Conditions of the effective use of hot water flooding for development of heavy oil deposits with non-uniform permeability

UDK: 622.276.43
Key words: thermal recovery, heavy oil, layer-by-layer heterogeneous reservoir, water production, negotiationsthe, relative permeability of oil
Authors: I.V. Vladimirov, E.M. Almuhametova, E.M.Veliyev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

Isothermal filtration processes in layered inhomogeneous permeability heavy oil reservoir are considered. The results of hydrodynamic calculations are given. It is shown that thermal treatment of layered inhomogeneous permeability reservoirs are almost always results in positive technological effect. In case of non-uniform permeable stratum, when permeability of layers differs a lot, thermal treatment allows to significantly increase oil recovery, and the effect is quickly growing. At the same time a volume of liquid withdrawals rises. This type of collector is the most favorable for thermal recovery. For such collectors in the long-term prospect the effectiveness of thermal treatment doesn’t depend on the entry level of water-cut. However, to quickly process a positive effect of hot water injection it is recommended to implement thermal recovery from the beginning of deposits development. If the collector consists of the high permeability layers only, when permeability differs by two times or less, the effect of thermal exposure insignificant in magnitude and increases slowly. This case is characterized by a significant dependence on the entry level of water-cut. The largest increase of oil recovery factor is achieved in a variant when the injection of hot water begins at high water-cut.


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