Tools for kinematic interpretation of seismic data in RN-GEOSIM

UDK: 550.834.052
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-1-32-35
Authors: K.E. Zakrevsky (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), R.K. Gazizov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), S.V. Vlasov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.E. Lepilin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), M.T. Yakupov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The article describes a module for kinematic seismic interpretation, created as a part of corporate software package for 3D geological modeling RN-GEOSIM. The relevance and necessity of combining the processes of kinematic interpretation and geological modeling in a single software package are considered. Such approach allows the arrangement of seismic and geological modeling elements in the form of an inseparable process in which inputs and outputs are combined into a single modeling graph. The features of the implementation of some kinematic interpretation tools as a part of a geological modeling package are described, in particular, data visualization, seismic and well logging data binding, determination of the velocity patterns, automatic and manual tracking of reflecting horizons and faults, performing a time-to-depth transformation for horizons and fault polygons. The main functionality of kinematic seismic interpretation module and description of mathematical algorithms developed by the specialists of Rosneft Oil Company are given. Rosneft’ experts successfully tested seismic kinematic interpretation module using information on several dozen objects of various genesis. It is concluded that the creation of this module made it possible to expand the possibilities of integrating the RN-GEOSIM into the corporate line of software products for modeling oil and gas fields of Rosneft Oil Company and corresponds to modern trends in the reservoir modeling software development.


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