Creation of a proxy-integrated model of the Eastern section of the Orenburgskoye oil-gas-condensate field under the conditions of lack of initial data

UDK: 622.276.1/.4.001.57
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-12-47-51
Key words: integrated modeling, proxy-integrated model
Authors: E.V. Yudin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), R.A. Khabibullin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg; Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), I.M. Galyautdinov (Gazprom Neft PJSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), N.A. Smirnov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.M. Babin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), G.A. Chigarev (Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The paper describes the methodology of the proxy-integrated model, which allows to create and adjust the mathematical model "drainage area - well - oil-gathering system", description of the process of creation and adjustment of the model of the Eastern section of the Orenburg oil-gas-condensate field (ES OOGCF), as well as the convergence of the calculation results with the actual data in the conditions of lack of initial data.

The "reservoir/well/oil-gathering system" integrated model (IM) methodology used in the existing commercial simulators requires a large amount of initial data and deep detailing of individual IM elements. Creating such models requires setting up a reservoir model, well models and surface infrastructure model. Quick creation and configuration is only possible for well models: reservoir model is adapted over the entire period of field development and can require a lot of time and effort to achieve the required predictive convergence; for an above-ground infrastructure model, the level of detail can be severely limited due to the requirement for pressure measurements at each element of the pipeline network. In addition, the calculation of pressure changes resulting from traditional approach has a low rate of calculation. The combination of these factors often makes it impossible to use a classical approach to the creation of IM and necessitates the creation of a method of IM that can be quickly configured, is resistant to the small quantity and quality of raw data and has a high speed of calculations. The authors have developed and tested a comprehensive approach to building such a model. The article presents solutions for creating and automated adaptation of drainage area, wellbore, gaslift valves and production and gaslift gas lines based on typical for gaslift operation low-frequency measurement data that are not synchronized in time, as well as the calculation method of the infrastructure model, which requires only three points of pressure measurements to be made: wellhead, measuring unit and oil processing unit. Solutions for the integration of individual elements into a single computational model and a tool for the filtration of initial data, in general, desynchronized in time, are demonstrated. The implementation of the obtained solution is also shown on the example of ES OOGCF and the convergence of calculations of the obtained proxy-integrated model with the actual data in the retrospective analysis.


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