Express-method for in-place oil tests

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
Key words: express-method, in-place oil, downhole sampler, import substitution
Authors: K.D. Ashmian, S.G. Volpin, A.K. Ponomarev (Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis, RAS , RF, Moscow), O.V. Kovaleva (VNIIneft AO, RF, Moscow)
This article presents the express-method for obtaining the initial data on physical-chemical properties of in-place oils under field conditions using the original downhole sampler – ‘pentometer’. Using the device, we can produce not only a downhole sampling, but also its researching in the field with minimum of support equipment and gaging instruments. The pentometer can determine five parameters: gas-oil ratio, formation volume factor, formation and separated oil density, separated gas density. This device is a freestanding and has tested in the field methods; it is enabling to obtaining a large amount of samples. This device provides field development control and evaluation of technologies used under field. Express researching method using the downhole sampler - pentometer is a part of under field, laboratory and analytical methods for researching physical-chemical properties of reservoir fluids. Developments are protected by copyright certificates and can be used in a program of import substitution.
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