Implementing energy-efficient autonomous power systems with trigeneration for increasing the profitability of oil production

DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-1-94-98
Key words: power system, trigeneration, energy efficiency, supercritical carbon dioxide, enhanced oil recovery, increasing oil production rate
Authors: V.A. Naletov (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, RF, Moscow), M.B. Glebov (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, RF, Moscow), A.Yu. Naletov (Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, RF, Moscow), V.B. Glebov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, RF, Moscow)

Heavy oil production is characterized by low profitability and low oil recovery factor value. This is due to the necessity of using external power sources for the production process, on one hand, and on the other hand – due to the limited number of possibilities for using cheap resources in implementing efficient enhanced oil recovery methods. These problems can be successfully solved by utilizing energy-efficient multifunctional power systems. The design of suitable power equipment for cost-effective heavy oil production must be based on energy-saving and, preferably, energy-autonomous power systems. In this regard, for high-viscosity oil fields with low gas-solubility factor values and increased power consumption per unit of oil produced the technology of power generation from associated petroleum gas becomes economically attractive. Such systems present a combined solution to the problems defined and do not require external carbon dioxide sources. The autonomous trigeneration power can be adapted for the feedstocks available on-site (associated petroleum gas or the flue gases from nearby power plants if present), produce the heat and power necessary for heating the viscous oil and produce carbon dioxide to reduce oil viscosity and improve phase mobility. Implementing trigeneration power systems makes it economically viable to develop and apply thermal and gas injection methods for improving oil recovery. The power systems comprise, as a rule, a power module that uses the associated petroleum gas produced on-site, a carbon dioxide capture module and a compression module for obtaining liquid or supercritical carbon dioxide.

The structure of the autonomous trigeneration power system and the methodology of its implementation for oil production are presented. A comparison of the proposed autonomous power system with analogous overseas solutions is given.


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