Development of normative requirement for oil and gas field gathering pipeline

UDK: 622.692.4.07
Key words: oil and gas field gathering pipeline, normative requirement, safety, reliability, resource conservation, minimum safe distance
Authors: G.G. Vasilev, S.I. Sencov, S.G. Ivancova, I.A. Leonovich (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)

Development of a process-oriented approach to regulatory activities and the formation of a new system normative and technical documentation can result in ambiguous situations in the field of cooperation and mutual supplement vaults requirements of regulations and national standards, and thus to standardize, as a whole, leading to different interpretations in compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, especially in view of the total lobbying of corporate interests. This situation greatly complicated by the fact that in the process of development of national standards, which usually takes place on the basis of existing rules and regulations in their demands made certain changes unfounded. Thus, the requirements developed by national standards are beginning to conflict with the requirements of updated codes of practice. This situation gives rise to different interpretations in the design and construction of facilities, which can cause conflicts in the production and acceptance of work.


1. Russian Federation Government Resolution No. 624 from July 1, 2016

Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 01.07.2016 № 624 “Ob utverzhdenii Pravil

razrabotki, utverzhdeniya, opublikovaniya, izmeneniya i otmeny svodov pravil”

(On Approval of Rules of development, approval, publication, modification

and cancellation of sets of rules).

2. Federal Law тo. 104-FZ of April 5, 2016, On the amendments to individual

legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the issues of standardization.

3. SP 34-116-97. Instruktsiya po proektirovaniyu, stroitel'stvu i rekonstruktsii

promyslovykh neftegazoprovodov (Instructions for the design, construction

and reconstruction of field oil and gas pipelines).

4. GOST R 55990-2014. Mestorozhdeniya neftyanye i gazoneftyanye.

Promyslovye truboprovody. Normy proektirovaniya (Oil and gas-oil fields.

Field pipelines. Design codes).

5. GOST 31443-2012. Truby stal'nye dlya promyslovykh truboprovodov.

Tekhnicheskie usloviya (Steel pipes for crafts pipelines. Specifications).

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