Investigation of the influence of oil and gas content criteria and geological and geophysical knowledge on the distribution of hydrocarbon deposits in the Perm Region

Authors: V.L. Voevodkin (LUKOIL-PERM LLC), V.I. Galkin, S.N. Krivtsov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Key words: oil forecast, regional and zonal criteria, Perm Region, probabilistic and statistical methods, the degree of scrutiny.

In this paper, using statistical analysis within the unit cells investigated the influence of regional oil and gas, geological and geophysical knowledge on the density distribution of hydrocarbon deposits within major tectonic elements of the Perm Region. Regionally, oil and gas forecast is based on an analysis of the generation, migration and accumulation processes in the sedimentary cover. Complex criteria has allowed to build a regression model, the zonal-regional oil and gas forecast for the comprehensive criteria for each tectonic element. This helped to clarify areas for further exploration of oil and gas. Found that the highly promising cell, mainly located in the south of the Perm Region.


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