Application of a digital model of a linear object for the design of pipelines in the conditions of construction on permafrost soils

UDK: 622.692.4.07(211)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-8-106-109
Key words: digital model of a linear object, design of foundations on permafrost, optimization of costs during construction on permafrost, automation of design
Authors: U.S. Poverenniy (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), A.D. Dubrov (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), N.G. Gilev (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), E.V. Zenkov (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), A.S. Melentev (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), D.Yu. Shestakov (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), D.A. Kuzmin (NK Rosneft-NTC, RF, Krasnodar), V.A. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), N.N. Berdnikov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow
The article describes an innovative method for automating the design process of pile foundations of linear aboveground pipelines using a digital model of a linear object (DMLO). The proposed method of automating the design process, with individual calculations and selection of optimal solutions for each support, rather than for groups of supports with similar loads, heights, geological and geocryological conditions, allows you to save capital costs for the construction of aboveground pipelines up to 20% of the cost of piling. The specified cost optimization does not reduce the reliability of the designed objects. Due to automation with the use of DMLO, the complexity and timing of design are reduced, and the risk of errors when performing a large number of calculations is reduced. All decisions in the preparation of DMLO are made taking into account the technical and economic comparison of options for pile foundations: with or without soil thermal stabilization systems, with the use of reinforced concrete or metal piles, piles of a larger diameter with a shorter length or a smaller diameter with a longer length, etc. DMLO is developed for the entire life cycle of the object and can be used at the construction stage and geotechnical monitoring of the object for the ability to recalculate the bearing capacity of piles based on current measurements of soil temperatures. The technology was developed by subsidiary company of Rosneft Oil Company – NK Rosneft-NTC LLC as part of Rosneft’s strategy to optimize capital costs by 10% of the cost of linear facilities in 2020–2022.
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