Gazprom Neft JSC - history and implementation experience of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. The development of advanced technological control system

Authors: A.V. Bilinchuk, A.N. Govzich (Gazprom Neft JSC), S.A. Doktor (Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC), I.G. Fayzulin, A.S. Sherekin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC ), R.A. Gimaletdinov (Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegas OJSC, RF, Noyabrsk)

Key words: hard to recover oil reserves, new technologies, increase in efficiency, involvement in the development, horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, reduction of risks.

Implementation of new technologies is a key to involve ultralow permeability hydrocarbon reserves. One of the most economically effective techniques is to drill horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. Currently Gazprom Neft is actively implementing this technology, over 130 multi-stage jobs performed, resulting practical experience can effectively replicate the technology on all subsidiary divisions.

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