Possibilities of modeling petrophysical properties of clastic rocks based on lithological characteristics

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-3-26-29
Key words: limited knowledge, geophysical well logging, grane composition, physical and petrophysical properties, petrophysical and elastic modeling
Authors: Sh.V. Mukhidinov (Gazprom Neft Company Group, RF, Saint Petersburg), A.S. Shpar (Gazprom Neft Company Group, RF, Saint Petersburg)

The lithological characteristics of clastic rocks are determined by the conditions of their formation. The mineral composition reflects the features of the source of demolition and post–sedimentation transformation, and the grane composition reflects the features of transportation and dynamics of the sedimentation environment. In practice, the mineral composition is more often used to restore the physical properties of rocks of well sections studied by a limited geophysical well logging complex in order to provide petroelastic and geomechanical modeling. There is no single way to restore physical characteristics. In practice, correlation methods are often used when one property is determined by a paired or multidimensional relationship from another property. Experience shows that such approaches do not provide the necessary forecasting accuracy and, for this reason, the results of petroelastic and geomechanical modeling have large uncertainties, more often leading to ambiguous results. In conditions of limited data on the mineral composition and its variability by section, in order to determine the composition and structure of rocks, on which the key characteristic of reservoirs – filtration heterogeneity depends, the need to use available data, which can serve as a grane characteristic, is determined. Today, data on the grane composition are used to solve the inverse problem of studying the geological past of the land, as well as various properties of terrigenous reservoirs of oil and gas. On the basis of this information, a lithological classification of rocks is carried out, at the prospecting stage of geological exploration, capacitive properties, bulk mass, permeability and other parameters are predicted. This paper describes the possibility of using grane composition at a quantitative level to model petrophysical properties. The method of restoring physical properties was developed based on the results of a study of rocks selected from different terrigenous deposits of various regions of Russia. The performed analysis made it possible to significantly increase the practical significance of the grane characteristics of rocks in the petrophysical study of well sections and geological modeling of natural terrigenous reservoirs.


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