Low-carbon energy in Russia as the basis of its carbon neutrality

UDK: 338.45:620.9:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-3-8-12
Key words: energy transition, world economy, fuel and energy resources, energy balance, organic fuel, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon intensity of the economy, carbon neutrality
Authors: V.G. Martynov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), V.V. Bessel (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow; NewTech Services LLC, RF, Moscow), A.S. Lopatin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The problems associated with requirement to intensify the energy transition to renewable energy, the ‘end of the oil and gas era’, are largely politicized and directed against countries with largest reserves of hydrocarbons. The categorical statements of a number of scientists and experts about the causes of climate change, the accusations of Russia's significant contribution to this process contradict many scientific studies. The article shows that despite a slight decrease, the share of organic fuels in the global energy balance in 2021 amounted to 82.3%, which indicates that fossil fuel dominate and, apparently, will dominate the global energy sector for a long time. The analysis of energy consumption in the world and the G20 countries, which account for about 79% of global energy consumption, as well as the analysis of the share of high-carbon, low-carbon and carbon-free energy in the energy balance of the G20 countries, the carbon intensity of the world economy, showed that the share of low-carbon Russia's energy sector exceeds 67% and it is the highest among the G20 countries. As a result it can be argued that Russia's energy sector is one of the most environmentally friendly. The analysis of the dependence of specific carbon dioxide emissions on the share of carbon-free energy in the energy consumption balance and on the share of natural gas in the consumed fossil fuel amount is carried out. It has been shown that the value of this indicator is the lowest in the countries with the largest share of both carbon-free energy and natural gas in the consumed fossil fuel. The index of specific carbon dioxide emissions in Russia is significantly lower than in the world and one of the lowest among the G20 countries. Moreover, enormous absorbing abilities of the biological ecosystems in Russia, such as forests and internal and external reservoirs, allow to speak about its relative carbon neutrality.


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