June 2016 ![]() |
Аннотированный перечень статей на русском языке |
JV VIETSOVPETRO - 35 years |
I.V. Butsaev, N.S. Abramova (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara), R.T. Miftakhov (Zarubezhneft-Production Samara LLC, RF, Samara) Risks and upsides in oil and gas projects: conceptual design DOI: Login or register before ordering |
L.D. Zubova (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara) Corporate Information System as the tool for design company activities optimization DOI: Login or register before ordering |
L.D Zubova, T.N. Gulmutdinova (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara) Information Modelling for Design Engineering DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.V. Artyushkin (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara) Building possibility investigation of complex expert automated control system for oil treatment technological process DOI: Login or register before ordering |
The oil and gas industry |
R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) How the new classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases can influence the work of petroleum branch? DOI: Key words: classification of reserves, hard-to-recover oil reserves, nontraditional oil deposits, category of reserves and resources of oil, state commission on reserves, enhanced oil recovery methods, bottom hole treatments. The new classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases is officially introduced in Russia from 2016. The advantages and disadvantages of the new classification are examined. Its comparison with the previously acted in the Russian Federation classifications, and also with the basic analogous classifications of the western countries is executed. Conclusion about the need for the radical processing of the new classification of reserves is made.References
1. Muslimov R.Kh., Nefteotdacha: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee
(optimizatsiya dobychi, maksimizatsiya KIN) (Oil recovery: Past, Present, Future (production optimization, maximization of recovery factor)), Kazan': FEN Publ., 2014, 570 p.
2. Muslimov R.Kh., Sovremennye metody upravleniya razrabotkoy neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy s primeneniem zavodneniya (Modern methods of management the development of oil fields using flooding), Kazan': Publ. of KSU, 2003,
596 p.
3. TrIZ: vklyuchit' mozg? Da. Net (Hard-to-recover reserves: turn the brain? Yes. No), Neftegazovaya vertikal' = Oil&Gas Vertical, 2014, no. 22, pp. 20-25.
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Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
E.A. Korolev, V.P. Morozov, A.A. Eskin, A.N. Kolchugin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Diagenetic dolomite reservoirs in carboniferous rocks of Melekess depression and South-Tatar arch DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.I. Bogoyavlensky (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow), V.Yu. Kerimov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), O.O. Olkhovskaya (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow) Dangerous gas-saturated objects in the world ocean: the Sea of Okhotsk DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.E. Altunin, A.V. Malshakov, M.V. Semukhin, O.A. Yadrishnikova (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) An integrated assessment of net-to gross from core photographs in natural and ultraviolet light DOI: Login or register before ordering |
G.A. Krinari, A.A. Eskin, E.A. Korolev, G.M. Eskina (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Mineral indicators of percolation effects in production of oil-saturated reservoir DOI: Login or register before ordering |
T.R. Zakirov, A.A. Galeev, E.A. Korolev, E.O. Statsenko (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) Investigation of the porosity and absolute permeability coefficients of carbonate reservoir using the X-ray computer microtomography DOI: Login or register before ordering |
А.М. Khusainova, Т.V. Burikova, О.R. Privalova (Ufa, BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa),А.N. Nugaeva (Bashneft-Dobycha LLC, RF, Ufa) The method of determining ccarbonate reservoir voids based on complex logging data using V.M. Dobrynin’s crossplot DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
Yu.M. Gergberg, V.D. Charkov (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta) The choice of the bottom-hole assembly to drill vertical borehole with medium size and large bits DOI: Login or register before ordering |
S.V. Lukin, S.V. Esipov, V.V. Zhukov, Yu.V. Ovcharenko, A.Yu. Khomutov Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), T.N. Shevchuk, I.V. Suslyakov (Gazprom Neft-Angara LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Borehole stability prediction to avoid drilling failures DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Vervekin (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), V.M. Plotnikov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Technology of drilling tool dynamics control at well deepening by positive displacement motors DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
P.A. Grishin, K.M. Kovalev (VNIIneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Experimental determination of Visovoye oilfield carbonate formations stress-strain properties DOI: Login or register before ordering |
R.D. Bagmanov, G.D. Fedorchenko, I.S. Afanasiev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), S.P. Ayushinov (VNIIneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Challenges of horizontal well drilling technology implementation on carbonate reservoirs in Zarubezhneft JSC DOI: Login or register before ordering |
D.G. Yarakhanova, A.N .Kolchugin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan) The use of horizontal wells in inhomogeneous carbonate reservoirs (Cherepetsky horizon of the southeast of the Tatarstan Republic) DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.V. Akhmetgareev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Results of laboratory modeling of low-salinity waterflooding of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs in Tatarstan DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.A. Lyadova, A.V. Raspopov, A.V. Bondarenko, A.I. Kovalevskiy (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm), S.S. Cherepanov, T.R. Baldina (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm) Perspective application of the polymer flooding technology in the Perm region oil deposits DOI: Login or register before ordering |
I.B. Fedotov, O.Yu. Kashnikov, I.A. Kibalenko, A.V. Khanov (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd), V.B. Karpov (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow) Prospects for hydrocarbon reserves development in low-permeability reservoir beds of V.N. Vinogradov field DOI: Key words: low-permeability reservoir bed, tight reserves, directional wells, horizontal wells, hydrodynamic model, hydraulic fracturing
The structurally complex V.N. Vinogradov oil field confined to low-permeability reservoir bed with tight hydrocarbon reserves is reviewed. The main issues occurred during its operation were noted. The practicable methods of development efficiency improvement are proposed based on mathematical sector modeling. The areas of pilot work implementation are presented.
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G.P. Khizhnyak, A.M. Amirov, E.A. Gladkikh (Perm national research polytechnic university, RF, Perm) WAG injection simulation in layered non-uniform reservoir DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Zhou Xiaofeng, A.B. Zolotukhin (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), Zhang Shicheng, Wang Fei (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China, Beijing) A method of fracture properties evaluation in multi-stage fractured wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.N. Morozkin (Bashkir State University, RF, Ufa) Researching the problem of nonstationary filtration of viscoplastic oil DOI: Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
E.V. Belyaeva, N.A.Loginova, E.E. Lapin, S.I. Pogorelov, A.V. Ryzhenkov (National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, RF, Moscow) Investigation of heat capacity of syntactic foam based on silicone and organic matrix DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
M.V.Chertenkov, I.V.Zolova, E. V. Pryanichnikova (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), V.Ya.Kozlov (LUKOIL-Inform LLC, RF, Moscow), A.D. Portiannikov, S.N. Polyakov (GIS-ASUproject CJSC, RF, Moscow),V.V. Vidyakin (GEOSPLINE Ltd,the Republic of Belarus, Minsk) Information support of monitoring of field development in scientific and research complex of LUKOIL PJSC DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Ecological and industrial safety |
A.A. Khattu, A.Yu. Solodovnikov (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen) The ecological condition of waters in the Synyakh river basin DOI: Key words: licensed sites, hydrocarbons deposits, river basins, ecological condition of surface waters and bed deposits, ecological monitor The hydrocarbons extraction always influences all the components of nature on the territories of oilfields. In the territory of Middle Ob where the great marshiness is presented the greater influence is made on the water resources. This leads not only to the changes of natural water quality but to the lives of the water inhabitants. All changes are recorded and are based on the results of regular ecological monitors.References
1. Lezin V.A., Reki Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga: Spravochnoe
posobie (Rivers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug: A Reference
Guide), Tyumen': Vektor-Buk Publ., 1999, 160 p.
2. Khattu A.A., Solodovnikov A.Yu., The characterization of hydrochemical
condition of surface waters of the Lyamin river in case of gas-oil affection
(In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2015, no. 12, pp. 152–157.
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