The accounting of the mechanism of heat conductivity in the hydrodynamic models of the skilled site of yaregsky of the field

Authors: A.I. Volik, S. M. Durkin, O.A. Morozyuk, L.M. Ruzin (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta)

Key words: field, high-viscosity oil, hydrodynamic modeling, heat conductivity, development indicators.

For rational, science-based heavy oil exploitation the creation of simulation models requires using a variety of modern software products. Often the accuracy of modeling of technological processes is influenced by shortcomings of simulators. The simulator of STARS doesn't consider heat arriving in layer at the expense of heat conductivity through a lateral wall of a well. In this connection, the calculation procedure and the accounting of additional quantity of heat on the basis of statistical data is developed. The filtrational model of a site OPU-3 bis Yaregskoye oil field taking into account the heat conductivity mechanism is created; technological indicators OPU-3 bis by two options are predicted; extent of influence of the additional mechanism of warming up on technological indicators of development is estimated. The mechanism of warming up of productive layer due to heat conductivity has essential impact on final coefficient of oil recovery that is caused by the additional useful energy brought in layer by development Yaregskoye heavy oil field.
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