Bashneft digital transformation: from concept design to implementation

UDK: 334.75(73):622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-3-7-12
Key words: digitalization, digital transformation, industry 4.0, disruptive innovation, cyber-physical system, business process management, machine learning, digital twin, mobile device
Authors: A.N. Shishkin (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), E.O. Timashev (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), V.I. Solovykh (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), M.G. Volkov (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.V. Kolonskikh (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

This article gives an overview of the digital transformation key drivers including introduction of state-of-art digital technologies into production; change of a business model; technical and economic performance management based on the example/experience of Bashneft oil and gas company. Introduction of digital technologies is achieved by managing changes of the business model. An integral part of the digital transformation is to align consistent key performance indicators with continuous monitoring of the technical and economic effect as a result of newly introduced technologies. The major trends of the Digital oil field project are presented along with the current results of the first phase of the Project. The main digital technologies are identified such as digital twins, mobile and wearable devices, virtual and augmented reality, machine learning, software robots and autonomous robots. The authors identify digital twins as a basic digital technology which can be divided into different levels: digital to physical, digital to digital, physical to digital. The most prominent breakthrough is scheduled to be implemented at the digital to digital level – the development of digital models of technological objects. It also presents the results of mobile and wearable technologies aimed to improve health and safety of employees. Different levels of process control centers are proposed as the change of business models including efficiency control center, integrated operations center, intelligent control room. The Digital oil field project is the foundation for further effective development in the digital economy. Based on existing experience it is planned to significantly expand the list of digital transformation areas for key business units: digital plant, transport, logistics and gas station.


1. URL:

2. URL:

3. The programme “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”, approved by resolution № 1632-r of the Russian government on the 28th of July 2017.

4. Repin V.V., Eliferov V.G., Protsessnyy podkhod k upravleniyu. Modelirovanie biznes-protsessov (Process approach to management. Business process modeling), Moscow: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber Publ., 2013, 544 p.

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