In the article a microservice architecture approach is considered in making applications for oil operators. Some of key concepts in this paper are explained. There is an example of information technology system implementation based on microservices for field data visualization. Under the term ‘microservice’ we understand some specific software application development technology. It is a service oriented architecture where application represents a number of loosely connected services. Regarding an IT-architecture of oil operator there are few types of “standard” microservices that might be applicable: microservice for data collection and data loading, microservice for engineering calculations, microservice for data visualization. One of important feature of microservice architecture application is its dependence on API code used. To make it more independent several API versions is usually supported. Another important aspect is information security of oil operator network. To meet operator’s security requirements there are number of various authentication and authorization methods can be applied. In this paper, a microservice architecture application approach is described based on example of REPOS reservoir engineering and production optimization system implementation into “SKIF-NEDRA” application. To meet security requirements for “SKIF-NEDRA” application a token system is used with REPOS microservice app collection. By this way only authorized users can load and visualize field data using REPOS system microservices.
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5. URL: Journal/archive_detail.php?art=230172