Investigating bioremediation and detoxification of oil-contaminated cuttings and soil using bacterial preparation Rekoyl

UDK: 628.516+622.323]:663.18
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-2-108-111
Key words: oil-contaminated soil, remediation, detoxification, bacterial preparation
Authors: E.S. Belik, L.V. Rudakova, I.S. Glushankova, A.A. Surkov, Ya.I. Vaysman (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), V.G. Berlizova (ProfStroyAlyans LLC, RF, Perm)
Bioremediation is a commonly used soil treatment technology in case of crude and petroleum derivatives contamination. This technology is based on the principle of self-purification of oil-contaminated soil and ground in presence of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms form. Using special bacterial drugs is a promising direction for the intensification of the cleaning of the environment from oil with the help of microorganisms. This increases the efficiency of removal of petroleum hydrocarbons by increasing the number of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms. Currently, these bacterial preparations developed enough. Bacterial preparations which reduce not only the amount of oil in the soil, but also the content of heavy metals are of great interest. The authors present a biological product Rekoyl which consists of a consortium of oxidizing microorganisms immobilized on brown coal. It is show that the bacterial preparation Rekoyl is effective for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (reduction of oil content in the 63-93 %). In addition, this product helps detoxify contaminated cuttings and soils from heavy metals (reduction of mobile forms of heavy metals cadmium, copper, lead, zinc, chromium at 29-66%). Bioremediation technology using bacterial preparation Rekoyl is developed for cleaning oil-contaminated soils and drill cuttings based on laboratory and pilot-scale studies. Experimentally determined that the dose of the biopreparation - 0.1 g/kg.


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