The first results of drilling horizontal sidetrack wells on the Tyumen suite of the Krasnoleninskoye field

UDK: 622.276.1/.4 (571.)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-3-64-67
Key words: Tyumen suite, unconventional reserves, geological support while drilling, horizontal sidetrack wells, geological model, multistage hydraulic fracturing, low permeability reservoirs, remaining oil in place
Authors: A.N. Pomazov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.E. Bragin (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The article presents the first field trial results of drilling horizontal sidetrack wells on Tyumen suite of Talinsky license area of the Krasnoleninskoye oil and gas condensate field. A brief description of the area of ongoing work and the prerequisites for drilling horizontal sidetrack wells in the Talinsky license area are given. The advantages of drilling horizontal sidetrack wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing under conditions of low permeability reservoirs and high share of idle and low-production directional wells are shown. The main criteria used in the selection of candidate wells and the stages of preparation of drilling areas are reflected. The methods used to reduce uncertainties, both at the planning stage and during the drilling process, ensuring high efficiency of well drilling in the target interval, are described. A principal diagram of the well profile and trajectory control methods during drilling in a limited set of well logs are presented. А set of measures before and after drilling, which provide high starting production rates, as well as involvement in the development of previously not drained unconventional reserves are presented. The first results, comparison of planned and actual wells indicators and perspectives of drilling horizontal sidetrack wells on Tyumen suite, as well as other objects of the Krasnoleninskoye oil and gas condensate field of RN-Nyaganneftegas are shown. Completed and planned activities to improve the quality of performed work are presented. The main conclusions based on the results of the pilot industrial work and the development plan for the direction of drilling horizontal sidetrack wells at the facilities of RN-Nyaganneftegas are shown.


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