Once again about oil recovery factor

Authors: A.Kh. Shakhverdiev Institute of System Studies of the Oil-and-Gas Production Processes NP, Russian Academy of Natural Science, RF, Moscow)

Key words: oil recovery, recoverable reserves, oil in place, displacement efficiency, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, flooding, oil saturation, efficiency.

In this study, in order of critical discussion of the provisions in the articles "Once again on the oil recovery" (Oil Industry. - 2013. – No. 3. - pp. 40 - 44) and "On average designed producible oil index" (Oil Industry. - 2012. –No. 11 - pp. 112 - 115) is considered. Inconsistency (inapplicability) of the mathematical formulation of the average designed oil recovery factor used by the authors was shown. The key provisions of widely tested unified approach to solving the separation of additional oil production through the use of conventional bed stimulation and EOR and IOR technologies. The case study of the possibility of separating of the estimated oil displacement coefficients of the reservoir pressure maintenance method and EOR under the implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods on the oil fields with certain geological and physical characteristics is shown.

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