Numerical studies of dissolution processes in waterflooding of salty clastic reservoirs with fresh water

Authors: V.A. Grinchenko, I.A. Vinogradov, A.S. Timchuk, PhD (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), Ya.I. Gordeev (Verkhechonskneftegaz OJSC, RF, Irkustk)

Key words: clastic formation, salinization, halite, dissolution, desalination, salt deposits dissolution, high salinity water, core experiments, waterflooding, field development, fresh water, reservoir simulation.

The paper reviews approaches for modeling the development of salted clastic reservoirs confined to the Verkhnechonskoye field. The results of simulations on synthetic and full field models are reviewed. Dissolution characteristics are described; the key factors to control the field development are determined. Numerical evaluation of dissolution effects on production performance and oil recovery factor is presented. The field zonation by dissolution degree is shown. Recommendations on minimizing the negative impact from the dissolution on reservoir development are given. High salinity water injection pilot is recommended.

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