Estimation of associated petroleum gas process losses for oilfield facilities

UDK: 622.276.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-4-97-99
Key words: associated petroleum gas, system of production, collection and preparation of well production, processes losses, calculation methods
Authors: F.F. Khamidullin (CMC Region-Cert LLC, RF, Kazan), R.F. Khamidullin (Kazan National Research Technological University, RF, Kazan), F.F. Mukhamadieva (All-Russian Research Institute of Flow Metering, RF, Kazan)

With the existing traditional technological schemes of production systems, data collection, preparation and transportation of oil and gas wells to production facilities of enterprises inevitable loss of low molecular weight hydrocarbons (С1–С5), as well as leakage of acidic components – volatile organic sulfur (CH3SH, C2H5SH – methyl- and ethylmercaptan) and non-hydrocarbon (H2S, СО2) compounds, which the associated petroleum gas contain. In order to reduce entrainment of gas vehicles to Tatneft PJSC objects made of technical-technological and organizational measures: installation of flow distributor for even load separators, gas-liquid mixture; mounting devices for gas pre-selection and commissioning of the gas space of the separator; installation of end divider phases and pipe of gas coalescences pre-selection of gas before by the separators; introduction of drift eliminators and collect drop of oil in the tank. The article examines the main sources and types of technological losses of associated gas, which are safety valves that require periodic inspection; technological devices, the operation of which provides for the passage of the survey; wastewater. The standards of technological losses of associated petroleum and hydrocarbon gases are required for use in the calculation of gross oil production at an establishment of payments for use of natural resources and mineral wealth as well as to avoid environmental contamination. In this regard, for an objective assessment of unintentional entrainment of hydrocarbon components there is a need for periodic determination of technological losses of associated gas at oil facilities. The authors developed and proposed for use in the oil field facilities a new method of performing calculations and development of standard process losses of associated gas to the Republic of Tatarstan fields, which was approved by the Kazan branch Association Rostehekspertiza and is recommended for use in losses calculations in the oil and gas companies.


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