow) Evaluation of the effect of initial water saturation on relative permeability curves and production parameters of oil and gas fields DOI: Login or register before ordering |
O.G. Antonov, A.V. Lifantyev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), B.G. Ganiev, Ph.D. (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk), A.T. Gabdrakhmanov (Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, RF, Almetyevsk) Wave technology to optimize flooding system for large development targets using geological and reservoir models DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.S. Ushakova (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Chain and thermal mechanisms of oil ignition for in-situ combustion process DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.B. Karpov, N.V. Parshin, A.A. Ryazanov (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow) Advanced development of hard-to-recover reserves using multi-stage hydraulic fracturing DOI: Key words: multistage hydraulic fracturing, hard-to-recover reserves, low permeability reservoir, fracture restraining, Vinogradov oil field As of today, the most relevant direction in improving of development hard-to-recover reserves is horizontal wells drilling with multistage hydraulic fracturing. In this paper we have analyzed the influence of geological and physical reservoir characteristics of the Vinogradov oil field on the technological efficiency of multistage fracturing. We have developed an innovative design for low-permeability and low-thickness reservoirs, without expressed cap rock for restraining fracture height. The method allows creating fractures with a length of about 200 meters with a height restriction. Field trials have confirmed high efficiency of the proposed technology.Login or register before ordering |
Yu.V. Zemtsov, A.E. Lytkin (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Supplementary evaluation of the efficiency of water shutoff in production wells DOI: Key words: water shutoff in production wells, well interference, displacement characteristics, enhanced oil recovery The article explores the efficiency of water shutoff operations in oil production wells from the viewpoint of its impact on oil recovery. Displacement characteristics are proposed as a tool for evaluat9ing the efficiency of such operations. It is demonstrated that at the late development stages water shutoff operations should be performed and utilized as a means of controlling field development and as an enhanced oil recovery technique.References
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Technics and technology of oil recovery |
D.A. Kaushansky, A.I. Tsitsorin, A.N. Dmitrievsky, V.B. Demianovsky (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow), D.P. Shcherbakov (RN-Purneftegas LLC, RF, Gubkinsky) Study of strength and filtration properties of core samples structured by urethane pre-polymer DOI: Key words: semi consolidated sand, recovery particles sand, chemical conglomeration, polymeric composition, consolidated samples, compressive strength Granulometric composition of sand particles from wells of Barsukovskoye field was examined by the laboratory method. Strength and filtration properties of interbedding polymer screen were studied on the example of reservoir PK of an oil field of RN-Purneftegas LLC.Reference
1. Zotov G.A., Dinkov A.V., Chernykh V.A., Ekspluatatsiya skvazhin v neustoychivykh
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A.V. Alferov, A.G. Lutfurakhmanov, K.V. Litvinenko (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), S.E. Zdolnik (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), E.I. Shakirov (Bashneft-Polus LLC, RF, Ufa) Selection of artificial lift method considering production problems on R. Trebs oil field DOI: Key words: artificial lift methods, production problems, high gas-oil ratio , asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits, ESP, gaslift The article presents the features of the selection of artificial lift method in a large variation of operational parameters of wells as a result of SWAG and the presence of the production problems specific to Roman Trebs’ field. There were described approaches which used to calculate the technological conditions of the well operations, considering the presence and predictability of production problems and the choice of technologies to prevent them.References
1. Drozdov A.N., Verbitckiy V.S., Dengaev A.A., Arseniev A.A., Rotary gas
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Designing of arrangement of deposits |
N.I. Zharkova, A.I. Latypov, G.A. Cherniychuk (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Regularities of soil aggressiveness formation towards the building constructions of reconstructed objects of oil and gas industry in the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan DOI: Key words: aggressive soil chemistry, underground constructions of oil industry The article presents the results of soils tests, selected during engineering-geological researches at reconstructed oil and gas industry objects in the eastern part of the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of researches was to identify the main factors of soil aggressiveness formation in relation to the building constructions. It is shown that chemical composition of the researched soils differs from the composition of soils located outside the exploited objects: pore waters contain sulfate and hydrocarbonate ions; sodium predominates among the positive ions. The average absorption capacity volume is amounted to 4.85 mg/eq to 100 g of soil, pH varies from 4.9 to 9.0. As a result we found an increase in chemical and electrochemical aggressiveness of soils to underground constructions in comparison with not chemically contaminated analogues. Chemical pollution of soils is the most likely reason for increasing of its aggressiveness. The process of chemical pollution occurred in the result of various fluids losses during the operations at the oil and gas industry objects. It is recommended to take into account the increasing of chemical and electrochemical aggressiveness of soils during exploitation for corrosion protection systems design.References
1. Gruntovedenie (Soil science): edited by Trofimov V.T., Moscow: KDU Publ.,
2007, 1004 p.
2. Korolev V.A., Tsukanova L.A., Agressivnost' gruntov i metody ee otsenki
(The aggressiveness of soils and methods of its evaluation), Moscow: Geoinformmark Publ., 1995, 46 p.
3. Musin R.Kh., Ismagilova L.R., Khazimuratova L.R., Khidiyatova A.R., Prostranstvenno-vremennye variatsii gidrogeokhimicheskogo polya v zone aktivnogo vodoobmena intensivno osvoennykh territoriy sredney polosy
Evropeyskoy Rossii (na primere Respubliki Tatarstan) (Spatial and temporal variations in the hydrogeological field of active water exchange zone of intensively
cultivated territories of the median strip of the European Russia (on the Republic
Tatarstan example)), Collected papers “Izmenyayushchayasya geologicheskaya
sreda: prostranstvenno-vremennye vzaimodeystviya endogennykh
i ekzogennykh protsessov” (The changing geological environment: spatial
and temporal interaction of endogenous and exogenous processes), Part
2, Kazan': Publ. of KSU, 2007, pp. 213–217.
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The oil-field equipment |
E.S. Shangin, S.V. Kolesnik (Nizhnevartovsk Branch of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Nizhnevartovsk) Controlled electrical motor of pump set for transportation of multiphase wells production DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Pipeline transport of oil |
E.I. Krapivsky, Yu.A. Venkova (National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), RF, Saint-Petersburg), N.P. Demchenko (Ukhta State Technical Univercity, RF, Ukhta) Study of the stress state influence on induced pipelines magnetic field DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.A. Tarasenko, P.V. Chepur (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen), S.V. Chirkov (Giprotruboprovod JSC, Moscow) Theoretical and experimental justification of full lift method of tank 20000 m2 for repair its base and foundation DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Ecological and industrial safety |
A.Yu. Solodovnikov, A.A. Khattu, (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen) The ecological influence of long-term oilfields on water objects on the example of Konitlorskoye oilfield DOI: Login or register before ordering |