Research of influence of activated aluminum alloys for the cores saturated with oil of Kazakhstan fields

UDK: 622.276.65
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-7-86-89
Key words: oil, activated aluminum alloy, hydrogen, hydrogenolysis, core
Authors: M.T. Baigaziyev (Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty), N.D.Sarsenbekov (Kaspiymunaigas Scientific Research Institute, Kazakhstan, Atyrau), G.I. Boyko (Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty), R.G. Sarmurzina (Association KazEnergy, Kazakhstan, Astana), N.P. Lubchenko (Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty), U.S. Karabalin (Association KazEnergy, Kazakhstan, Astana), B.U. Akchulakov (Association KazEnergy, Kazakhstan, Astana)

A new regent on the basis of activated aluminum Rau-85 was suggested for thermal gaseous chemical treatment of bottom hole formation zone of oil wells. Experimental research of studying Rau-85 effect on oil saturated cores was carried out. By modeling formation conditions, thermal gaseous chemical treatment of oil saturated Uaz oilfield natural cores of terrigenous rock was handled. Filtration-volume properties of cores were studied. It’s shown that during reaction of activated aluminum with formation fluids, a large amounts of heat, atomic hydrogen and hydrocarbon gases are generated. Group composition analysis of the oil before and after thermal gaseous chemical treatment by reagent Rau-85 was conducted. We observed a decrease in the content of hydrocarbons from C33 to C40 by 2.83% and an increase of light hydrocarbons ranging from C11 to C32 by 10.74% in the oil composition. This evidences that hydrogenolysis of oil by atomic hydrogen is occurred directly in the core.

It’s implemented a comparison of oil displacement efficiency from core by gases generated during thermal gaseous chemical treatment by reagent Rau-85 and the displacement of water.

Based on the results of a laboratory experiment the displacement of formation water and heavy oil thermal gaseous chemical influence by reagent Rau-85 in the oil-saturated core, we can conclude about the prospects of the use of activated aluminum alloys Rau-85 for bottom hole formation zone treatment to enhance oil recovery.


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