Regulatory support for reclamation of disturbed and oil-contaminated soils in Tatneft PJSC assets

UDK: 502.55:622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-5-74-77
Key words: reclamation of disturbed and oil-contaminated soils, limit values of allowable residual oil content, regulatory support, guidelines, biotechnologies
Authors: N.G. Ibragimov, R.M. Gareev, I.F. Ismagilov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), P.N. Kubarev, I.A. Shaydullina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)

Tatneft PJSC has developed and introduced a number of standards and guidelines for reclamation of soils disturbed by oil-field facilities construction and operation. The documents developed and approved include: Program and procedure of lab tests to establish limit values of allowable residual oil and oil products content after reclamation operations; limit values of allowable residual oil and oil products content for soils prevailing on the territory of Tatneft’s activity (for farming lands); a number of guidelines for reclamation of disturbed and oil-contaminated lands; standard plans for disturbed land reclamation including farming lands, forest lands, industrial lands, as well as a standard reclamation program (including biological reclamation).

Based on the soil and environmental surveys, a soil map has been generated for the South-East of Tatarstan. An electronic array has been developed comprising a number of parameters to draw up reclamation plans. Full-scale field and laboratory tests have been performed to compare the efficiency and environmental safety of new reclamation methods for oil-contaminated and saline soils against the conventional ones. It has been found that in case of high oil-contamination level the new biotechnologies proved to the most efficient in reducing oil products in soil to the allowable residual content over the shortest time, in recovering soil fertility and improving soil properties.


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