Experience of Arctic biodiversity conservation at LUKOIL-Komi’s fields

UDK: 502.36:622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-5-6-9
Key words: Arctic (Arctic region), oil production, ecology, biodiversity, bioindicator species, corporate knowledge management system, stocking, Red Book of Russia, whitefish, grayling, walrus, birds, migration, environmental, observations, environmental monitoring, environmental program
Authors: I.Kh. Zhdanov (LUKOIL PJSC, RF, Moscow), M.M. Prokopiv (LUKOIL-Komi LLC, RF, Ukhta), A.G. Koptelov (LUKOIL-Komi LLC, RF, Ukhta), A.V. Bezumov (Territorial Production Enterprise LUKOIL-Severneftegas of LUKOIL-Komi LLC, RF, Naryan-Mar)

Nowadays the Arctic Region more and more reveals an unexplored nature of its vast spread and diversity of deposited natural resources. How to save the fragile nature of the region and remedy the made mistakes of the past since a lot of waste, barrels, fuel and lubricants etc. had been dumped in these areas? Now the time has come to restore damaged land and save the life of unique animals and plants.

Following the instructions of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation the LUKOIL Company was one of the first in the country to compile a "Biodiversity Conservation Program” and LUKOIL-Komi LLC and its structural subdivisions actively joined the implementation of the Program. Not only specialists responsible for ecological safety were involved in protecting the northern ecosystem and its inhabitants but also regular employees (operators, equipment inspectors, foremen, geologists, process engineers and many others) involved in oil production in the northern fields of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. Close cooperation of the territorial production enterprise LUKOIL-Severneftegas and LUKOIL-Komi ecologists resulted in developing of the Action Plan aimed at the protection of the Arctic biodiversity. The plan includes ten sections describing geographical, climatic, soil and hydrological conditions, fauna and economic use of the territory. It also lists the required actions to preserve northern flora and fauna, demonstrates the indicator-species and describes the observation and keeping records procedure. The Plan was reviewed by experts at the LUKOIL Corporate Knowledge Management System website and appreciated by the colleagues from other subsidiaries and after that it was launched in the fields bordering the coast of the Barents Sea.

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