Theoretical basis of research of hydrodynamics flow technological environments antiturbulent additives

Authors: V.L. Rusinov, S.V. Mordanov Chemical Technology Institute of the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University, RF, Ekaterinburg), G.A. Artemyev (Institute of Organic Synthesis, Ural Branch of RAS, RF, Ekaterinburg), P.G. Rusinov, I.A. Tereshchenko, M.A. Osintseva (Fores-Chemistry LLC, RF, Ekaterinburg)

Key words: ntiturbulent additive, Toms effect.

The article describes theoretical basis of research hydrodynamics flow technology fluids equipped antiturbulent additive ForeFTA. Analyzed the basic experimental approaches Toms effect. Sel ect your preferred estimate reduction turbulence in the flow.


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