Analyzing the need for and expediency of deploying OHS-improving digital platforms and solutions at pipeline transport facilities

UDK: 658.382.3:622.69
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-4-124-127
Key words: digitalization, industry 4.0, digital platform, main pipeline, hazard identification, risk assessment, risk analysis, occupational health and safety (OHS)
Authors: A.V. Zakharchenko (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLС, RF, Moscow), R.Yu. Shestakov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLС, RF, Moscow), V.N. Slepnev (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLС, RF, Moscow), A.E. Gonchar (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLС, RF, Moscow)

The article is devoted to assessing the need for and expediency of deploying digital platforms and solutions aimed at improving occupational health and safety at pipeline transport facilities. Potential criteria to determine the priority of using digital solutions that can improve the safety of people employed in pipeline transport have been suggested. Hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk management, as well as occupational injuries as the sources of input data in determining the need for using digital solutions for certain jobs and positions at pipeline transport facilities have been considered. Hazard identification and occupational injuries have been considered as factors enabling fairly reasonable assessment of the need for and expediency of priority testing of OHS-improving digital solutions. It is worth noting that personal injuries taken as a part of hazard identification is not the key and only factor in determining the risk level. Hazard identification is aimed at uncovering harmful and dangerous factors in the working environment and labor process; the process is aimed at preventing injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, and incidents. The risk management process consists in the development of measures aimed at eliminating (reducing) risks and improving the production safety. The article presents a method for determining jobs and positions requiring a selection of digital solutions to improve labor safety in the first place. The results of our study are of interest to industrial OHS experts and for carrying out process monitoring and special assessment of working conditions at fuel and energy sector facilities.


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