Methodology for the formation of commodity batches for the sequential pumping of different types of oils and their mixtures through the technological section of the main oil pipeline

UDK: 622.692.4.053
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-98-103
Key words: batching, compounding, oil mixing, multi-grade oil mixture, rational mixing, high-viscosity oil, energy efficiency
Authors: R.R. Tashbulatov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa; The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), R.M. Karimov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), A.V. Tokarenko (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), R.Z. Sunagatullin (The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), B.N. Mastobaev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article is devoted to a new task of pumping optimization for two oils with different viscosities by formation of two parties. These parties are two mixtures from the initial oils in different proportions, which are pumped sequentially through one technological section of the main oil pipeline. Mentioned, that it is necessary to calculate change in the pumping flow rate when the viscosity of the pumped product changes. With a set of assumptions, it was proved that in practice the solution of the problem comes down to only two options: pumping oils in a single mixture or butching of the original oils without mixing with each other. There is shown еhe influence of the steepness of the change in the viscosity of a binary mixture from the mixing ratio on the result of solving the problem. The closer the viscosity of the mixture is to linear additivity, the more energy efficient it is to pump oil sequentially. A parameter is proposed for choosing one or another option, the calculation of which requires laboratory measurements of the viscosities and densities of the original oils and the viscosity of the mixture in a ratio of 1:1. Restrictions are formulated in the form of conditions for admissible mixing for the need to fulfill the planned task for pumping oils within a fixed time. Taking into account the identified limitations in the case of choosing batching, the problem is reduced to the option of pumping less viscous oil in its pure form without admixing (batch No. 1), but with partial removal of part of the oil mass from it for mixing with more viscous oil and forming batch No. 2. As a result, a methodology has been developed for determining the optimal mix for pumping two oils with different viscosities through one technological section of the main oil pipeline.


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