The influence of the temperature of the formation of emulsions on the structural and rheological characteristics of emulsions and the effectiveness of the inhibitory additive

UDK: 622.276.6:578.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-9-100-104
Key words: water-oil emulsion, additive, temperature of emulsion formation, wax deposit, paraffin hydrocarbons
Authors: I.V. Prozorova (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of the RAS, RF, Tomsk), N.A. Nebogina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of the RAS, RF, Tomsk), N.V. Yudina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of the RAS, RF, Tomsk), O.A. Kazantsev (Dzerzhinsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) NNTSU n.a. R.E. Alekseev)

The results of the influence of water content and temperature on the values of their viscosity-temperature characteristics, the amount of wax deposit and the effectiveness of the inhibitory additive are presented in this paper. An increase in temperature of emulsion formation and water content in emulsion leads to the formation of a temperature-viscous structure, which causes an increase in temperature, dynamic viscosity, energy of a viscous transition and a shift of phase transitions to a higher temperature region. The amount of wax deposit in the emulsion increases with increasing temperature of emulsion formation: the minimum amount of wax deposit at an emulsion formation temperature of 10°C, and maximum - at a temperature of 40–60°C. The degree of inhibition of additives slightly increases with the temperature of formation of emulsions. The maximum inhibitory ability of the additive is manifested in emulsions with a formation temperature of 20–40°C with water content of 10%wt. With an increase in the temperature of formation of emulsions, the pour point of the samples significantly increases. The depressant effect of the additive decreases when water content in emulsions increase. The maximum depressant effect is characteristic of emulsion samples with a formation temperature of 10–20°C and an water content of 10, 30%wt.


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