Geological characterization of Bazhenov-Abalak formation on the example of Paliynovskoye area of Krasnoleninskoye oil field

Authors: K.V. Strizhnev (Gazpromneft-Angara LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), M.A. Cherevko (Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC, Khanty-Mansiysk), A.N. Sitnikov, D.E. Zagranovskaya, V.V. Zhukov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: the Bazhenov formation, Jurassic complex, active folds in geodynamic plane, faults of shear nature, SubUral package of power meridians.

Well productivity in the sediments of the Bazhenov Formation varies considerably, but this process is independent of the lithotypes of the Bazhenov Formation. In the conceptual model of the Palyanovskoye deposit, oil reserves are associated with the major active folds in geodynamic plane and controlled by geodynamic active diagonally oriented, relatively young faults of shear nature of the main North-East-trending and also North-West-trending.

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