On the accounting a biogenic hydrocarbon compounds of the peaty lake sediments in the assessment of petroleum contaminated areas

UDK: 543.8; 543.544.43
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-5-94-98
Key words: petroleum contamination, peaty lake sediments, IR-photometry, gas-liquid chromatography, biogenic and petroleum hydrocarbons, molecular composition
Authors: М.G. Kulkov, Е.А. Zarov (Ugra State University, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk)

The authors researched a hydrocarbon total content and its molecular composition for the peaty lake sediments on the petroleum contaminated and background areas at Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district (KhMAO). The aim was to compare the assessment of the peaty lake sediments petroleum pollution by the gas-liquid chromatography and infrared spectrometry taking into account the native hydrocarbon content.

It has been compared two methods (IR-photometry and gas-liquid chromatography) defining a petroleum hydrocarbons concentration in peaty lake sediments on anthropogenic areas. The main results show the IR-photometry gives a reliable result for concentrations level more than 20000 mg/kg, when biogenic hydrocarbons proportion is low towards to petroleum hydrocarbons concentration. In case of lower values there is have to be used a highly informative gas-liquid chromatography methods to investigate a hydrocarbons molecular composition and consider a biogenic part of its content. It helps to make a decision in controversial cases when it is not obvious a fact of petroleum contamination.

Additionally it has been defined a background hydrocarbon concentration in peaty lake sediments for KhMAO by two mentioned above methods. The typical molecular parameters of virgin peaty lake sediments were calculated for a content of saturated hydrocarbons. In case of non-compliance to those parameters, we suggest to attribute peaty lake sediment samples as contaminated.

The carried out investigations have been directed to increase the results accuracy in the hydrosphere biogeochemical monitoring for the KhMAO region. In addition, it might be applied for the correction of the regional standards for maximum permissible level of petroleum in the lake sediments in relation to its type.


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