Hydrogeological features of the Yurubcheno–Tokhomskoye oil field

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-2-50-55
Key words: Siberian platform, Yurubchen-Tokhomo hydrocarbon accumulation zone, subsalt, salt-bearing, suprasalt hydrogeological formations, brine
Authors: N.S. Trifonov (Tomsk Branch of A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk)

The article presents the results of generalizing the scattered data accumulated over a long period of time on hydrogeological stratification, vertical and horizontal zoning, hydrodynamics, geothermy and geochemistry of underground waters of the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye oil field. It was found that the hydrogeological features of the study area are determined by the ancient age and uneven salinity of sedimentary cover rocks, the complexity of the tectonic structure and manifestations of trap magmatism, as well as difficult climatic conditions that led to deep freezing of the sedimentary cover and the formation of layer insular permafrost. Numerous hydrogeological complexes of the sedimentary cover are combined into three large hydrogeological formations (suprasalt, salt-bearing and subsalt). The features of each formation are considered in detail. It was revealed that these formations are hydrodynamically isolated from each other, which, along with different lithological-facies and thermobaric conditions, determine their differences, including hydrogeochemical ones. The underground waters of the study area are distinguished by a unique chemical composition, which is characterized by high mineralization and the degree of metamorphism. Salt waters and brines are characterized by a high degree of enrichment in microcomponents. The concentrations of elements such as boron, bromine, lithium, rubidium, strontium, magnesium, silver, gold and many others are many times higher than the established minimum industrial standards, so these waters can be considered as a promising source of hydromineral raw materials. It is shown that all aquifers, in addition to the scientific one, are also of quite definite practical interest related to the development of the region’s oil and gas complex (in particular, issues related to technical and drinking water supply, justification of the choice of water sources for reservoir pressure maintenance systems, utilization of highly mineralized wastewater, determination criteria of oil and gas content, etc.), which in turn determines the need for a more detailed study of the hydrogeological conditions of this territory.


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