Improving the accuracy of calculating the temperature of a pipeline wall operated in harsh climatic and natural conditions

UDK: 622.691.4.01 : 536.1
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-9-118-120
Key words: oil temperature, oil pipeline in harsh climatic and natural conditions, permafrost soils, calibration, improving accuracy of calculations
Authors: A.A. Korotkov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.S. Kislov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The article presents for consideration an approach to improving the accuracy of calculations of oil temperature (wall of a pipeline) for long sections (over tens of kilometers) of oil pipelines constructed in harsh geological and climatic conditions (including permafrost areas). The calculation method is based on the heat balance equation "pipeline-environment". The main difficulty is that due to significant temporal and spatial variability of the soil parameters at the base of the pipeline and conditions of interaction in the "soil-environment" system (e.g., the annual range of soil temperature at the depth of the pipe axis can reach tens of degrees), field studies allowing to determine their actual values with acceptable accuracy require enormous financial expenses. Therefore, approximated values are used in the calculations, which can result in significant errors of the calculated values relative to the actual ones. Increased accuracy of calculations is achieved by calibrating the computed model according to oil temperature (pipeline wall) sensors. Calibration of the computed model is performed for the time intervals during which the parameters of the medium containing the pipeline (temperature and thermal conductivity of soils, heat exchange rate between soil and atmosphere) are constant. The temperature value at the depth of the pipeline axis is used as the control parameter. The proposed method allows reducing the error of calculations and avoiding additional expenses for year-round study of the properties of soils containing the pipeline.


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