The versatility of the generalized formulas of L.S. Leibenson

UDK: 621.691.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-5-105-108
Key words: hydraulic calculation, liquefied gases, gas distribution, main gas pipelines, anti-turbulent additives, oil, petroleum products, the unity of the laws of hydraulics, Darcy – Weisbach formula, generalized formula Of L.S. Leibenzon
Authors: A.A. Korshak (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

Historically, hydraulic calculations of pipelines for pumping homogeneous liquid and gaseous media are carried out according to different formulas: in the first case, as a rule, - the pressure losses are calculated by the Darcy – Weisbach formula for friction, and in the second case, the difference between the squares of the initial and final pressures in the gas pipeline (the exception is the case of gas flow in low – pressure pipelines, where the Darcy – Weisbach formula is also used). Developing independently from each other, methods for calculating the hydraulic resistance of pipelines for these media have diverged to such an extent that, contrary to the unity of the laws of hydraulics, even the friction zone of the turbulent regime of gas workers began to be called "modes" ("mixed", "quadratic"). The origin of the data "technologisms” is due to the practical absence of the laminar regime in the practice of gas pipeline transportation, but, in fact, gives the impression that the hydraulics in the flow of gases in gas distribution systems and gas pipelines other than oil and oil product pipelines. Another problem with hydraulic calculations is that up to the present time calculation of the head losses in the pumping of oil and oil products with small additions of macromolecular substances (drag-reducing additive) and liquefied gases is performed according to the formula Darcy – Weisbach, and for pumping oil and oil products with no drag-reducing additive (in the solution of theoretical problems) – L.S. Leibenzon generalized formula.

The author has carried out studies to ensure a unified methodological approach in the calculation of the hydraulic resistance of pipelines in the case of pumping homogeneous liquid and gaseous media. It is proved that the generalized formula of L.S. Leibenzon can be used in hydraulic calculations of pumping a wide variety of media: oil, petroleum products, gas, LPG. This result can be explained by the unity of hydraulic laws for droplet liquids and gases. For the first time the values of the coefficients of L.S. Leibenzon in cases of gas pumping through the main gas pipelines, oil and oil products with drag-reducing additive, liquefied hydrocarbon gases are established.


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