Systems of assessment of the quality and reliability of wells hydrodynamic testing results

Authors: V.A. Sannikov, V.I. Kurochkin, A.N. Lapshin (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow)

Key words: hydrodynamic studies, criteria, quality assessment, reliability assessment.

The assessment of the quality of execution and reliability of wells hydrodynamic testing results interpretation is considered. The formalized procedure of hydrodynamic studies analysis on the basis of the system of criteria is considered.
1. Korporativnyy reglament po kontrolyu za razrabotkoy mestorozhdeniy
promyslovo-geofizicheskimi, gidrodinamicheskimi i spetsial'nymi metodami
(Enterprise regulations to control the development of the fields of
geophysical, hydrodynamic and special methods), Moscow: Publ. of
LUKOYL, 2012, 251 p.
2. Reglament priemki, kontrolya kachestva GDI i formirovanie baz dannykh
gidrodinamicheskikh issledovaniy skvazhin v organizatsiyakh Gruppy
“LUKOYL” (Rules of acceptance, flow testing quality control and formation
of databases of well testing in the organizations of the "LUKOIL"),
Moscow: Publ. of LUKOYL, 2012, 31 p.
3. Korporativnoe metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po provedeniyu i interpretatsii
gidrodinamicheskikh issledovaniy skvazhin dlya usloviy terrigennykh
i karbonatnykh plastov mestorozhdeniy Gruppy “LUKOYL” (Enterprise
guidelines for the conduct and interpretation of well test for clastic and
carbonate reservoirs of fields of the Group "LUKOIL"), Moscow: Publ. of
LUKOYL, 2012, 228 p.
4. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po priemke, analizu i sistematizatsii
trassernykh issledovaniy v organizatsiyakh Gruppy “LUKOYL” (Methodical
guidance for acceptance, analyzing and organizing tracer test in the
organizations of the "LUKOIL"), Moscow: Publ. of LUKOYL, 2012, 69 p.

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