Analysis of the current level of technologies for determining the location of non-metallic underground services

UDK: 622.692.4–03
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-121-125
Key words: low-pressure polyethylene, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey, underground pipeline, detection of non-metallic pipelines
Authors: E.F. Denisov (Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), M.Z. Yamilev (Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), E.A. Tigulev (Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), V.V. Pshenin (Saint- Petersburg Mining University, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Identification of underground services during excavation is an important task, while today determining the location of such objects is difficult because of wide use of non-metallic pipes and communications. In the field of pipeline transport, the detection of non-metallic underground services is also associated with the localization of unauthorized tie-ins on trunk pipelines, as well as in case of surveys during the construction or reconstruction of underground services in the presence of existing ones. Simultaneously with the use of non-metallic materials for underground services, detection methods are also being developed. The paper provides an overview of modern methods for detecting non-metallic pipes, and discusses aspects of the interaction of pipe material, ground conditions and the pumping product with existing physical fields used in devices for detecting the location of underground utilities. A comparison of methods technical characteristics allows determining the most suitable one for non-metallic pipes pumping oil and petroleum products. The paper highlights the main criteria for comparing the methods and draws conclusions about their practical applicability at the facilities of the main pipeline transport. To develop final recommendations for the use of effective methods for determining the location of non-metallic underground services technical, economic and organizational criteria should also be taken into account later. Further research in this area will make it possible to develop regulatory requirements for the performance of excavation work, as well as expand the tool base for searching for unauthorized tie-ins in combination with other significant factors that fix potential violations.



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