Rock compressibility data obtaining for hydrodynamic modelling of petroleum reservoir development

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-3-26-30
Key words: compressibility, hydrodynamics, core, petrophysics
Authors: A.I. Yermolayev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.I. Yefimov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.A. Sokolov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.A. Yermolayev (CGC Holding LLC, RF, Moscow)

The problem of the correct use of data on the compressibility of rocks in hydrodynamic modeling of the processes of the development of oil and gas deposits is investigated. The article presents the results of laboratory experiments focused on information necessary to clarify the relationship between intra-pore pressure, compressibility of rock and porosity. In this paper, a certain form of deformations leading to the destruction of the rock during compression was considered. Such deformation associated with the collapse (collapse) of pores is sometimes called shear compaction or tent deformation associated with depletion of layers. The study of this issue is an integral part of the development of hydrocarbon deposits to predict the irreversible loss of porosity at the source and the possibility of the formation of tectonic disturbances in the deposits caused by the development. The results of the presented studies indicate the need to use a set of compressibility values when the reservoir (internal pressure) changes in the hydrodynamic modeling of the processes of oil and gas deposits development. Such a set of values can be obtained using laboratory experiments performed for various types of rocks. The experiments were carried out under conditions close to reservoir conditions, the increase in effective stress in the reservoir with a decrease in reservoir pressure was modeled by reducing the intra-pore pressure at a constant pressure of all-round compression, this type of research describes the natural process of depletion of the deposit during gas extraction (a drop in reservoir pressure). The set of values of the experimental results can be presented in the form of tabular data for various types of rocks or in the form of dependencies similar to those obtained in this article. The obtained dependences can be used to increase the validity of the results of hydrodynamic modeling of the processes of oil and gas deposits development.


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