Analysis of new legislation governing the development and approval of oil and petroleum product spill prevention and response plans at trunk pipeline facilities

UDK: 502.55:622.692
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-9-122-128
Key words: oil spill response, technogenic emergency, pipeline rupture, pipeline puncture, tank depressurisation, industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
Authors: P.V. Pugacheva (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), R.Yu. Shestakov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.E. Gonchar (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The algorithm of actions in case of the threat or in the event of an accident related to oil and petroleum product spills at pipeline transportation facilities is presented in the relevant Oil and Petroleum Product Spill Prevention and Response Plans - OSPRP. The purpose of the article is to analyse the new legal requirements for the development and approval of the OSPRP. The specifics of developing, agreeing and approving an OSPRP at trunk pipeline facilities in Russia are reviewed. Issues of concern when developing, agreeing and approving an OSPRP that are relevant to the domestic system of main pipeline transport are highlighted. It has been established that a number of legislative acts adopted as a result of the implementation of the “regulatory guillotine“ have fundamentally changed the outdated approach needed to be revised to the development, approval and adoption of  the OSPRP in the field of regulation of activities related to the operation of trunk pipelines with regard to oil and petroleum product spill prevention and response. The article provides a detailed comparative analysis of the changes in the legal acts establishing the requirements for the development, approval and adoption of the OSPRP, which were in force until 31.12.2020 and which entered into force on 01.01.2021. It is noted, however, that while the main objectives of the development of an OSPRP remain unchanged, there remains a need for further detailed work on the creation of a base of by-laws that establish clear requirements for the OSPRP and eliminate the possibility of ambiguity on the part of both operating organizations and state supervisory authorities. It also noted the need to improve the OSPRP, taking into account modern accident forecasting methods based on the digitalization of production and the specifics of the operating organizations.


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