Development of hydrocarbon resources in salinized reservoirs of the Pripyat trough and the south of the Siberian platform

UDK: 622.276.1/4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-2-22-27
Key words: salinizated petroleum reservoirs, catagenetic halite, hydrochemical monitoring, rock desalinization
Authors: S.V. Zimin (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), V.D. Poroshin (Suhoi State Technical University of Gomel, the Republic of Belarus, Gomel), S.I. Grimus (BelNIPIneft, State Production Association Belorusneft, the Republic of Belarus, Gomel)

The state and problems of hydrocarbon resource development in salinized reservoirs of the Pripyat Trough and the south of the Siberian Platform are considered. The role of hydrochemical monitoring to determine the nature of the water taken along with it, to assess the proportion of injected water in the associated brines, is shown by the development of the intersalt deposit within Ostashkovichskoye oilfield; for determining the direction and speed of filtration flows within the reservoir, as well as the allocation of areas most cleaned from halite. Using proprietary methods and programs based on interpretation of data on the composition and densities of injected and simultaneously recoverable water, a quantitative assessment of the desalination process and its effect on the filtration and capacity properties of rocks is carried out. The balance of sodium chloride in the produced, injected and produced water was calculated for the entire period of development of the watered production wells of the Ostashkovichskoye oilfield. During the development 1.6 million m3 were removed from the intersalt deposit during the operation of more than one hundred wells. In the injection water remaining in the deposit up to 7 mln m3 of halite was dissolved. As a result, a new system of filtration channels was formed that influenced the change in the spatial structure of filtration flows. The change in porosity reaches 1.5–2 %, the filtration flow rates increased by an order of magnitude and amounted to 5–47 m/day. Only taking into account the influence of the process of desalination of the rocks on the change in their reservoir properties and on the OWC allowed reproducing the history of the operation of production wells on the geological and hydrodynamic model of the Ostashkovichskoye oilfield.

The methods and technologies of creating geological and hydrodynamic models and hydrochemical methods for monitoring the development of oil deposits in salinized reservoirs proposed by the authors and tested at Belarusian fields can be successfully applied to similar Russian fields.


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