Application of risk-based approach in safety events investigation

UDK: 658.382.3:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-8-146-151
Key words: risk, barrier, safety, immediate cause, systemic cause, threat, primary cause, root-cause, safety event, investigation
Authors: M.V. Anfimov (Rosneft Oil Company, Moscow), I.S. Sivokon (Rosneft Oil Company, Moscow; Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

This article presents Rosneft Oil Company approach to improving industrial safety using risk management tools in investigation of health, safety and environmental (HSE) safety events. In companies, i.e., in the business environment, the goal of an on-the-job safety event investigation, as a rule, is to prevent a recurrence of such a safety event in the future by correcting deficiencies in the HSE management system. The results of the investigation should identify processes, practices, procedures that should be corrected or improved, and determine which processes with hazardous conditions need to be optimized or eliminated. The feasibility of employing a risk-based approach (RBA) is driven by a pragmatic objective of ensuring that the results of the investigation are compatible with existing programs, activities, and resources. The proposed RBA to safety events investigation is based on a method of risk assessment and analysis that is currently widely used, and namely: the "Bow Tie Diagram". The RBA assumes that any incident is a realized scenario of the corresponding risk - therefore, risk analysis tools and concepts such as: "Hazard", "Threats", "Top event", "Consequence", "Barrier", "Degradation Factors", "Degradation Control" are used for the purpose of safety events investigation. The pattern of RBA use is described in the investigation procedure.

RBA to safety events investigation has been developed at Rosneft Oil Company since 2020. Application of the approach has improved the quality of investigations and, just as importantly, the effectiveness of corrective and remedial actions. RBA has evolved from an auxiliary tool in safety events investigation process to one of the main methods that: 1) allows to identify root causes of safety events in a logical connection to the hazards of a process, existing threats, and top event of an incident; 2) provides a link between the determined immediate and systemic causes of safety events and the real preventive and reactive barriers; 3) serves as a tool to verify the correctness and completeness of the investigation.


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