Control of rheological properties of oil by pulsed plasma electrohydraulic discharges

UDK: 665.662.43.0666
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-4-108-112
Key words: oil viscosity, rheological properties, electrohydraulic discharge, pulsed arc electrohydraulic discharge, fractional composition, paraffins, asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits
Authors: V.V. Lykov (Grozny State Oil Technical University, RF, Grozny), L.Sh. Makhmudova (Grozny State Oil Technical University, RF, Grozny), Kh.Sh. Laieva (Grozny State Oil Technical University, RF, Grozny)

The large-scale development of offshore fields due to extreme distances, depths, temperatures or economic constraints has set the task of comprehensively ensuring the stability of the oil flow from the reservoir to the point of sale (Flow Assurance – FA), otherwise financial losses from interruption of production or damage to equipment due to failure with the FA can be significant. In addition to modeling networks and processes, FA includes integrated management of oil rheological properties such as viscosity, content of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD), temperature of flow loss etc. Currently, a new direction is being formed for controlling the oil rheological properties by methods of physico-chemical exposure. These methods being developed are very diverse and based on various physical phenomena. Preference is given to combined and wave methods. The control of the process of destruction/formation of free and connectedly dispersed structures is the physical basis for controlling the oil rheological characteristics in order to prevent or significantly reduce the influence of such adverse factors as high losses of hydrodynamic pressure on friction during the movement of oil through pipelines and the ARPD.

The article is devoted to the study of pulsed arc electrohydraulic discharge (PAED) action by high-voltage electrohydraulic discharge on oil rheological properties (viscosity, fractional composition, structural composition). As a result of PAED, irreversible structural changes occur in oil, its rheological properties change, the viscosity of oil is reduced by more than 2 times. The the effect on the oil viscosity depends on the paraffin concentration. The higher the paraffin content in oil is, the greater viscosity decreases after PAED. High-molecular compounds are destroyed. The paraffin concentration decreases almost twice, proportionally reducing the rate of ARPD formation. The yield of light products boiling up to 350°C increases by almost 6.0%.


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